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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    wrap you up in my daisy chains is such a great sexy line     
  2. Lust liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    wrap you up in my daisy chains is such a great sexy line     
  3. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    wrap you up in my daisy chains is such a great sexy line     
  4. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Get Free is the kind of song you'd hear at the end of an apocalypse movie or something like Apollo 13 as the main character is being thrust into a fireball after saving the entire world/galaxy/universe and accepting their fate 
    It's the kind of song that takes the dead out of the sea and the darkness from the arts. It combines humanity into a collective hivemind of interlinked thoughts and emotions where we all resonate on the same frequency and can feel the flowers growing beneath our feet and within our soul. The song reverberates like bursts of light in supernova nucleosynthesis at the dawn on the universe and crashes down upon the minds of the bruised and beaten by life and heals like the fountain of youth. 
    If Lana closes her concert with this song, after she walks off, the entire arena will begin to levitate slightly in their seats as the arena lifts off of earth and flies to the moon, where Lana is there waiting in the foreground of a sky full of stars and rainbows 
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    tbh when i try to sing along to some of these songs i want to tear up a bit, not really from sadness but from being emotional 
    especially 13 beaches (and those strings literally pull my heart and when the drums come after, well that's magical) and heroin (the"oh my god" and "oh oh oh oh" really really get me, they remind me of some folcloric moroccan music one of my friends listens to) 
  6. SouthInGuy liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    tbh when i try to sing along to some of these songs i want to tear up a bit, not really from sadness but from being emotional 
    especially 13 beaches (and those strings literally pull my heart and when the drums come after, well that's magical) and heroin (the"oh my god" and "oh oh oh oh" really really get me, they remind me of some folcloric moroccan music one of my friends listens to) 
  7. Cloudbusting liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    tbh when i try to sing along to some of these songs i want to tear up a bit, not really from sadness but from being emotional 
    especially 13 beaches (and those strings literally pull my heart and when the drums come after, well that's magical) and heroin (the"oh my god" and "oh oh oh oh" really really get me, they remind me of some folcloric moroccan music one of my friends listens to) 
  8. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    She sounds like a superhero 
    Or Karl Marx 
  9. fl0ridakil0s liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    tbh when i try to sing along to some of these songs i want to tear up a bit, not really from sadness but from being emotional 
    especially 13 beaches (and those strings literally pull my heart and when the drums come after, well that's magical) and heroin (the"oh my god" and "oh oh oh oh" really really get me, they remind me of some folcloric moroccan music one of my friends listens to) 
  10. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Lana Confessions   
    trash magic is amazing 
  11. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Heroin was made for depressed people
    it describes how depression feels
  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Shades in Las Vegas Shooting   
    ISIS takes responsibility for anything ranging from coffee being inconveniently spilled to full blown terror attacks. do not try to spin this into islamophobia. this was terrorism at the hands of a white man who should have never had such easy access to military grade weapons.
    why is bringing up anti-gun ideology at a time like this laughable to you? when has such a discussion ever been more relevant? when are these proposed bans and anti-gun measures ever more appropriate or well-supported by massacres like this? what more evidence do we need?
  13. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Las Vegas Shooting   
    this gun shooter was a 64 year old Nevada Christian and he was a hunter. He went hunting with his hunting weapons and then killed himself
    Should have gone to the Grand Canyon and jumped off thereby saving more than 500 people from getting shot, so far 59 people from dying,
    and the entire nation being terrorized because he had a death wish and had a fetish for holding/stroking a gun in his hand
    and btw, how many guns and bullets does one person need for hunting?
  14. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Las Vegas Shooting   
    the NRA is a terror org.  Follow the money trail.
    babys don't need pacifiers
    adults don't need guns/bullets
    both are the same thing
    guns don't save. guns kill
    the fixation with the 1850s or 1950s in America, which was a real horrible time for most of today's demographics is not something to idolize.
    and no, the perp who did this last night would not have readily used another method.
    But one wishes he jumped into the Grand Canyon and unlike a gun, he would have saved 59 lives and counting and thousands of other from being hurt and terrorized.
    Not shooting a gun saves
  15. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Shades in Las Vegas Shooting   
    i can hardly argue with a statement that is barely intelligible, but I'll try.
    we barely know anything? here's what we know.
    1 -- a man was able to buy multiple military grade weapons without any significant barriers
    2 -- the same man then went on to use these weapons to kill dozens of people and injure hundreds more
    3 -- this same exact scenario has happened dozens of times now and is only getting worse and becoming more frequent
    4 -- anybody who wants to do the same can easily repeat exactly what he did with little trouble
    What else do we need to know?! His motives? Who the fuck cares about why he did what he did -- the point is he was able to do it almost as easily as someone can buy a sandwich at a restaurant. His motives don't change the issue at hand. This is not an isolated issue.
    quite bold of you to make such a statement when we literally have an abundance of evidence that clearly shows that strict gun legislations is directly correlated with a decrease in such crimes. see: any other country with strict gun laws. see: Australia implementing strict gun laws after the 1996 massacre and the success that followed.
    no, removing a gun from the equation will not stop someone who is determined to do harm, but it sure as hell makes it a lot harder for them to do so, especially on such an enormous scale like this.
    honestly, how dare people mourn these deaths and express their "condolences" and still have the absolute gall and indecency to refuse to acknowledge that there is a major gun problem in the US.
  16. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Las Vegas Shooting   
    I could hardly watch the videos, this is so sickening and all my thoughts and sincere condolences are with those who were there who have been victims of the shooting or had to witness these kind of attacks 
    it is really hard to get the courage of continuing to live life like you did before, unless people come together and encourage and empower each other to not succumb to terror. i'm always torn between being paranoidly afraid of going anywhere and pretending to be brave and go outside and have fun and do all the things terrorists (and the like) want to make you afraid of. and las vegas *is* a (or maybe THE) place for having fun and letting go, i pray for the people to heal, and that in the future, governments might show to be more willing to protect its citizens with the right legislation 
    3 years ago, i was with my friends drinking hot wine in paper goblets until a truck driver crashed into the christmas market in front of us and run over 11 people and it took us a moment to go up some stairs to a store, and some hours later we were supposed to get to a bus to go to belgium and enjoy a lighthearted weekend before the real shit began at prep school. i'm glad we went with our plans and stuck together and i don't know if it counts as fighting against terrorism but despite all my fears i didn't want to stop living because of people like these  
  17. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Las Vegas Shooting   
    I could hardly watch the videos, this is so sickening and all my thoughts and sincere condolences are with those who were there who have been victims of the shooting or had to witness these kind of attacks 
    it is really hard to get the courage of continuing to live life like you did before, unless people come together and encourage and empower each other to not succumb to terror. i'm always torn between being paranoidly afraid of going anywhere and pretending to be brave and go outside and have fun and do all the things terrorists (and the like) want to make you afraid of. and las vegas *is* a (or maybe THE) place for having fun and letting go, i pray for the people to heal, and that in the future, governments might show to be more willing to protect its citizens with the right legislation 
    3 years ago, i was with my friends drinking hot wine in paper goblets until a truck driver crashed into the christmas market in front of us and run over 11 people and it took us a moment to go up some stairs to a store, and some hours later we were supposed to get to a bus to go to belgium and enjoy a lighthearted weekend before the real shit began at prep school. i'm glad we went with our plans and stuck together and i don't know if it counts as fighting against terrorism but despite all my fears i didn't want to stop living because of people like these  
  18. Elle liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Las Vegas Shooting   
    I could hardly watch the videos, this is so sickening and all my thoughts and sincere condolences are with those who were there who have been victims of the shooting or had to witness these kind of attacks 
    it is really hard to get the courage of continuing to live life like you did before, unless people come together and encourage and empower each other to not succumb to terror. i'm always torn between being paranoidly afraid of going anywhere and pretending to be brave and go outside and have fun and do all the things terrorists (and the like) want to make you afraid of. and las vegas *is* a (or maybe THE) place for having fun and letting go, i pray for the people to heal, and that in the future, governments might show to be more willing to protect its citizens with the right legislation 
    3 years ago, i was with my friends drinking hot wine in paper goblets until a truck driver crashed into the christmas market in front of us and run over 11 people and it took us a moment to go up some stairs to a store, and some hours later we were supposed to get to a bus to go to belgium and enjoy a lighthearted weekend before the real shit began at prep school. i'm glad we went with our plans and stuck together and i don't know if it counts as fighting against terrorism but despite all my fears i didn't want to stop living because of people like these  
  19. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Same. I was very confused at first but then I found the innocence interpretation and I'm pretty comfortable with it.
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