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  1. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by Formation in Instagram Updates   
    I'm legitimately confused as to why some of you are taken aback by any of this behavior. She's literally always been a fiery person on social media against those that she doesn't like ("it's coming you little bitch" "GO F**K YOURSELF" etc). I would also be pissed off at fans that were 1)including me in their private* convos 2)saying things about my mental health whenever I'm clearing just voicing my opinion (just because someone is less reserved than usual doesn't mean something is "wrong.") This is just the Kayne comment except she worded things less eloquently. Clearly she's always had harsh commentary about how people perceive her (FMWUTTT, MPG, Sad Girl, etc.), except for once she said it without any irony or metaphors.
    *private as in these accounts discuss things or post comments about her as if she'll never see them even though she clearly lurks their accounts. Even if the mental health comment was directed towards her, it still seems really odd to think that she has suddenly snapped or something.
  2. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Twitter Updates   
    that mothers day post is so awkward and shady omg
  3. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by Bridge Tiessa in Instagram Updates   
    No, she didn’t basically do that.
  4. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    if someone knows about bullshit and women being mistreated in the music industry that's our old pal Madge
  5. VeniceBambi liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    haha this was my thought as well, with venus in retrograde it makes sense she posted it now
  6. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    I am an astrology enthusiast and I believe its the new moon tomorrow and venus in retrograde causing her emotions to be riled up. I know rn in my personal life im going through it so lol
  7. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah, cancel "culture" is definitely a thing but it's rare that people actually get "cancelled." I can't think of anyone who got cancelled that hasn't bounced back. I mean, James Charles has a TV show now or whatever that weird thing is. This won't impact her in the long run.
  8. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    I mean no, not really. People have gone out of their way to explain why what she said was insensitive, the bigger picture, give her the benefit of the doubt, etc. Some people are quick on the draw here and some are frustrated, which translates into what they say and how they say it, but people have gone into exhaustive detail trying to explain the very concept of subtle and unintended racism. Just because you don't see it that way doesn't mean that all the responses are the same as stan twitter's quick memeification, abstractions, and essentialisms, and representing it as that isn't a good look.
  9. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Instagram Updates   
    Love her but this mess is the worst thing she could just bring to herself. 
    She sounds bitter and over nothing. It's very "I wish I was dead" circa 2014 when for the last 6 years she's been receiving nothing but acclaim from critics and even general public.
    It was Bad worded, with a thin veiled racism. Why didn't she didn't address her frustrarion about the males that always get away with the same stuff she mentioned? Why did she pick the black girls that also got the same criticism for being sexual in her songs? 
    It really just makes no sense. If she's also really that bothered about people getting #1, maybe she should stand her lazy ass and get out of Instagram and actually promote her music (and let it fucking speaks for itself instead of putting clown make up on for this mess).
    I don't really care about her intention, this is just trash that she should have kept to herself instead of trying to paint herself as a victim. She overhauled every critic ever since her Ultraviolence days and should be happy about it. If she wants to go back to singing about being raw-ed about some 70YO outlaw, go for it girl, just don't expect that people will care about you at all. But I guess that's also not a problem for someone who wanted just to live "out of her poetry singing for the ones who understand and care about me"
    The whole thing is just so bad because she keeps stumbling. She talks about #1, about critics, about feminism and yet just... got nothing.
  10. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    For some reason, I loved what Lana wrote because it's true. Some of us have had shitty mothers. We cling to someone who may not be blood related but they are kind and warm. There's so many people who have it rough on mothers day. Whatever happened, all 3 Grants seem to agree. I'm glad Lana has Candace in her life and look at her as a mother. This is probably the first time in a while Lana has been real. Usually she'll post this or that or her poetry which is all good, but her message today is very real. Goodness knows how many people she comforted today who don't have mom or do have one who's a nasty piece of work. I'm not saying that Patty is evil or anything, just saying, that beef she has with her mom is on her, but her words today comforted a lot of people. Look at all the comments she got under that tweet. 
  11. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    i feel like her post was more to shade her mother then to say happy mothers day to candance or w.e, even if that was not her intentions, she really made it feel like she hates her mom omggg
  12. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    poor pattie, does anyone know why they have such a weird none existing relationship? im just curious....she seems close to her dad, i wonder what happened
  13. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    clearly, but this is a internet board to discuss lana stuff
  14. Starsx liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    this is spot on
  15. Starsx liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    for reals, its just so awkward and doesnt feel genuine at all
  16. Starsx liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    i try to make amends with people but no one is required to rekindle things with people, but i feel like her whole post was just so awkward and shady
  17. Starsx liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    i feel like her post was more to shade her mother then to say happy mothers day to candance or w.e, even if that was not her intentions, she really made it feel like she hates her mom omggg
  18. Starsx liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    poor pattie, does anyone know why they have such a weird none existing relationship? im just curious....she seems close to her dad, i wonder what happened
  19. Escapism liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    clearly, but this is a internet board to discuss lana stuff
  20. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    i try to make amends with people but no one is required to rekindle things with people, but i feel like her whole post was just so awkward and shady
  21. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Instagram Updates   
    i feel like her post was more to shade her mother then to say happy mothers day to candance or w.e, even if that was not her intentions, she really made it feel like she hates her mom omggg
  22. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by BuZhidao in Instagram Updates   
    Lana said one of her favorite of her favorite books was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill back in 2009 (or awhile ago, I don't remember), plus she's mentioned quite a few other self help books that she likes. She's always been basic and a bit gullible, y'all just didn't want to see it.
    ETA: I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I'm just confused whenever people act like she's soooo different now. She's always been this way, which is part of why I like her.
  23. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    being told she was a chameleon soul was probably not a compliment. if she was told "she has an inner decisiveness as wide and as wavering as the ocean" and a "chameleon soul", she's being told she doesn't have a concrete sense of self. not really a compliment.
  24. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    I agree with everything that you stated here. I’m sorry about your situation and I can relate to it. It’s comforting that Lana posted this so we know we’re not alone. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always around.
  25. drippingbeaches liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Twitter Updates   
    that headline... mess 
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