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my ol man isa batman

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  1. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by lola in 'Tropico' Out December 5 + Official Trailers   


  2. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    i wonder if rob lies like his daughter does

  3. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    What? Are you guys seriously making plans based on a secondhand account of what her dad said in Argentina? Now, I'm not saying it couldn't turn out to be true, but have you guys been reading this thread?
  4. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by lola in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    1 day. lol how things have changed
  5. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Her dad should do her promo tbh. SPILL THE TRUE TEA, ROB! SPILL IT!!!!

  6. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
  7. silver starlet liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    fitting place to freeze to death though 
  8. Alicia liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    fitting place to freeze to death though 
  9. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Foolish in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    I think it will be way more metaphorical with cultural and personal references than just bible tale of redemption. Lana meeting Jesus, Marilyn and Elvis in Eden ? Extraterrestials ? Lana praying  to John Wayne to forget our sins ? It will be such a huge complicated mess    (And i dont really think there will be Cola considering this song is the confession to a married daddy-man. I think they will keep the path of true destined love between Lana and Albino).
  10. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Slumdog in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Hi guys, I'm new on this forum so I don't know if it's right to post this here...
    When Lana came to Argentina, her family stayed longer than her and some people had the chance to chat with them. They said they felt comfortable here and were really kind and shared a few things about Lana. Rob said Tropico premieres December 2nd in L.A. and the 4th on NYC.
    Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=679627902069661&set=a.317140631651725.83030.312966588735796&type=1
    There are other interesting things they said, for example, that Lana wanted to sing a song in Spanish but could't due to a lack of time. Also, Chuck is preparing a documentary with footage of the shows and such but I don't know where to share it or if you already know these things...
  11. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    ya i'm just gonna leave this here, fir future ref


  12. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Well things definitely have changed.
    She is not gonna do it in an open cemetery in the winter!
    Everybody would freeze to death and not that many ppl would come.
  13. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    What if K stands for Kodomo tho? 
  14. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    I tried to write a response to keep this going but had no ideas 
  15. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Here ya go:
    You know, you've convinced me. I bet that will premiere at the grand opening of the Institute of Innovative Thinkers.
  16. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by YUNGKALIMXEL in Eli Roth Recorded a Video With Lana Del Rey and Marilyn Manson   
    You obviously dont know him. He answers every question with detail and like it's a school essay. Also, like with his music, he looks for a deeper meaning in things and obviously the host wanted to keep it simple and not have an in-depth discussion on the show and he kept cutting him off. Then again in their defense, it's a live show so they dont have time for that. Still, shouldn't have had him on the show....
  17. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by larina in Make up terrifying animals that could probably be real in Australia!   
    That is true. It is so disgusting!!! But my family like to keep our house clean, so the brave family members dispose of them.  
    That would be very creepy. But then if it bit someone, they'd become a vampire... Or would they transform into a kangaroo too lol.
  18. Elina liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Eli Roth Recorded a Video With Lana Del Rey and Marilyn Manson   
    ok I know nothing else about this but...

  19. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by lauradelxx in Lana's band, do they get enough credit ?   
    Idk but secretly i want lana + blake
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