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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. So, Eclipse dropped on this thread to say that vinyls should be brown because Of scat porn… Usually, scat is prophetic of something happening, so… something is really coming tomorrow?!?!?
  2. If she posts something related to the album, im expecting a snippet or a trailer if we’re lucky. I don’t think a single is coming tomorrow.
  3. I think BoZ had hinted, the week or so before, that a single was coming…And she had teased BB via IG.. But it’s true that we didn’t have confirmation until the day before!
  4. It’s true that Lana is not known for dropping clues or when she does, they get lost between her posts about whatever (her moon pictures or the spells on Trump; we all thought she was dropping Easter eggs and hints about the next steps for pre-release ) BUT the last weeks look like she posted more carefully than usual… Even her interview didn’t reveal much… Could we finally have a good rollout this time around?
  5. Agree with you it’s highly unusual. It happened a few times though: Mariners and VB were announced out of the blue and nobody had spilled the tea prior to it. I don’t remember anyone spoiling You’ll Never Walk Alone before she posted her acapella video on IG. But other than that, there’s always an insider who knows something…
  6. I had never made the association, but if you put side by side the alt cover for NFR and the standard COCC one, it makes the COCC one look cuter.
  7. Yep I know nothing Thanks for clarifying though
  8. Nan, it wasn’t Jack nor Kanye… I don’t even think it was a real producer except in my dream And yeah, Jack and Rick were on board and everyone was happy about that (this proves I’m no psychic: no way this is happening outside unicorn world)
  9. Oh?!! A Mike Dean and Weeknd track?!? It’s new, right? if so, what if Lana is featured on it to boost her upcoming album?? And stars again?!? God, can tomorrow come any faster? (I’m probably reaching and showing my ignorance for the Weeknd )
  10. You got a big storm coming Seriously, it’s not a bad song (but neither are Art Deco or Summer Bummer or even Groupie Love), with a good pair of headphones, the guitars at the end sound lovely. And it’s a really “Midwest” song/small town and ever since someone here said as a joke it was the Gay Anthem for semi-closeted Queer young men living in small towns, it helped me love it even more
  11. I had a dream about LDR9 last night… DragonWhore was finally spilling the tea on it… She was announcing it on her birthday and would release it a couple of days later, alongside a lead single. The feeling was cold beach. There wasn’t a Lanita track but a Lanina one instead. She was working with a new producer for one track but the song was bad (can’t remember who).
  12. Oh the season association with albums debate again…
  13. I’m really curious for any single or even snippet at this point, like what is going on?!? The HM channeling through May and June, now the LFL references… (and oddly enough, these are the two albums that aren’t as appreciated - HM by the GP and LFL by us). I don’t think we’re getting a LFL 2.0 (none of her albums is a 2.0), but maybe there’ll be some channeling of it… If there is a “political/peace-oriented” song, I hope it’s in the vein of Looking for America.
  14. If we look back at the LFL trailer, it’s filled with clues about the album: the collabs of course, but the red strawberry is there because the Color red is featured in many songs, the moon symbol for Heroin, the planets and galaxy for Love (could also apply to TNBAR and Yosemite, that both have that “cosmic” samples), the Statue of Liberty for GBA, the Hollywood sign for the title track, the contribution line that ended up on Coachella. The witchy feeling is not really present on any song though (BPBP because of Stevie?! Serene Queen might have been the “witchiest” song of that era but I don’t think anyone said it was even considered for the tracklist). she better announce something related to LDR9 on Tuesday (the meltdowns if she doesn’t)… and I’d love if there was some sort of mystery / cosmic / witchy feeling to tracks for this album…
  15. If it had been for that IG post only, I wouldn’t have batted an eye; but she reposted the LFL trailer AND she included some W mag photos and behind the scenes videos and photo to her Star Align Highlight on HM… it gives more credibility to that theory that she’ll post something album-related on her birthday (if she doesn’t, this is what I’m posting on that day: )
  16. It’s probably been discussed before, but did you see that the “Stars Align” highlight on her account now has the W mag photoshoot included in it and not just the Summertime Sadness little dance she did in Italy!? I mean, I know we don’t Stan Taylor, but it has to mean something album-related…
  17. Just woke up… it can’t be coincidental … The post, the LFL trailer, plus there is already a Stars Align Highlights on her HM account…
  18. She should pull out a Beyoncé and call the next album BDay at this point
  19. Glad Buddy’s Rendezvous got officially released today: it’s what I needed, after the Rob-might-be-trolling-us gate.
  20. It sounds so amazing in HQ… her most Honeymoon song in years… ”Can I see you again?” Breaks my heart everytime
  21. I’m surprised she didn’t surprise drop it this time.
  22. One of his posts had to be about her though, the one about the beautiful SF songs…
  23. They could… but does she want to have a rerelease with bonus songs? Cause I don’t see them going against her will on the matter…
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