About the « safe » lyrics of NFR...
each one of her albums is a chapter in her life. BTD is end of teenage, UV is early 20, HM is end of 20 to 30, LFL is her 30’s life crisis and NFR is mid-30. She always sang about what she was living at the moment and each of her records feels personal on that matter. You can’t expect her to sing about being a cocained Lolita who wants a daddy anymore because that’s not who she is anymore: she is in her 30s and made it, and she is coming closer in age being a mother than to act like a teenage. The themes she explored on UV and BTD are probably gone. On NFR, she is the same person she was on BTD, only grown up. She is still unapologetic, but maybe not that auto destructive anymore (and about her being a « good girl », go back and listen to Gramma on AKA: you have the essence of LDR: a good girl who feels too much and who is tempted to give in her to her demons: on NFR, she kinda remembers that and is back at that place). NFR is the album that screams: take me as I am and fuck off if you don’t like it, maybe more so than the ones that came before it. The album feels extremely sincere and I don’t think she toned down anything to please the crowd. The only album that don’t feel 100% « authentic » is LFL: Some songs are heartfelt (13 Beaches, In My Feelings, Heroin, Change, Get Free), while some others are written from « other perspectives » and don’t feel as « sincere », in a way (BPBP, GBA...). Also, she stated that NFR was inspired by singer-songwriter vibes from Laurel Canyon, and it’s exactly that: sincere, emotional, minimal production, incredible storytelling. You couldn’t have UV lyrics on that kind of production and call it « Laurel Canyon inspired ». I don’t know if that inspiration was intentional form day one or if it came along the way.
I’m not sure what some here expect from her lyrics. To me, as long as the songs feel sincere and have beautiful imagery in the lyrics, they will be incredible LDR songs. I’m curious to hear what the last months brought to her lyricism, if we will feel her in a « raw » state of mind or not, especially knowing that the album was completed on a short period of time.