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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. Audiobook contains the 14 (probably) longest poemsWritten book contains more than 30 poems (she had a lot of haikus that could make it to the book but would be too short for the album) The second book (Behind the Iron Gâtes) is a different project from Violet I don’t see why Violet’s multiple releases would interfere with COCC. The multiple releases of Violet are there to allow physical production and shipping. I also see the audiobook out on July 28 as a strategy to get it eligible for the Spoken-Word Album Grammy.
  2. Simple outfit but she looks good
  3. I am surprised that by 2021, Jack and her will have put out four projects together, which is astounding. I agree with most of what you said, maybe not as much about her lyrics being safe on NFR (three titles had fuck or bitch in them. I agree that she doesn’t sound angry on NFR and is fresh out of fucks forever). I read in what she said about the culture that she feels her voice doesn’t have its place. I think she may receive backlash as being « not a feminist », if she sings about being incomplete after a heartbreak. I expect to see her vulnerability also, like on Hope, Heroin and Patent Leather, to see that she is a fragile woman, battling with sadness / depression from time to time. I’ m not so sure there’ll be « big fuck you » moments like there were on UV, though I’d be fine with those too.
  4. The countdown was on a branch of her official websites that isn’t super up to date apparently. Not even sure the countdown was for Friday. It was probably for the poetry book.
  5. It’s unclear, probably for Violet. That branch of the official Lana sites isn’t that up to date apparently.
  6. Since it’s an audiobook, it won’t be on steaming platforms. We have to buy it on Kobo or Audible lr Google Play, apparently.
  7. I don’t think she’ll say anything. I reread her post and she said the release dates were coming today... not necessarily by her apparently.
  8. And wouldn’t they name the single rather than call it « the lead single »?I hate the Twitter fan accounts.
  9. I know it's not the COCC thread, but since I was talking about both COCC and Violet, thought I'd post it here.
  10. I wonder if she'll pull a «double release» like last year, when we got four songs from her before the album... Like a single from COCC next week and then Violet? Or a single (if there's one) close to COCC's release?
  11. It’s true that she never said SHE’d post the dates... Maybe she won’t post after all.
  12. A couple of bundles were available on her store with no descriptions whatsoever of them, but they were taken down. Some of us think that maybe Violet and COCC could be bundled together.
  13. We pushed both the audiobook and the written book in the bestseller category on Amazon Canada
  14. I sure hope she'll get to it sooner in the day she announces with COCC, because everyone is stealing her thunder lol.
  15. Since it's an audiobook, it doesn't seem very likely it will be on streaming platforms. Her site has links to Google Play, Audible and Kobo, which are all for traditional audiobooks.
  16. I am honestly super surprised by the love for this project. In the NFR era, almost everybody seemed to be shitting all over her poetry :/
  17. Curious how this one turns out, because I see a fed-up mother who just killed her kids and is now finally happy the place quieted down hahahahaha
  18. Not a bad thing that they wait for the COCC preorder : we will all be broke by the end of the day lol
  19. Hey don’t worry, hun It was honestly a bit hard to keep track of everything she posted in those days. I had to obsessively go back and reread and relisten to everything to get my facts straight. Luv y’a!
  20. It will be on the second audio and the second book, in MarchUnless it’s an interlude of some sort on COCC and it’s only a written book?
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