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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. So when is this coming out? Saw a couple of people saying «soon» (they got their source from Reddit lol)... It sounds like a bop. I love the introspective side of NFR, but something lighter in tone like this would be so welcome.
  2. Agree! Hell, it was a small venue: she can wear whatever she wants. https://www.instagram.com/weadorelana/ Snippets form yesterday's show. There's also a part of the interview with Jack. It gives a little idea of how she can be in the studio...
  3. I just love to imagine that she could be recording songs for WHF right now: the first leg of the tour is done, Jack was in town yesterday...
  4. yeah, I'd love Yosemite as well. But hey, who knows? I was dead sure TNBAR would never make it to NFR, so... NFR taught me that no matter how much we think we have the damn thing figured out, she will always surprise us and those surprises are more magical than what we thought we wanted in the first place. Yes, I wanted more psychedelic guitars like VB and yet, the songs are just so amazing without them.
  5. How much cash / time does he have to be present at all of her shows?!?!
  6. Amen!!! That was what I wanted to write: more guitar-based songs. I'm listening a lot to Wild On You / Color Blue lately and it is just so simple and beautiful. NFR would be mostly piano and WHF could be guitar.
  7. That! Plus she must have recorded Chelsea Hotel with Adam Cohen as well. Maybe it'll be a cute acoustic / low-key EP.
  8. Woah, from the little parts of it I saw, it was an amazing show!!! She sang Hope?!? Never thought she'd risk doing it live (I think she only did a small portion of it, but still). There were many guests, but it sounded amazing...
  9. So, another «practice» of a cover song with friends before a show (For Free with Weyes and Zella)... Is the bich recording this for her «Pacific Blue» cover album?
  10. It really is a «hit and miss» for me with this tour. She has had some moments (the title track, Bartender, For Free), but she also had not-so-great ones (not remembering the words to the songs from NFR?!?!). I saw her twice in the past, before the LATTM tour. I see her mostly as a recording artist. She did impress me though with the last tour. But this one, I don't see her putting that much effort into it (she should skip the acapella part of the show when it comes to new songs and give them a proper place on the set)
  11. Well, most of these songs are chosen for representing the 2010's. I get the two choices, though she made so many more gems that aren't on that list. That song kinda encapsulates the time we're living in: everything is going to shit, I want the old times back. Its melancholy is really 2019.
  12. I agree with you that she should remember the words to the songs of the last record, especially in a tour named after it. True, if someone asks her about The Blackest Day right now, I would be ok with her not remembering all the words. But not remembering the lyrics to the NFR songs?!?! Come on, girl. maybe this is what we should expect from her in the future, for her records: she will sing live a couple of songs of the new record, the rest were made to be recorded on an album but won't be featured live (as disappointing as this is).
  13. When she doesn’t know the words to her own songs, I’m always torn between two thoughts: 1- It’s your damn job, to know the words to your damn songs, bich 2- well, she is always writing, so songs get mixed up. She also has so many long songs with many lyrics; if she didn’t sing those for two years, I get she doesn’t remember everything.
  14. i wonder if it was a one-shot deal... I mean, Lana did say herself they were super messy... Imagine it's HER saying that... But If there are other songs that came out of that project, bring them on!!!
  15. When asked how the album sounds like, she is always talking about the tracks she is doing at the moment lolll LFL sure has HM vibes on the songs she did earlier (minimal instruments and lots of strings like Heroin and 13 Beaches, at least originally). When she said HM sounded jazz, she must have been refering to the title track and Terrence (some songs on HM do have a BTD vibe, like God Knows I Tried, just not THAT much lol). So, just like you, I'm not taking her word for cash so early in the process to describe WHF.
  16. Well, in the early stages of NFR, she said it would be in the vein of Change (which a couple of tracks are). She is still in the early stages of WHF: she might decide to change its direction sonically in the next months. I love NFR, but I hope that WHF will be its own thing, not a NFR 2.0 or LFL 2.0 or any other album 2.0
  17. I really wish Apple would make her version at the Apple event available on Apple Music. They must have recorded it?!?
  18. I’d love a cover album. All the covers she did on her tours were amazing. Maybe someday...
  19. On a FB group. Probably someone trolling, but I was wondering if anyone here had heard of it.
  20. Anyone heard about the rumour that a new snippet leaked on Insta, possibly one from WHF? Something about « White lines on your chest, we’re such a mess, take off my dress, you’re mine forever »... It sounds a bit too much like Love Song to be true. Maybe it’s one of the alternate versions of Love Song?
  21. I get that so much! I really hope she sticks to her plan of a surprise drop: no singles before, no snippets, just the album. I really love NFR, but the wait was excruciating.
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