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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. …every inch of my tar-black soul he doesn’t mind i have a flat, broke-down life in fact he says it’s what he might like about me admires me, the way i roll like a rolling stone
  2. she should try speaking in tongues for this album, give us something chaotic!
  3. well, she did marry a rapist, & publically defend her child-rapist brother, as well as collab with 6ix9ine, who sexually assaulted a 13 year old girl…
  4. this made me switch my theme to lust for life after using violets for so long & honestly i love it, i love all of the pretty colors
  5. i’m sorry but you shouldn’t have to educate a man about your rights, it’s 2022 & he could easily learn the facts about abortion himself, or maybe he should’ve just listened to what women were saying about it from the start, at this point it’s his own ignorance, you shouldn’t have to change his ways of thinking for him, & it isn’t worth being with somebody who you think “respects” you, like you said, at some point you may need one, what are you going to do when he doesn’t want you to get one? obviously, you have the choice, but a man who subscribes to right-wing ideals probably has views about women which are just backwards & wrong, you shouldn’t have to settle for somebody who doesn’t believe in your rights, or somebody who has viewpoints which you believe are harmful & wrong, he can change his beliefs on his own, he shouldn’t need a woman to do that for him
  6. i think we should just find a random island, inhabit it, & create our own society, at this point
  7. as extreme as it may sound, i wouldn’t put taking away women’s right to vote out of the realm of possibility since there’s some conservative men there who think we’re too “emotional” to vote, or something like that
  8. it’s interesting how conservatives get all riled up about their constitutional right to own & carry a gun, but when it comes to the constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy…
  9. this should be a public health emergency, all this will lead to is more deaths from dangerous pregnancy complications, children being abused, sent to the foster care system, extended trauma from sexual assaults, & people losing their ability to live full lives, all they care about is the fetus’ “life” as if any fetus is aware they’re a living thing, i don’t think abortion is something that’s “good” because it can be a very tragic & difficult thing to have to do but the woman who already exists should be prioritized, especially since i’m going to assume a great majority of abortions are performed out of concern for the future life of the potential child or the mother’s wellbeing, i’ve heard they may ban abortions for ectopic pregnancies, in that case, BOTH mother & baby will die, it’s literally pointless, it’s sick
  10. i’m already tired of seeing photos of “pro-life advocates” celebrating in the streets, i’m sorry but they’re fucking stupid, they don’t give a damn about the child & it’s ability to live a happy life once it’s actually born, & they’re so blind & oblivious that they don’t see that
  11. i feel scared that they aren’t going to stop here, in my state, it seems like abortion will still be legal, but what if they take away access to birth control? what if they go as far as reversing the right to gay marriage? interracial marriage? we just simply can’t go back, this is so scary to think they were more progressive about the issue in the 70s, apparently…
  12. if they try to take away gay marriage/interracial marriage, i feel like things are going to get REALLY nasty, i know people can be awful but i want to think a good chunk of people would be very upset at those rights taken away, taking away birth control would be extremely upsetting as well, i think it’s ridiculous that even as it is you can’t even get your tubes tied unless you’re like 38 & married
  13. because more women forced to support children & more people here in general means more people who will have no choice but to be slaves to the system, this means more money & power for the big corporations & their billionaire CEOs & less power to the majority of people making up this country (but also because they have extremely backwards beliefs & feel threatened by society’s progress, which accounts for the speculation they may dare to take away lgbt rights & the right to interracial marriage)
  14. money found in my crack is my favorite
  15. i, personally, would like sultry metaphysics lessons, like all i wanna do is lie on chandeliers, i been beautiful for more than a thousand years or give heaven a try, be young & be wild, just feel alive vibes
  16. “corn liquor” found the title of ldr9
  17. i’m not afraid to say that positions is a genuinely bad album and it’s a complete shame that ariana is SO vocally talented & yet she released a record filled with tiktok-pandering demos instead of experimenting with r&b & pop sounds which call back to the 90s & 2000s obviously she can do whatever she wants but i personally feel like she really needs to step it up musically, i disliked sweetener at first because it wasn’t the dangerous woman sequel i was initially expecting, but now i can respect it for for being a fresh sound for ariana, but i think it’s time for something elevated with a new sense of maturity, she needs to drop that creepy baby voice she’s been doing & really experiment with her vocals & instrumentations btw sorry if this sounded harsh oops
  18. as a former stan/now very casual fan dangerous woman/sweetener? > thank u next > my everything > yours truly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> positions tbh i don’t know a lot of songs from yours truly & i listened to positions once & really disliked it also, listened to a bit of “remember”, i feel a bit guilty about it since it seems like a very sensitive song for ariana, but it’s honestly not that bad, some of her unreleased songs are honestly abhorrent, so for ariana grande standards this is pretty good
  19. buckle up lipsters, i’ve found our next delusion!
  20. it’s so crazy, i can’t take it but at least we’ve got the night!
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