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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  2. it looks like "front row" or "fickle row" (which doesn't make any sense) front row, like at a concert?
  3. anyway... we still need to figure out what the second-to-last title is on the very legitmate piece of paper that lana herself wrote on in the studio while recording music
  4. what in the world is a "tropico apologist"?
  5. even if that piece of paper doesn't necessarily confirm for certain that tropico was an early title/iteration for her third album (but it's pretty clear evidence, in my opinion, that tropico was a title of the third album at some point) there's nothing wrong with fans speculating or even choosing to believe that tropico could've been the title for her third album or that certain songs were considered for further production/release
  6. except for the fact that that literally did not happen and never would happen even IF the metadata on those leaked songs were faked, it doesn't mean that tropico wasn't an album concept at some point, that piece of paper with the tracklist is ALL WE NEED to know to be honest, would lana write out a tracklist with songs we know, songs that were later included on ultraviolence, such as money power glory and old money for absolutely no reason?
  7. so you're equating a hypothetical shopping list that lana took with her to target with a piece of paper that we can SEE from a moment where lana was in the studio with a title and a tracklist containing songs we know and have...
  8. i was expecting some flaming hot tea being spilled in this thread when i saw it was marked as "hot" but instead people are just arguing anyway tropico definitely was a real concept at some point, how is that notebook paper that lana herself wrote in the studio not enough proof of that?
  9. the lana stan interns working at the festivals writing "bittersweet anthem" onto the setlist microsoft word document to mess with fans
  10. she's filming it for her lana del rey documentary that has been 10 years in the making which won't come out until 2056!
  11. she's trying to catch the lizzy grant footage for me
  12. when did the lizzy grant visuals show up? and from what music video? i know they appeared at the previous show but there's hardly any footage from it to begin with
  13. imagine if the festivals just livestreamed the shows stop gatekeeping it from all of the people sitting on their couches wasting away
  14. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    pink champagne vs. ride
  15. can't wait for her to sing a scarface/so legit/boom like that/betty boop boop medley
  16. Dark Angel

    Miranda Sings

    regardless of whether or not it could be technically considered "grooming" or if there are people out there who have done a lot worse, i still don't see why colleen had any reason to make sexual jokes and comments in a private group-chat with minors, not too mention all the weird stuff she did on stage, such as that thing she did where she had a kid stick their hand down her pants, c'mon now, that's fucking weird and there's no denying that
  17. Dark Angel

    Miranda Sings

    the fact that people are completely on her side here even if you don't like adam or the way he's going about this, it's still clear that colleen's relationship with him was very weird, and colleen making a song as a way to apologize or explain herself didn't help at all
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