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  1. Barry liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in Lil Peep   
    i love both artist but i know they weren't friendly with eachother when they were alive so its not a positive situation 
  2. Taco Truck x VB liked a post in a topic by Barry in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Do you think she loves fame though? she always comes across pretty shy to me and very awkward at Red Carpets or when being interviewed and things like that and even doesn't seem to like being on video or even making music videos and does hardly any things for publicity like radio and TV.
    To me it seems like she would like a more normal life of just going about like to the beach, going to the studio to work, going for coffee and food with friends, going shopping and blending in rather than loving fame and attention and wanting to be seen as a big star.
  3. Barry liked a post in a topic by sweetener in Bebe Rexha   
  4. Barry liked a post in a topic by Noel in Lana with a fan at Garage in Providence, Rhode Island - October 3rd, 2018   
    She looks like someone's super sweet older sister who gives you the time of day and listens to ur problems even though she's a junior in college 3 cities over & has a bitchin' car (also holy fuck did I just revert to a 15 yr old?)
  5. Barry liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana with a fan at Garage in Providence, Rhode Island - October 3rd, 2018   
    Lana was spotted by a fan while out shopping today at the Providence Place shopping mall in Providence, Rhode Island. She was spotted in the store Garage by an employee. When asked about her visit, Lana said that she was on her way to Boston to visit her boyfriend who would be coaching.

    Also, did Lana get.... dimples?? Ariana's impact I guess.
  6. DLT liked a post in a topic by Barry in What Are You Listening To?   
  7. DLT liked a post in a topic by Barry in What Are You Listening To?   
  8. Barry liked a post in a topic by queenbitchpro in Things You Know Lana Won't Do   
    Go in depth about the backstory to most of her songs. She's well aware that the mystery is part of the image. I don't even think she'd ever confirm or deny fan speculation, especially for the older tunes.
    Also, I've seen people say on here Lana would be the type to read through the threads on here to get opinions from fans but I don't think she ever would... some people on here are so fucking mean to her for no reason and I don't think she'd appreciate all the bullshit. 
    Is there a thread yet for "Things Lana Said She'd Do But Will Never Follow Through With" because hunties I have a LIST 
  9. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Barry in Your LDR covers (audio)   
    Thats a really nice voice
  10. Barry liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Whoawhoawhoa whatever,everything whatever
    I love that part
  11. Barry liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I was so blown away with Mariners and Venice Biatch that I didn’t really mind the underwhelming videos and cover arts, but now that you mention it... I reeeeaaaallllyyy don’t want something so lazy for the actual album. Real photographs, please. But then again, if the rest of the songs on the album will be just as amazing, then I wouldn’t care that much about visuals I suppose.
    Anyway, if we’re getting good visuals, I hope it’ll have a connection to the songs or the lyrics. And I think a painting would be cool and different for the album cover, but then people might accuse her for copying Lorde...
  12. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by Barry in What Are You Listening To?   
    They're from my City, I hadn't heard of them for a long time but seen them on TV here in the UK a few days ago doing a new song.

  13. missdelreyxo liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
    Trump is also still up there with the worst of them though as well, along with Bush, Obama and all the rest. They are liars and are destroying countries and people without a care and pretending it's all good. To me none of them do anything right to the benefit of the people which is what they are supposed to do. They do things to the benefit of the rich, so they can keep them rich and become rich themselves and thats how it's always been done and always will be done as thats how that things need to be done in the way everything is set up.
    For things to run as they do there needs to be Billionaries hoarding money, so that creates people at the other end with nothing and those people at the bottom need to be used like slaves so that people in the middle can have phones and laptops etc to keep them happy and working to keep themselves off the bottom.
    To me it doesn't need to be like that, I think we could all live fairly equally to each other but it will never happen.
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
  15. parallelhabit liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
    I agree with you, im Scottish so its nothing to do with me but I feel like nobody ever addresses politicians about things that are actually being done and matter. Especially Trump, people always bring up nonsense things like the wall, him mocking disabled people and just things he says but never things he actually has done that really have affected people.
    People should bring up things he has done and point out how they are wrong and shouldn't have been done rather than "he said grab them by the pussy" if they are going to come out against him.
    I also don't like how people come for certain politicians but not others just cause they are "on their side". Hillary Clinton is absolute scum as well, even  worse than Trump but people kind of ignored her.
    Politics is madness to me though, I don't like any politicans and  will never be voting for any of them. I think the people should vote on everything by ourselves, not appoint people we don't even know who are time and again proven to be power hungry and liars who if we knew personally we would never tolerate, they also do hundreds of things we would never do and only get to do it because we vote for them but are never held accountable.
    The USA also is the most fucked up, the amount of countries they have ruined especially just in recent decades that they should never have got involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. It's shameful but nothing ever gets done about it. Obama is basically seen as a cheery fun likable guy but he's as bad as anyone else, he's authorised the killings of hundreds of innocent people with drones in countries they shouldn't even be in - he would never do that to his own people. bomb random buildings and hospitals and schools because 1 guy he wants dead is in it.
  16. Barry liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I was scrolling through the charts and seen Video games in the top 10, I honestly thought it was some generic rap song or something because it sounded like it. At the time Gotye was number 1 on the chart if I recall. I wasn’t that taken back by video games but I thought it was very different, I then listened to Born to Die (song) and I was really captivated by it! I stumbled across many of her old songs and videos, along with an interview she did ‘poolside’ at the Chateau Mormont, I remember thinking how mysterious, stylish and just very refreshing. She wasn’t some dumb pop singer she sounded genuine like she really cared about her music and art/imagery. I connected Immediately with her vulnerability, her shyness and nervousness. When the album came out BTD I think it honestly changed me as a person, it was almost like a coming of age moment. My interests completely changes and I became more mature and got really deep into all sorts of music and art etc. Lana was like a key to a door for me. Her music helped me deal with my depression like an outlet, each album has it’s own feeling and atmosphere depending on how I feel there is a song and album for it. So finding Lana and her music was an Important moment in my life and still is almost 7 years on.
  17. TheBoss liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
    Clinton's done far worse stuff than Trump tbh, that we know of anyway.
    Hillary Clinton as a Lawyer got a guy off with raping like an 9 year old girl even though she knew he was guilty of it. You can listen to her talking about it on Youtube from a phone call she made, I think she even laughs at how she got him away with it.
    I also don't like how she dealt with Gaddafi after America got him caught and murdered, im pretty sure again there is video of her laughing while watching him being tortured and killed saying "we came, we saw, he died". A lot of people don't like Gaddafi but in reality he was one of the smartest and best leaders Africa ever had and getting him killed off fucked Libya and Africa as a whole, it was a disgrace.
    Just to say also I don't like Trump at all, nothing about him incase people think i've got any interest in him either.
  18. missdelreyxo liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
    I agree with you, im Scottish so its nothing to do with me but I feel like nobody ever addresses politicians about things that are actually being done and matter. Especially Trump, people always bring up nonsense things like the wall, him mocking disabled people and just things he says but never things he actually has done that really have affected people.
    People should bring up things he has done and point out how they are wrong and shouldn't have been done rather than "he said grab them by the pussy" if they are going to come out against him.
    I also don't like how people come for certain politicians but not others just cause they are "on their side". Hillary Clinton is absolute scum as well, even  worse than Trump but people kind of ignored her.
    Politics is madness to me though, I don't like any politicans and  will never be voting for any of them. I think the people should vote on everything by ourselves, not appoint people we don't even know who are time and again proven to be power hungry and liars who if we knew personally we would never tolerate, they also do hundreds of things we would never do and only get to do it because we vote for them but are never held accountable.
    The USA also is the most fucked up, the amount of countries they have ruined especially just in recent decades that they should never have got involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. It's shameful but nothing ever gets done about it. Obama is basically seen as a cheery fun likable guy but he's as bad as anyone else, he's authorised the killings of hundreds of innocent people with drones in countries they shouldn't even be in - he would never do that to his own people. bomb random buildings and hospitals and schools because 1 guy he wants dead is in it.
  19. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
    I agree with you, im Scottish so its nothing to do with me but I feel like nobody ever addresses politicians about things that are actually being done and matter. Especially Trump, people always bring up nonsense things like the wall, him mocking disabled people and just things he says but never things he actually has done that really have affected people.
    People should bring up things he has done and point out how they are wrong and shouldn't have been done rather than "he said grab them by the pussy" if they are going to come out against him.
    I also don't like how people come for certain politicians but not others just cause they are "on their side". Hillary Clinton is absolute scum as well, even  worse than Trump but people kind of ignored her.
    Politics is madness to me though, I don't like any politicans and  will never be voting for any of them. I think the people should vote on everything by ourselves, not appoint people we don't even know who are time and again proven to be power hungry and liars who if we knew personally we would never tolerate, they also do hundreds of things we would never do and only get to do it because we vote for them but are never held accountable.
    The USA also is the most fucked up, the amount of countries they have ruined especially just in recent decades that they should never have got involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. It's shameful but nothing ever gets done about it. Obama is basically seen as a cheery fun likable guy but he's as bad as anyone else, he's authorised the killings of hundreds of innocent people with drones in countries they shouldn't even be in - he would never do that to his own people. bomb random buildings and hospitals and schools because 1 guy he wants dead is in it.
  20. ChaoticLipster liked a post in a topic by Barry in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I guess it's not a good one but I just thought about it and I always do remember it, Honeymoon was the first Lana album I knew about before it came out, before then I never thought about her releasing albums or what she was doing as I was never a fan or any artists so it never occured to me to keep up with anyone and look forward to them releasing new music. So I was waiting for Honeymoon to come out a while and I bought it on iTunes and listened to it that day at work, I can even remember what I was doing and have pictures of the job and can even remember where the house was which is unsual since I barely remember anything lol I think it was because I was so let down by the album at the time that I remember it really well since it was the first album in my life I waited on coming out and bought and then I didn't like it but have come to love it since.

    Thats what I was doing that day, we had already removed the old grass and did everything and had dug out channels in the soil to put gravel in the day before. That day we waited on the delivery of the grass, the top soil and gravel, and we put gravel in the channels, covered the area in top soil then layed the grass so was a lot of shovelling and wheelbarrowing and thats what I was doing the first time I listened to Honeymoon   no wonder I disliked it and was put off it for a long time. A really chill mood album and I am listening to it while digging and shovelling and lifting and carrying plus were were kind of rushing since it was a friday and im listening to some of the slowest music possible
  21. Barry liked a post in a topic by Tragic Rabbit in Instagram Updates   
    Rob Grant on Twitter
    (Why is the bluetooth on old people's mobile always on?)
  22. Barry liked a post in a topic by loleetah in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I find my head replaying the "crimson and clover honey" part all fucking day
  23. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by Barry in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I really only have two memories, since I really only listen to Lana alone and don't know anyone else who likes her at least i've never seen or heard anything from them or i've never come across anyone playing one of her songs at a party or nothing to say im a fan as well.
    Both were on the same trip, im from Glasgow and me and my dad were going to Paris but flying from Manchester, I played random songs all the way (its like a 2.5-3 hour drive) with a few Lana ones and the first time he actually checked to see who was singing I think it was also Ride by Lana and he just said something like "Lana Del Rey" like he'd never heard of her. Then a little bit later he checked again and it was I think Born to Die but another song anyway and he said "Lana Del Rey - good chanter that lassie" lol made me quite happy at the time and I said I was a big fan of her then played some more of her songs. 
    Then when we were in the Airport, he left his money and phone in one of the tray things and had to go back and get it so I sat waiting and had bet on soccer and was sitting looking at the scores on my phone as the matches were about to end and I think it was a Danish team playing a Turkish one and I needed the Danish team to score which was unlikely because they weren't that good when I noticed that I could hear Born to Die playing again right next to me coming out of a Sony store and I thought it was crazy to hear Lana in public since it never happened before and took it as a sign that the team were going to score and they actually did   
  24. Barry liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Your LDR covers (audio)   
    quick and messy acapella cover of MAC, maybe I'll do a proper one soon but idk
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