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Everything posted by NamiraWilhelm

  1. Or or or the first single from honeymoon the extended edition featuring wild one, yes to heaven, fine China and beautiful people! ... sigh it's totally going to be fucking freak... eat my balls Lana
  2. It being burnt Norton would be so hilarious and so fucking disappointing at the same time xD I'm going to be optimistic for new shit.
  3. Only.... eight hours? away in Canberra! And then I'll go wherever I get employed Are there many Aussies on here?
  4. It's advisory, so let's hope. Fortunately I recently buggered off from London to Australia let's hope I find work and can stay..
  5. Just finished it. That was so emotional >.<
  6. boyfriend overheard me playing the Put me in a movie version from her video and managed to make the song creepier when he heard it as; 'Come on you know you like dead little girls' can't unhear it tbh
  7. I know it's her fucking hair, but seriously Lana why >.< I really thought we were going for something with the light colour....
  8. People have still given lyric threads to DLMBM and cry me a river so who cares
  9. Don't worry about the people berating you, you didn't do anything abnormal. Sometimes people imposing on her has resulted in photos, sometimes it doesn't. Given how she appears to behave with fans at venues it wasn't unreasonable for you to request a photograph. Plenty of people have seen her and hesitated to approach and probably still regret it to this day, we all know it can pay off to be a little pushy in these situations.
  10. NamiraWilhelm


    I really like them but I've probably only got the greatest hits on my ipod. If there's a good enough master post around I'll endeavour to check out the rest of their discography! I'd really like Lana to attempt Creep. Which could very well be awful, but she surprised us with Heart-shaped box!
  11. Fucking hell man, I realize this isn't helping, but is there an inch of this site left that isn't just children squabbling? Maybe this forum has always been like that and I hadn't noticed before, but I'm still disappointed at its decline. And poor admin pay money for this shit...
  12. I only just found out.... Dougie and Ellie were the cutest couple ever conceived >.< there's no hope for the rest of us!
  13. Does family guy mentioning Lana count. I mean I care more about family guy then any other human mentioned in this thread.
  14. Her and Norman again. If they did something together I would just shit all over my house in excitement.
  15. I like to think she's getting older and giving less of a fuck just like me. Late twenties ftw
  16. I find myself not caring for delirium :/ Idk. I feel like that story teller I encountered in Lights just isn't present in this album... or maybe I'm just not relating to her anymore. I haven't pin pointed why yet...
  17. NamiraWilhelm

    David Bowie

    I can never decide if I'd prefer to know before hand to prepare myself or find out suddenly like this... what a loss. Awful. I always feel stupid grieving as an admirer when there are family members truly devastated, but it's such a horrible thing to process...
  18. I just heard Stand by your man by Tammy Wynette for the first time in years. It's so sad and resolute Lana, you have to do it!
  19. Thought it was Don't say no Just let me go
  20. Working link where I can hear this?
  21. Ah, wonder if he asked her not to wear heels
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