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  1. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I just can't wait for The Other Woman. I hope she does those scat/riffs like Nina Simone 
  2. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Lana Del Rey Interview: XLSemanal   
    AT LAST!!! it took me a little longer than I expected .
    Here's my translation:
    XLWeekly. Ultraviolence is your third album. What mood does it reflect?
    Lana del Rey. A sexy state of mind, something unusual for me [laughs]. It's also a free record. I recorded it in six weeks. It was really fun. Before that, it was all very difficult.
    XL. Do you mean your sudden success?
    L.R. Yes. Even though a lot of people bought my previous album, I knew almost nobody liked it. There were those who wrote that it was horrible, even harmful.
    XL. Did you feel mistreated by the press?
    L.R. I was given a bad reputation [laughs].
    XL. And you didn't deserve it?
    L.R. Why would I deserve it? I'm a good girl.
    XL. You're accused of being a prefabricated star...
    L.R. Authenticity is overrated. «She's authentic!». So what? How boring! Plus, I write and produce all my songs!
    XL. In that you are right. Dozens of stars don't write what they sing and no one questions their authenticity...
    L.R. Exactly. I was invisible for seven years. Not a single label was interested in me. There was no place for an operatic singer during a time in which only rap and pop were selling in the United States. Not even rock was alive.
    XL. And, in 2011, Videogames suddenly puts you on the map...
    L.R. Three years ago, I became visible and people started to wonder: «Where did she come from?». There were several blank pages in my history and a lot of room to make things up. In the end, the truth is what is written about you, the journalistic word. It's always been that way. Headlines dictate the stars' trajectory.
    XL. You are either hated or loved. Why do you think that is?
    L.R. Maybe my messages are confusing. I don't make pop, my creative process is more psychological. When people started to listen, I had already been writing for ten years and had a very deep psychological universe.
    XL. You've even been called an anti-feminist...
    L.R. Yes, there were some who believed I was conveying a harmful messahe to women, but I was talking about my feelings. I have a wonderful relationship with men. Masculine energy is a great inspiration to me.
    XL. It appears that without a certain dose of controversy it is hard to succeed...
    L.R. I don't know. But there are people that provoke it, that are screaming for it. I didn't seek it out.
    XL. It's also been said that you've undergone some aesthetic touch-ups. Does that bother you?
    L.R. Of course it bothers me! [laughs]. What I enjoy is seeming chameleon-like, but I can't stand lies.
    XL. The impression is that your “retro” style is almost a reaction to the hypersexual look of other stars, such as Miley Cyrus, Rihanna or Lady Gaga. Is that so?
    L.R. It's not a declaration of intent towards what other singers represent. It's my natural style. Although, if I'm honest, there have been a few times when I've thought: «I'm gonna button up» [laughs]. It's just a manifestation of my origins. My family is very traditional.
    XL. What were you searching for when you got into this business?
    L.R. I was looking for an artistic community like Dylan's, Joan Baez's or Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg's beat generation...in the sixties, where they spent their nights writing novels or folk songs. I also sought respect as a writer within that community. And, truthfully, I found neither.
    XL. What did you find?
    L.R. If I'm honest: nothing. Ever since I've been visible, nothing is really clear in my life. When the road becomes clear, a new obstacle overshadows it. I've had many ups and downs.
    XL. As you tell it, it seems like it's been a tough process. Have you ever thought of leaving it all behind?
    L.R. All the time. Life is short. Being amongst people that don't get you is not pleasant. .
    XL. You admit that you don't really like acting. Why?
    L.R. In the studio, with my producer, it's almost like a romantic relationship, we have a natural chemistry. But when you don't know your audience, you can't trust that they'll accept you if you lose your balance and fall or if you're off key. Now I know that that, too, is part of the show and I'm beginning to enjoy it.
    XL. What differences are there between Lizzy and Lana?
    L.R. None. I changed my name to show others how I was on the inside. Because, when you're born, you're given a name, a geographic location and maybe even dictated what your profession will be. And I don't want to respond to an archetype.
    XL. By the way, why such a hispanic artistic name?
    L.R. I have a lot of affinity with hispanic culture. I love its exoticism and passion. And I love the name Lana, it seems to roll off the tongue.
    XL. When you were little, you wanted to be a poet. What kind of a child were you?
    L.R. I was imaginative, I had a strong inner dialogue, I was traditional and too precocious. When I was ten years old, I already thought I was an adult. My friends were my parents' friends, I thought I was one of them. And I loved to write.
    XL. At 15, you were sent to boarding school. Did that leave a mark?
    L.R. Perhaps...I barely remember those days. For me, life started when I left for New York at 18. What happened before is buried in the mist. I didn't like boarding school, I didn't talk to anyone. I was in the choir, I wanted to sing with all my heart and didn't know how.
    XL. What matters more in this industry: talent, marketing or luck?
    L.R. For most people it's, above all, a matter of marketing. For me, it was persistence. It was my dream.
    XL. And nobody has tried to drag you in the other direction?
    L.R. Sometimes. I make the record by myself, I give it to the company and they come back saying: «There aren't any singles!». And I tell them: «I know!» [laughs]. You have to be very strong. But I always end up winning.
    XL. Have you always had this much confidence in yourself?
    L.R. As a person, yes; musically, no. When I was 20, a famous producer noticed me after no record labels liked what I was doing. I realized I would not be understood as an artist, but also that there were people who would be interested in what I did. That's all I need.
    XL. You've worked with marginalized people since you were a teenager. What has that experience taught you?
    L.R. Do you know the expression “a tiger can't change its stripes”? Well, people can change their stripes and even become dragons. I've seen how people without hope have managed to transform themselves and serve as an inspiration to others.
    XL. You studied Metaphysics in college. Where did that interest come from?
    L.R. When I was 11 years old I realized that we were all going to die...and that distressed me deeply. The concepts of infinity and eternity also tortured me. In boarding school, I signed up for Metaphysics classes. It was the first subject, apart from Literature, that I was truly interested in. For the first time I felt in good company. Although the ancient philosophers had been gone for centuries.
    XL. You've spoken of a divine plan, what do you mean?
    L.R. Before, I used to design my path and always ended up frustrated. I stopped trying and accepted that life works according to its own rules. As soon as I did, everything started to fall into place. If, for example, somebody recommended a book to me, someone on the bus left it, forgotten, on the seat beside me. Things like that.
    XL. Signs?
    L.R. Synchronicites. It's been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. Synchronicities are a sign of divinity. You breathe in deeply and say: «I don't want anything. I'm going to let things happen».
    XL. It requires a lot of self-control, doesn't it?
    L.R. It's patience. Like letting the lyrics come to me. Sometimes it's painful, but it's the only way. I feel that my path was revealed to me, but I needed to be an empty vessel for it to happen. Like an electrical conduit. Electricity does not go through you if you're blocked.
    XL. Your music is very melancholy...are you, too?
    L.R. I make an effort to be happy...and I have been. I'm a loner.
    XL. And where do you seek tranquility in the midst of the noise that surrounds a star?
    L.R. I haven't been calm for quite a while now. My personal life is crazy and my career is full of ups and downs. But it can't be worse than it was [laughs]. It can only get better.
    1. Born in New York in 1986, she is the daughter of an Internet 'marketing' expert.
    2. At 15, her parents sent her to Boarding School to overcome an addiction to alcohol. «A big part of what I wrote about in my Born to Die record talks about those years».
    3. In 2010 she released her first album, Lana del Ray a.k.a. Lizzy Grant. Soon after, she requested her label to withdraw it from the market. She wasn't satisfied with the result.
    4. Singer Barrie-James O'Neill, with whom she recorded a Nancy Sinatra cover, is her fiancé.
    5. On her left hand she has an 'M' tatooed, for her grandmother Madeleine, and the word 'paradise'. On her right, the motto «Trust no one». And on her right ring finger, «Die young».
  3. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Lana Del Rey Interview: XLSemanal   
    On being sent to a boarding school:
    "I barely remember those days"
    "Most of what I wrote on Born to Die talks about those years"

  4. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana Del Rey Interview: XLSemanal   
    "I'm a good girl"
    and btw, the article is in Spanish, not Italian. I could probably translate it but you'd have to give me a week or so because I have exams atm
  5. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by tiffanydale in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
  6. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I had a dream that the Dutch version of UV had AFFA instead of Black Beauty. It had new lyrics and everything, with the Auerbach production. It was sooo good, too bad I forgot the lyrics 
  7. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Petition for Lana to make a Track by Track video for Ultraviolence   
    Partition for Lana to copy Beyonce.
  8. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Brooklyn Baby   
    "I get down to Beat poetry" 
  9. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Lad in Brooklyn Baby   
    Barrie helpin to write a song about Barrie
  10. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Brooklyn Baby   
    my old man, he's really bad
    he fucks me hard and then sings me to sleep
    :flutter: :flutter:
  11. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by James Dean in Brooklyn Baby   
    I get down to the pole dance
  12. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by LipsterDelRey in Brooklyn Baby   
    My boyfriend is in the band, cruising down the coast going about 99... anyone else? 

  13. Lanasflowercrown liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in iTunes Bonus Track: "Is This Happiness" (!!)   
    Yaay, another new track, I'm very excited about it.   
    If the song's about a relationship, then I do hope this one's about Barrie tbh
  14. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Physical Exclusive Bonus Track Revealed: "Flipside"   
    Our fanbase has the best problems
    They leaked too many songs of our fave!
    Our fave is giving us too many songs!
  15. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by HONEYMOON in Physical Exclusive Bonus Track Revealed: "Flipside"   
    Don't forget the Target Edition of Ultraviolence, isn't it meant to have two extra tracks or something   Praying for even more new material 
  16. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Physical Exclusive Bonus Track Revealed: "Flipside"   
    Excuse me bitch where is the special UK bonus track I personally think we should get Roses coz we English Roses k thnx bi
  17. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Physical Exclusive Bonus Track Revealed: "Flipside"   
    I'd prefer to have one complete album instead of many tracks which are spread all over the place.
  18. Mind Melt liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Physical Exclusive Bonus Track Revealed: "Flipside"   
    I do love the fact that we'll get more songs,
    but I don't like that they're not all on 1 album.
    They should've put all the bonus tracks in the boxset imo.
  19. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by pdotcw in Physical Exclusive Bonus Track Revealed: "Flipside"   
    And still, Angels Forever is not on the list .... AGAIN
    but yay for "Flipside" and "Is This Happiness", they'd better top AFFA to deserve that place 
  20. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Physical Exclusive Bonus Track Revealed: "Flipside"   
    By the time UV is released it will be a 30 track 3 hour experience
    Happy tho!
  21. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by LiamViljoen in iTunes Bonus Track: "Is This Happiness" (!!)   
    Or if he kills someone and is put on death row. Anyway Cola is about Barrie, sorta... or at least she uses his description of her pussy in that song (I still find it hilarious how casually she answers that question)
  22. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Creyk in iTunes Bonus Track: "Is This Happiness" (!!)   
    We will only get Barrie-inspired tracks if they break up
  23. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Lana's obsession with the clolour blue...#LANALYSIS   
    Where do I even begin? Sit back and enjoy kids:
    Blue Jeans Blue Velvet Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven) Pawn Shop Blues Baby Blue Love Tired of Singing the Blues LYRICS
    "1949": You like my blue nail polish [...] New blue bathing suit [...] Blue LA Carte Docks "Birds of a Feather": Met you in front of a diner and you had blue hair "Black Beauty": Nothing, my sparrow blue [...] Sun and ocean blue [...] Seem so dark blue "Blizzard": Can't you see that I'm just feelin' blue? "Daddy Issues": They call you Baby Blue [...] Baby Blue. Because it’s your favorite color. Baby Blue [...] Remember how, Baby Blue "Driving In Cars With Boys": Miss America with the blue mascara on "Elvis": Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea "Hollywood's Dead": And you were 50s cool in blue suede shoes "Hundred Dollar Bill": Jimmy pulls up in his blue Chevy Nova "I Don't Wanna Go": In his soft leather, in his blue jeans "Living WIthout You": Wade into the waves until the water's blue "Making Out": And start listening to the way I sing the blues [...] Saw you skipping rope on TV looking blue, ooh, ah "Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight": Servin' coke and fries at the movie blue drive-in "Methamphetamines": Blue ‘50s queen, Blue Oyster Cult/Cove [...] The record spins blue '50s song "National Anthem": Red, white, blue is in the sky "On Our Way": Hot white, and blue "Off to the Races": Watch me in the swimming pool, bright blue ripples "Pin-Up Galore": American flags, blue blue streamers [...] Here's to the girl with the blue mascara "Queen of Disaster": Send my soul on fire and make me wild like the deep blue sea "Scarface": Light it up red, white and blue "Serial Killer": We can paint the town in blue "Shades of Cool": My baby lives in shades of blue. Blue eyes and jazz and attitude [...] I'm one of many, one is blue "This Is What Makes Us Girls": (Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice) "Trash Magic": Blue bedspread and silver tinsel, my heart’s delight "TV in Black & White": Wade into the water ‘til the waves turned blue "Video Games": Kissing in the blue dark "West Coast": That's why I'm leaving you for the moment, you for the moment, boy blue, yeah, you "Yayo": I like the ivy and the ink blue "You and Me": Blue water from the sea, hands all over me Might've missed out on one or another
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