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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. Trash Magic


    Whew, despite the bangers, Woman Like Me is my favourite so far. So smoky and moody. Her Dark But Just A Game!
  2. Trash Magic


    Halfway through (just finished I Drink Wine, which unfortunately sounds like a Lukas Graham song? ☠️) but so surprised and impressed so far. My Little Love reminds me of some stuff on Sia’s Healing Is Difficult Did not expect 3 back to back bangers? And Strangers By Nature feels like her first real “album opener”. Main takeaway so far is that this album will totally transform her live shows and she won’t have to do the whole shtick of “I don’t have many fast ones dance while you can etc” and that’s exciting to me because I have tickets to her Hyde Park show!! Wow All Night Parking is a Frank outtake 🤯
  3. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    Azealia is vital idgaf
  4. LMFAO The way the first 6 literally rank among my FAVOURITE Lana songs ever And my jaw dropped farther the more I read. It’s so funny how different everyone’s taste is
  5. The Worst American Record 1. Breaking My Heart 2. Dynamite 3. Arcadia 4. Violets For Roses 5. Lolita 6. This Is What Makes Us Girls 7. Blue Velvet 8. Freak 9. Young & Beautiful 10. Old Money 11. The Next Best American Record 12. For Free
  6. I’m surprised to hear she even submitted I think it would match her MO to snub them and not even participate going forward
  7. “I only ever told my mother” comes across very sus now too 🥴 conspiracy Patty pushed her has arrived
  8. Lorde harry Styles both pretentious as fuck neither can sing and they are absolutely nothing without the marketed mystique/supposed star power they so desperately want us to believe they hold (they don’t) Doja Cat 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
  9. Found it. Interview in Lovecat “When I was young, I had a tree house and in order to get to the top of it, me and my sister had to climb up a satin Christmas ribbon. One day, on my way up the ribbon snapped and I fell 15 feet on to a fire pit. I broke my ribs and never told anyone except my mother. Last year I stopped into a Unitarian church and and a man came up to me out of the blue and told me he was a clairvoyant and that the reason why I had a shallow, breathy voice was because I had fallen out of a tree house 15 years ago. I still can’t get over how strange it is that he knew that.”
  10. Why is this so funny I remember a different version of that story. Didn’t she say she had a treehouse and the ladder to get to it was a ribbon and she fell while climbing it as the ribbon gave way. And as an adult she saw a clairvoyant and they said she had fallen as a child. I feel like this was from a rolling stone interview
  11. Okay this is definitely the album I’ve found it hardest to get into from Lana and have least desire to return to upon release. I find the vocal delivery pretty drab too often 😟 and the intentional decisions to be more unpolished and less produced and a little off kilter have me thinking “I wish she would’ve just polished this in a way it would be more palatable” but that’s just what she’s going for so 🤷‍♂️ For example when she was singing clips from songs like Living Legend and Cherry Blossom on her livestream, I thought they sounded better than the album versions! There was so much brightness and clarity to her voice acapella on a livestream that isn’t present on the studio recordings. It also doesn’t help that I’m so in love with the original version of Thunder that I feel like the album version really pales in comparison and removes a lot of the atmosphere that made me love the song so much in the first place. Her best album cover though!
  12. I’m really curious to hear a fan who can play saxophone do an actual sax solo in Living Legend in place of lana’s vocals since she said that’s what she was going for on her livestream
  13. “Hospitals” on wildfire has always stood out to me. What does she mean 😮
  14. Sweet Carolina conjures up a very very specific image for me. It sounds like a song that soundtracks the end of a series or movie where it’s played in its entirety to a montage of long shots of a sentimental moment of a dysfunctional family eating dinner on Christmas or Thanksgiving. Something like The Sopranos or Goodfellas ⚰️ It’s so tender
  15. The live was special I was just about to sleep when I got her post notification. She is such an open book and so giving and I thought all the fans were great especially lanaisababe like that’s the only time anyone has ever asked her questions fans want to hear!! Thank you for your service 🙏
  16. DEALER!!!! It was so cool to hear the song title in the context of the lyric. The lyrics to the verses are so clever and fun. And it goes without saying her vocal is such a fun switch up from the usual stuff. Perfect track
  17. I fucking love seeing album covers in motion so this video was so cool purely because of that. Up there with the best she has ever looked in a video 😳
  18. Trash Magic

    Miley Cyrus

    She shared a full festival set on her website and sounds excited about the new album https://mileyworld.com/mifansonly password: ilovemifans creative direction for this transitional stage between eras is awesome.
  19. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    So we’re judging people on what they say and how they act now? Lmaooo I will always be an Azealia fan
  20. Trash Magic


    Instantly loved it. Reminds me of Crazy For You ??
  21. I’m seriously not underestimating the fact 2 of her best unreleased songs are being released officially (nectar of the gods, thunder) it’s so unlikely that it would have happened… + the reconnection with Barrie this whole album is like fan fiction it feels so different to every other release
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