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  1. Elina liked a post in a topic by movebaby in LDR: Song-by-Song   
    i love love love this idea! i'd totally be down to help out however 
  2. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana Del Rey's breast   
    it really was just a matter of time after the porn thread got resurrected, wasn't it? 
  3. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    praise be to the moth
  4. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by movebaby in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    the first time i heard “white hot forever” i literally thought it was a lyric to the lfl title track that i’d forgotten
  5. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Let Me Love You Like A Woman   
    ive got a whole playlist of songs that did star signs better
  6. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana Del Rey's breast   
    was this really necessary omg
  7. Moon Driver liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Tamino   
    best 20 minutes i've spent in a while

  8. The Siren liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Playlist Shuffle Game   

  9. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana & Politics   
    don't forget the "white men singlehandedly built western civilization" tirade...a vertimus classic
  10. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana & Politics   
    i almost started writing an actual counter/response to this before remembering the million other more effective things i could do with my time
  11. Alison by Slowdive liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana & Politics   
    i almost started writing an actual counter/response to this before remembering the million other more effective things i could do with my time
  12. June Gloom liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana & Politics   
    i almost started writing an actual counter/response to this before remembering the million other more effective things i could do with my time
  13. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Radiohead   
    everyone should stan
  14. Venice liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Born to Die - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    lucky ones slander? not on MY watch!
  15. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Radiohead   
    everyone should stan
  16. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana & Politics   
    i almost started writing an actual counter/response to this before remembering the million other more effective things i could do with my time
  17. Lightning Bolts liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Born to Die - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    lucky ones slander? not on MY watch!
  18. Aphrodite liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Which of Lana's boyfriends would you date? (Updated to include NEW boyfriends!)   
    rorman why the fuck did you pick a good photo of fr*ncesco.......he's so much uglier than that on average, this is false advertising
  19. rosesofsaigon liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Music (& stuff) people like that you tried to get into, but can’t   
    twenty one pilots...i just cannot do it. i actually liked their new album quite a bit but 95% of their previous material makes me cringe reflexively at the lyrics and delivery, and feels like being locked in an empty dark icy warehouse while tiny elves with pickaxes hammer at my skull from the inside out.
    the 1975. their music sounds like the sonic personification of a really bland instagram aesthetic. it feels like they were manufactured expressly for the urban outfitters vinyl section.
    i KNOW there are several more that i've put in genuine effort to like but can't, but those two are all that come to mind at the moment
  20. Moon River liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Underrated Lana Songs   
    absolutely!!! genuinely one of her very best songs (its in my personal top 3), its a shame its not mentioned more often...its fuckin transcendent
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