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  1. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Lust in Charli XCX   
    why she gotta spoil the outfits like that for whatever tf it is she doing...im excited tho!
  2. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i'm by no means a skeptic, but i love how we've reached these levels     
    -gets out crystal ball-
  3. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    yo can i get yall to write my essays lol
  4. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    oh my god reading this thread feels like sucking on an exhaust pipe
  5. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by abombnd in Kim Petras   
    quantity ≠ quality
  6. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Kim Petras   
    i don't care that she's feeding us with a song every week. era 1 was better. this new era feels.... i don't know, so different. i still love her and i bop to every single she released so far, but there's no way i will like songs like broken or clarity more than masterpieces like hillside boys or slow it down
  7. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Enigmanotta in Charli XCX   
    since when does charli leak her own stuff.........?
  8. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by abombnd in Charli XCX   
    this thread is for discussing charli xcx. we're discussing charli xcx. if we talk about it every week, we talk it about it every week. 
    believe it or not but people have opinions that they want to share and debate (maybe not sanely but still)
    charli xcx releases music, we discuss the music. 
  9. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by drewlwhite in Charli XCX   
    wow, imagine thinking that one of Charli's creative highlights aka tears is somewhere near her worst songs...the delusion
  10. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Kim Petras   
    gays when they tell people to definitely not send them a link when a song is out in NZ

  11. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    after liking a couple of posts on here i decided it was finally time to give my two cents on miss lana. funny enough, it was actually my sister who introduced me to her music. i was dazzled by this girl and i could not get enough of her. btd opened me up to so many new sounds and was instrumental in my appreciation of music as an actual art form.
    i have so many memories that are linked to her music both good and bad (just like a big chunk of y’all). i’ll never forget the times i went to pick up my sister from college with my dad at night and having born to die play in the background. that winter break when i did nothing but put the album on repeat and incessantly attempt to beat my facebook friends’ subway surfers scores (lol). paradise ep made its way into my ears on a road trip i went on with my mom and sister, and coincidentally it is one of the only days i remember being truly, genuinely, stupidly happy.
    the ultraviolence era came around at a time where i was coming to terms with a rude awakening that had hit me like a truck, something that i already knew was there but refused to acknowledge simply because of shame and fear. i know thematically ultraviolence has absolutely nothing to do with sexual identity but it was the album that convinced me that love was universal and that maybe one day i would be able to relate to brooklyn baby; to have a guy feel as strongly as i felt for him, a person that would appreciate me for who i was (with flaws and all) and would not expect me to do the impossible. that someone who would lift me up while simultaneously celebrating my independence, making it feel like it was just us against the world, a match made in heaven composed of two individuals of the same caliber.
    2015 is a very tainted year for me, stained by my parents’ divorce and moving away to a new city which meant starting high school without my longtime friends. eventually my sister moved out and got married, making me feel like i had lost my partner in crime. i had a hard time making new friends the first few months, even communicating with my own mother was getting difficult. and yet honeymoon was there for me, almost like a lullaby my own mother would sing to console me after a nightmare. this is gonna sound so childish but sometimes i thought lana was like a guardian angel () because it was as if she knew i was going through a rough patch and tried to help in her own little way.
    even after inevitably growing out of her music, i will always hold lana and her work in high regard. even if i discover new artists and proceed to fall in and out of love with them, lana will always have a special place in my heart. now i’m not daft and i am aware that people grow and change but it saddens me to see how she’s turned into almost a complete stranger with hints of elizabeth showing up from time to time. she reminds me of that one dear friend you had a falling out or just simply lost touch with, and regardless of distance or who they’re surrounding themselves with, you can’t help but still wish them the best in life because of how significant they once were to you. i wholeheartedly apologize for how lengthy this got, i guess i just i held this in for a long time because i was afraid i was going to sound like one of those fans who are constantly complaining. i’m glad to see i’m not the only one who has noticed that the spark that made her one of a kind has partially fizzled out, if not completely.
  12. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I feel like that's already over, though. 
    Actually, I question if it ever really began.
    I mean, take Florence Welch, for example. She's an advocate for LGBT rights and has also recently spoken out about the changes to the abortion laws in the US. She was also a vocal opponent of Brexit. If sis really was woke (or was, at least, trying to be seen as such) then why isn't she doing any of that (not Brexit, because she isn't British, but yeah)? Instead, she's regularly attending an evangelical megachurch which has sketchy af stances in regard to the aforementioned issues, and is making a deliberate effort to live superficially (insta baddie shit).
    For me, it's not that she's changed into a woke person (or, a person who's not woke, but who is trying to be). It's that she's changed into someone who doesn't really stand for anything. Who has no clear identity, at least as an artist. Like, who the fuck is she now? I don't fucking know.
  13. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I came back to bathe in this collective disappointment and complaining, and I never thought I would say this because I’ve always been against leaking material from upcoming albums but, like, it’s JUNE. And she hasn’t told us anything, the managers won’t tell us much either, it’s lowkey insane that we’ve had to look up answers ourselves (for example, by contacting Abigail Rockwell, making phone calls). I might snap next time she updates Twitter or Instagram, I usually never comment because I don’t see the point in it when she’ll probably never read my comment among 1000 others.
    Now I’m gonna go retweet Nockwell’s tweet with SlowGinFizzzz’s post. I’m shit tired of her ignoring us, she better say something in Dublin about the album, even if it’s just a tiny comment like in New Orleans.
  14. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by LanaCharts in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Are you guys mad at her for something?
  15. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Air in Charli XCX   
    Porsche isn't a highlight
  16. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    after liking a couple of posts on here i decided it was finally time to give my two cents on miss lana. funny enough, it was actually my sister who introduced me to her music. i was dazzled by this girl and i could not get enough of her. btd opened me up to so many new sounds and was instrumental in my appreciation of music as an actual art form.
    i have so many memories that are linked to her music both good and bad (just like a big chunk of y’all). i’ll never forget the times i went to pick up my sister from college with my dad at night and having born to die play in the background. that winter break when i did nothing but put the album on repeat and incessantly attempt to beat my facebook friends’ subway surfers scores (lol). paradise ep made its way into my ears on a road trip i went on with my mom and sister, and coincidentally it is one of the only days i remember being truly, genuinely, stupidly happy.
    the ultraviolence era came around at a time where i was coming to terms with a rude awakening that had hit me like a truck, something that i already knew was there but refused to acknowledge simply because of shame and fear. i know thematically ultraviolence has absolutely nothing to do with sexual identity but it was the album that convinced me that love was universal and that maybe one day i would be able to relate to brooklyn baby; to have a guy feel as strongly as i felt for him, a person that would appreciate me for who i was (with flaws and all) and would not expect me to do the impossible. that someone who would lift me up while simultaneously celebrating my independence, making it feel like it was just us against the world, a match made in heaven composed of two individuals of the same caliber.
    2015 is a very tainted year for me, stained by my parents’ divorce and moving away to a new city which meant starting high school without my longtime friends. eventually my sister moved out and got married, making me feel like i had lost my partner in crime. i had a hard time making new friends the first few months, even communicating with my own mother was getting difficult. and yet honeymoon was there for me, almost like a lullaby my own mother would sing to console me after a nightmare. this is gonna sound so childish but sometimes i thought lana was like a guardian angel () because it was as if she knew i was going through a rough patch and tried to help in her own little way.
    even after inevitably growing out of her music, i will always hold lana and her work in high regard. even if i discover new artists and proceed to fall in and out of love with them, lana will always have a special place in my heart. now i’m not daft and i am aware that people grow and change but it saddens me to see how she’s turned into almost a complete stranger with hints of elizabeth showing up from time to time. she reminds me of that one dear friend you had a falling out or just simply lost touch with, and regardless of distance or who they’re surrounding themselves with, you can’t help but still wish them the best in life because of how significant they once were to you. i wholeheartedly apologize for how lengthy this got, i guess i just i held this in for a long time because i was afraid i was going to sound like one of those fans who are constantly complaining. i’m glad to see i’m not the only one who has noticed that the spark that made her one of a kind has partially fizzled out, if not completely.
  17. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    We should make a Best Of using screenshots, make a nice little album and post it somewhere. Let's turn our suffering into art sisters
  18. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    all these fantastic posts by you guys only for them to be not read or ignored within 3 pages 
  19. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by poetic jess in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    THE best comment that perfectly summarizes how we all feel.   I wanna quote this the next time a person acts clueless as to why people are upset and are actually reconsidering supporting Lana's music. 
  20. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly I want to screenshot this and send it to her on Twitter. And we can all RT it.
    ETA: https://twitter.com/LanaDelHaiku/status/1136081170699939840 RT or save and post on your own timeline
  21. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    damn if recklessdaughter reads this she's gonna hit the bottle
  22. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Rant incoming: I've been a hardcore stan since 2012, loved the vast majority of her output, defended her when she said questionable things about feminism and whatnot, and continuously supported her throughout these years. However, at this point I'm just really disappointed in her, and it has nothing to do with the quality of her music declining.
    As an artist, she relies on her fans buying/streaming her music and spending their money on concert tickets and merchandise, otherwise she wouldn't be able to afford multiple houses and maintain the kind of expensive lifestyle she seems to enjoy. She announced that she would be releasing an album "at the top of the year" – well it's June now and there's no album, not even a release date, and we also never got any sort of explanation or update aside from an ambiguous statement on her personal Twitter account and some bitchy comments from one of her managers, leaving us all completely in the dark. And to make matters even worse, she actually managed to affiliate herself with an openly anti-LGBTQ, misogynistic megachurch despite being aware of her huge queer following. Isn't that a punch in the face?
    Yes, delayed releases are somewhat common in the music industry. Yes, other artists make fauxpas too, surround themselves with the wrong people and say stupid shit every now and then. But for me at least, this ongoing ignorance, lack of communication, and overall just disrespectful behaviour towards the fans is quite unheard of, and I can't think of any other artists treating the people who made them big this way. It's true, of course, technically Lana doesn't owe us anything. But likewise, we don't owe her anything either. I've loved her music for years, and I still do and want to continue supporting her, but I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep doing that. 
    Stream Gimme by Banks and pray to Yosemite.
  23. Foxglove liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    after liking a couple of posts on here i decided it was finally time to give my two cents on miss lana. funny enough, it was actually my sister who introduced me to her music. i was dazzled by this girl and i could not get enough of her. btd opened me up to so many new sounds and was instrumental in my appreciation of music as an actual art form.
    i have so many memories that are linked to her music both good and bad (just like a big chunk of y’all). i’ll never forget the times i went to pick up my sister from college with my dad at night and having born to die play in the background. that winter break when i did nothing but put the album on repeat and incessantly attempt to beat my facebook friends’ subway surfers scores (lol). paradise ep made its way into my ears on a road trip i went on with my mom and sister, and coincidentally it is one of the only days i remember being truly, genuinely, stupidly happy.
    the ultraviolence era came around at a time where i was coming to terms with a rude awakening that had hit me like a truck, something that i already knew was there but refused to acknowledge simply because of shame and fear. i know thematically ultraviolence has absolutely nothing to do with sexual identity but it was the album that convinced me that love was universal and that maybe one day i would be able to relate to brooklyn baby; to have a guy feel as strongly as i felt for him, a person that would appreciate me for who i was (with flaws and all) and would not expect me to do the impossible. that someone who would lift me up while simultaneously celebrating my independence, making it feel like it was just us against the world, a match made in heaven composed of two individuals of the same caliber.
    2015 is a very tainted year for me, stained by my parents’ divorce and moving away to a new city which meant starting high school without my longtime friends. eventually my sister moved out and got married, making me feel like i had lost my partner in crime. i had a hard time making new friends the first few months, even communicating with my own mother was getting difficult. and yet honeymoon was there for me, almost like a lullaby my own mother would sing to console me after a nightmare. this is gonna sound so childish but sometimes i thought lana was like a guardian angel () because it was as if she knew i was going through a rough patch and tried to help in her own little way.
    even after inevitably growing out of her music, i will always hold lana and her work in high regard. even if i discover new artists and proceed to fall in and out of love with them, lana will always have a special place in my heart. now i’m not daft and i am aware that people grow and change but it saddens me to see how she’s turned into almost a complete stranger with hints of elizabeth showing up from time to time. she reminds me of that one dear friend you had a falling out or just simply lost touch with, and regardless of distance or who they’re surrounding themselves with, you can’t help but still wish them the best in life because of how significant they once were to you. i wholeheartedly apologize for how lengthy this got, i guess i just i held this in for a long time because i was afraid i was going to sound like one of those fans who are constantly complaining. i’m glad to see i’m not the only one who has noticed that the spark that made her one of a kind has partially fizzled out, if not completely.
  24. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by beautiful in Charli XCX   
    it makes sense that ppl prefer n1a but pop 2 is clearly better...n1a is cute and catchy but nowhere near as important n1a definitely more cohesive tho but i kinda love how messy pop 2 is.
    also yeah of all the mainstream collabs charli could do it should be billie
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