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  1. Enco liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Kim Petras   
    do me is the only song from this era that got me to fall in love with it on my initial listen, the production stuns
  2. LAman liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Kim Petras   
    do me is the only song from this era that got me to fall in love with it on my initial listen, the production stuns
  3. Forgotten liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Kim Petras   
    do me is the only song from this era that got me to fall in love with it on my initial listen, the production stuns
  4. fessle liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    i’m excited to find out what she’s gonna do at pitchfork this july, hopefully we get to hear some new songs (artificial love!!!) fingers crossed lol
    unrelated but i remember that one insta post where she mentioned she’s been working on masochism with jorge elbrecht and oh man, what a dream team. he happens to be the executive producer of one of my favorite albums from 2018, wild nothing’s indigo. i’m beyond stoked to hear what they’ve been cooking up together, you really can’t go wrong with jorge and tamaryn on your side.
  5. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Lonely Planet in Nasty Cherry   
    This band is a complete rip off of The Beaches. The entire concept, there style and music.

  6. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Big talk coming from someone acting like an absolute baby. Don't come to this thread if you don't like it, it's pretty simple. Being a fan doesn't mean you can't be critical. That's actually something I really like about LB over other forums, there's a whole lot less sycophantic praise. When Lana does well and releases good music and puts effort into her eras the praise is here, just look at the last 7 years of threads lol. You (and her) should not expect fans to blindly love and follow her without critique.
  7. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    literally what do people gain from coming into this thread to be sanctimonious pricks and shit on the current discussion
  8. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can't be the only one amused by the mental breakdowns on this thread, right?
  9. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by MoreCruelThanYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Awww I’m SO sorry she’s not having fun smh
  10. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i just wanna say you're taking no prisoners and i fucking love it
  11. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    these posts coming one right after another are pure art
  12. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i don't think it's even about the wait anymore, i think it's become about perceived behaviour towards her fans and again that isn't about the waiting time either more that she's created all this buzz and then pissed off and been quite smug when asked about it
    i don't personally feel owed an album, to be honest at this stage i'm not even sure i care about the actual release. what interests me is what's going on with her. i'm not suggesting it isn't indicative of 'creative temperament' and isn't something that's happened with tons of other artists either but this forum is about her 
  13. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Same. I don't care if people call me a hater. But I can't imagine spending my hard-earned money on something that only makes me feel frustration. I truly can't. I'm not a baddie. I'm not making millions sitting on my ass drinking wheat grass smoothies. I don't see why I should spend the money I work so hard to earn on something that will bring me absolutely no joy. If someone bought me the album, I'd put it away so that I wouldn't have to look at it. When I say I'd love for NFR to leak, I mean it. I also mean it when I say I would not care at all if she decided to only release it digitally, with no physical releases at all (RIP vinyl color debate).
    I want the songs. I love the songs, what I've heard so far anyway, and I'm pretty sure I'll love everything else too. But at this point, "Norman Fucking Rockwell" just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I just don't want it, you know? I want the songs...but I don't want it. The concept, the whole thing...what it's come to represent. I'll probably end up renaming it when I finally download it, to try and make all that bad energy go away. Because she's totally ruined it for me.
    I think I'll call it How To Disappear

  14. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can't even bother with this bitch anymore. I've officially had it. I've listened to other artists, I've tried to be positive about the wait, and before ya'll say "gO ouTsiDE" - BITCH I'VE BEEN OUTSIDE PLENTY. It ain't gonna make me forget about the existence of NFR. It may have worked for Lana but it hasn't for me.
    1 year and 2 months ago she teased the HIAB snippet.
    8 months ago she released MAC and VB.
    4 months ago we got a single that was actually from the album itself.
    Lana doesn't even have the decency to let fans know what's up. Her tweet on her Daytona acc doesn't mean much either. "Who knows when it'll be out", okay well you could elaborate on that?? It ain't hard.
    Like if she said "it's gonna be a while BECAUSE this is what's happening............." I would be completely okay. I would be forgiving. I would be more patient.
    But she has been quiet af and straight up ignoring fans questions about the album and tbh it's just rude?? At the end of the day, in a buiness sense, NFR is the product you're selling to your fans, and when the artist themselves don't even acknowledge it's and try to sell that product, how the fuck can you expect fans to be excited about it and give them your money?
    Yeah I know NFR is gonna do well anyway, but there's still that small majority of people (as such as myself) who doesn't want to be one of those bums to give her my money. I'm not even sorry.
    Obviously when this era starts to pick up then I'll be around again. Hell, I didn't stick around this long to not finally enjoy this era when the good things start coming. But right now? I'm done. I can't even bother to post a teeny tiny emoticon to display my dissatisfaction with this mess. I'm outie.

  15. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    100% agree.
    "To Be Human" is over the top. It could've been a really great song but she just tried way too hard with it, imo. Lyrically, I don't find anything deep or inspiring about it.
    And I always felt that the underlying psychological concept was flawed ... as soon as I watched that psychology video she did, I was worried.
    I know it's difficult with the pressure from record labels and so forth, but I hope she can get to a place where she can just make music for the joy of it, and fuck what people say. That's when she'll make her best music.
  16. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by LanaRayDelMar in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Idk imo I think what this album is missing is a strong string of love songs or different subject matter. The only songs that touch the surface of love are probably Superstar and Believe In Love. She dabbles too much into trying to sound woke and explain human behavior/emotions yada yada and it just seems like an extension of FROOT with a taste of KIDZ BOP. Overall the album concept is lost on me and Marina did a poor job on laying out the dichotomies of love and fear. She just kinda just said it was divided in 2 and left us to take what we wanted and run with it. I think the songs are best individually rather than trying to fit them into this concept that has no real backbone.
    Also she totally overproduced some of the songs and not in a good way but thats a whole other story.. also she has given us boring music videos for being gone for 4 years.. WHERE ARE THE VISUALS MARINA
  17. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Katie Holmes masquerading as Shirley Manson ... I fucking knew it. It all makes sense now.
  18. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i could've sworn assuming the identity of my favorite badass 90s frontwoman would keep me safely incognito forever, but the guilt of knowing that i, katie holmes, myself am the sole impediment to nfr's release is simply too heavy a cross to bear in secrecy
  19. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Kim Petras   
    I like the the new song, but IMO only Sweet Spot matches the greatness of her earlier work. Heart To Break, Hillside Boys, Turn off The Lights, Close Your Eyes, Slow It Down are just on another level.
  20. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by beautifulandbad in Kim Petras   
    Am I the only one that doesn't like ANY of the new singles? Got My Number is catchy, but it's still not my favorite. I much prefer her older songs. I really don't think she'll ever be able to top Turn Off The Light.
  21. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    didn't some of y'all say lfl was gonna be her best album and it'll be worth the wait last time this situation happened
  22. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i am the lone ranger
    sitting wistfully in the theatre
    pondering at the red satin veils and gold sheathed tassles surrounding and orchestrating the diminishing architecture of the theatre
    waiting for my baby to be delivered from his mechanical casketized incubator..sparking and screaming various white noise from the steam as that maniacal bitch clacks at it with her 2017 organic nails, with two fingers suspiciously cut for malpractice
    everybody left this theatre, ihave kicked them out. it is my theatre now
    i am burning this theatre to the gtound, i am comitting arson. hundreds might've died, the roaches lived
    my baby lives
    my bby will be birthed from her flames. i am sitting in the seat marked as row #19, letter J3. with the roaches that lived, twiddling the fried hair strands from a nearby patron drinking patron that never got to go home
    i hear the infantile whining from the incubator, 
    give me my fucking child lana
  23. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Toxo6969 in Charli XCX   
    "Guys I hate social media. Can you guys plz just make fun stuff for me and I'll post all my faves I'm done tryna be cute. Help me."
    Is our Charletta ok???? Have the gays bullied her enough for BIOYL to break her? omg I'm ready to fight for her!! > : (
  24. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Charlottexseax in Charli XCX   
    People saying we’re not gonna get WM is what’s wrong with the gay community. Y’all better check your internalised homophobia
  25. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Heartmachine in Charli XCX   
    It needs a video... it’s that top 10+ single that 1999 was trying to be.
    It’s like this... when I look at Boom Clap, Break The Rules, and all those big singles... CTMP fits right alongside those staple XCX, mega pop productions. :defeated: lol
    There’s like no way they can scrap it... I don’t see how they could or how they would even want to.
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