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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Dark Paradise moves me so very deeply, luv it too.
  2. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Playing Dangerous   
    This song feels like a film.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana taught me that...   
    I was already into Jimmy Dean, MM, Nabokov (Lolita is my favourite book), Whitman, Elvis etc and her references made me love her even more. But I am learning some stuff about Americana, Bohemian poetry and Beat culture thru Lana. I am thankful an artiste like LDR is in this world.
  4. peli liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    Well, you all can think whatever you want about me but I think Franco is being an opportunist whenever he mentions or links his name to Lana.
    He craves the attention too much IMHO.
    I am acquainted with his body of work since his early films and some of his directorial stuff is among my all time faves. I am not one to judge his talent. But I am over this Lana/Franco intellectual masturbation and ego feeding.
    I don't need Franco to explain Lana to me. I love and respect Lana and have a particular view regarding her creative endeavours and aesthetic choices.
    Lana is a beautiful soul.
    Feeling is understanding too. Art is subjective after all...
    Sorry if I offended anyone's sensibilities. I am socially inept.
  5. CarcrashBandicoot liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    The impression I get from this article:"I know the real Lana behind the persona, and you pathetic fans don't... ooh I am better than you all coz I am an artiste and get things you don't".
    Pretentious man...
    He knows squat about Lana.
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    Well, you all can think whatever you want about me but I think Franco is being an opportunist whenever he mentions or links his name to Lana.
    He craves the attention too much IMHO.
    I am acquainted with his body of work since his early films and some of his directorial stuff is among my all time faves. I am not one to judge his talent. But I am over this Lana/Franco intellectual masturbation and ego feeding.
    I don't need Franco to explain Lana to me. I love and respect Lana and have a particular view regarding her creative endeavours and aesthetic choices.
    Lana is a beautiful soul.
    Feeling is understanding too. Art is subjective after all...
    Sorry if I offended anyone's sensibilities. I am socially inept.
  7. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    My post was directed to people who judge her because they don't understand her. I don't need him to tell me who is Lana either, but somehow I'm glad she found a friend who understand her and with whom she can probably be totally herself. Is it real, meaningful and deep friendship? I don't know. It's not really possible to know. We live in an individualistic society. Everybody use everybody all the time with different level of genuineness in their feelings. If some people judge my friend negatively because of his/her awkwardness, you can be sure I won't stay quiet. I'll try to make people understand why this friend is like that so they become at least more tolerant.
    Lana is a grown up girl, she can choose whoever she wants to hang out with and she's not naive. Creating bonds with people is always risky. A risk of being disappointed in the future. I think by her tattoo, she knows she gotta be careful with whom she gets emotionally attached with. What's important is that she enjoys the present moment with him, that she has fun doing that movie project and not expect this friendship to necessarily last forever. Friendship starts, friendship ends. I've been disappointed by friends and vice versa. C'est la vie!
    You didn't offend my sensibility at all and I absolutely don't think you are one of her pathetic fans btw What I find nice about what Franco said is that it is useful for people who try to understand Lana, but are a bit confused with her complex personality. Girl, you're entitled to your opinion and I don't appreciate you less because we disagree. I'm not here to tell you how you should feel about their friendship, but I'm expressing my point of view. We're discussing, that's all
  8. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    Well, you all can think whatever you want about me but I think Franco is being an opportunist whenever he mentions or links his name to Lana.
    He craves the attention too much IMHO.
    I am acquainted with his body of work since his early films and some of his directorial stuff is among my all time faves. I am not one to judge his talent. But I am over this Lana/Franco intellectual masturbation and ego feeding.
    I don't need Franco to explain Lana to me. I love and respect Lana and have a particular view regarding her creative endeavours and aesthetic choices.
    Lana is a beautiful soul.
    Feeling is understanding too. Art is subjective after all...
    Sorry if I offended anyone's sensibilities. I am socially inept.
  9. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    I don't have any particular opinion on Franco but, DAMN, do I relate to the idea that Lana created her own world to escape from the disappointment of this one.  That's basically what I have done all my life in my writing.
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Do you think Lana still does drugs?   
    fuck this thread forever.
  11. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    The impression I get from this article:"I know the real Lana behind the persona, and you pathetic fans don't... ooh I am better than you all coz I am an artiste and get things you don't".
    Pretentious man...
    He knows squat about Lana.
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by slang in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    It's a very relative thing just how good the Ultraviolence video is (e.g., compared to Lorde's Tennis Court video, I'd say UV is "Gone with the Wind"). While my initial thoughts about it were "oh man, this isn't going to go over well", since then I've watched the video most of any from the UV era. It's very enjoyable.
    The video is like a blog entry from an artist that doesn't blog/tweet her own thoughts that often. The act of having her boyfriend (admittedly a well-known fashion photographer) film it on her phone is kind of like that. It was also possibly done in defiance of the label, which didn't seem to want to be associated with it *initially* ("Vice is running shit"), but after 2 million views at Noisey (with no copyright notice at the end), it goes to LanaDelReyVevo (and ends with a copyright Polydor notice). Finally, the speculation has been made (twitter 1/6/15 @DelReyLane) that the theme of the video is related to the next album Honeymoon, but what kind of honeymoon can there be if the groom doesn't show up to the wedding?
  13. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love the "Born to Die" album. And YES this is an unpopular opinion cause lately a lot of people have been trashing it. It's flawless (maybe except Lolita) and it's always gonna be my favorite. 
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Anthem in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've recently beeing thinking about DP and its really not as horrible as people say. I thought about writing an entire long post about how I interpret the lyrics but I've just been too lazy to make it happen.
  15. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I like Big Bad Wolf, Betty Boop Boop, Bollywood Hawaii, Daddy Issues. Also I prefer the Behind Closed Doors demo over the final version. 
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by cinnamon in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Dark Paradise and Lucky Ones are two of the best songs on BTD and no one can tell me otherwise
    Dark Paradise is one of my absolute favourite lana songs overall too.
  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by larina in Lana changes Instagram profile photo to Lizzy era pic   
    I found it last night but thanks still!
  18. wolfy liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Television Heaven: Kissing in the dark in my dad's room.
  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    What I find so interesting is that the music of this album doesn't fit the time it was released...this album doesn't feel like it was recorded in 2008 or released in 2010 while electronic music and Adele & Rihanna were topping the charts
    This album is not just from another era but another universe
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Limelight in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    I had a hard time getting into this album but when I finally did, I loved it. I still haverandom memories of me waiting at the bus station or walking down a street listening to some aka songs (Kill Kill comes to mind). Some of her best songs are there: Yayo, Pawn Shop Blues, Mermaid Motel, Oh Say Can You See
    I hope she sings the album live one day
  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by whitman in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    This is my favorite album by Lana. As Chuck said in the Galore Interview ( I think) as a songwriter it was her top moment creatively speaking. The lyrics are so genuine and the album offers so much diversity than anything she ever released after this. My favorites songs are Kill Kill, Pawn Shop Blues, Gramma and Yayo
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by ConeyIslandQueen262 in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    What I like the most about this album is the fact that no label or record producer forced her to write a specific type of music or appropriate lyrics. Lana Del Ray represents her music taste back in that time when she sat in her trailer park and wrote it. The sound is super unique and 100% Lana. In my opinion it reveals much about her personality, her affinity to kitsch, lolitas and death and was an important step on her way to success. I wish she would embrace this masterpiece instead of denying it but I guess she would get in trouble with Interscope if she played songs out of that album live. Nonetheless imagine mysterious songs like Mermaid Motel, Jump or Kill Kill on stage   While BTD, Paradise or even UV might appeal to a broader audience, Lana Del Ray has an undeniable authenticity to it and makes me believe that it actually reveals Lana's deepest thoughts uncensored (at least those she had back in 2008) since she didn't really spend a lot of time wondering what the public is going to say about it. 
    I think there's no need to talk about amazing lines like "Palm trees in black and white, last thing I saw before I died" (this opening line has the same effect as "My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola" in some way but on a higher level imo) or "I said it's nice to love and be loved but I'd rather know what God knows".
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by thatsomason in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    I can't say a favorite song, but my favorite line is "God bless the universe, god bless the ocean, god bless you, and god bless me" in Mermaid Motel. My least favorite is none, they're all beautiful in their own way.
  24. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    This album is pure magic. Love all the tracks but For K pt 2, Jump, Mermaid Motel and Yayo are special to me.
  25. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'm so happy!
    I adore the titles she uses... it's weird actually, sometimes I like the title more than the song itself lol
    Anyway, so excited
    Idk why but I'm expecting a Brigitte Bardot look for this

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