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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. there were already too many piano ballads/driven songs on that album anyway, one more wouldn't have made that much of a difference quite honestly.
  2. '13 Beaches' does nothing for me and 'Get Free' has to be the best song on 'Lust for Life'.
  3. I have a thing for French musicals. 'Notre Dame de Paris' is honestly iconic. It's the adaptation of the famous novel 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame' by Victor Hugo. I was pretty young when the musical came out, but I remember my parents playing the soundtrack often. The whole thing might look a little outdated nowadays, but I think the performances are still pretty solid! Oh, memories.
  4. She's so beautiful, but she's such a reckless driver omfg. Who tf drives like that. ?
  5. That is indeed true! I think she also said that the song was about an Harvey Winston type of character, who was actually a famed American jeweler. Which would kind of make sense with the "in the sky with diamonds and he's making me crazy". But I think the origins to 'Cola' and her so called relationship with Harvey Weinstein is a bit shady.
  6. for real all the official lyrics I've seen it's all clearly written "Ah he's in the sky" so there's that I guess
  7. This is probably my favourite quote ever. It's from 'Les Fleurs du mal' (The Flowers of evil) by famed French poet Charles Baudelaire. Probably his most revered work. It's from the poem called 'Le voyage' (The journey). Mais les vrais voyageurs sont ceux-là seuls qui partent Pour partir, coeurs légers, semblables aux ballons, De leur fatalité jamais ils ne s'écartent, Et, sans savoir pourquoi, disent toujours : Allons ! However true adventurers are those that leave To leave, lighthearted, like balloons From their fatalities they never stray away And, not knowing why, they always say: Go ! I don't know if my traduction renders justice to the original version. But, this poem and most particularly this excerpt, just evokes the sentiment that real adventurers are fearless, bold and they're always ready to go onto the next big thing. Always eager and awaiting adventures. I don't know why, but I've always found that particular poem to be beautiful and cheerful.
  8. "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
  9. it's one of those songs, which I love certain parts (in that case a single part), I think the song had a lot of potential and I love everything in there until after "I know what you're thinking of" after that it's a skip.
  10. Not sure where this 'TNC' and 'BPBP' slander comes from, they are legit some of the few great songs on that god forsaken album. ok some of the lyrics are a little cheesy and corny, but they still sound fine as a whole to me
  11. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've listened to 'Is This Happiness' and all of that was in 2014.
  12. No shade, but I feel like this lowkey belongs to the "confused opinions thread" if there ever was one.
  13. I mean, it's like the last song on the deluxe version of the album, it's not the most memorable song on 'Born To Die'. Much like I've never really listened to 'Is This Happiness', revoke my stan card.
  14. To be fair, I just like the song because I think the lyrics are cute even though the production/mastering are kinda flat-ish
  15. Why do people hate 'Lucky Ones' exactly?
  16. That's lowkey what my psychology teacher (an actual shrink) told us in college. She was saying it jokingly, but she was def shading us and knew what was up.
  17. Love me some classics The Wizard of Oz Singin' in the Rain Mary Poppins The Sound of Music Fiddler on the Roof
  18. I don't think Lana has ever released a fully conceptual album. Like some fans make 'Honeymoon' or even 'NFR' to be concept albums, but they are not. None of her albums hold a main narrative in their entirety. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's kinda cringy to me when fans say that such or such album is a conceptual one.
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