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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Ok so I was wrong but I blame them for their dumdum wording. also it seems his guess about a delay is just based off the info we all already have (her past rollouts) so there’s no reason to kick our worries about that into high gear.
  2. Push back doesn’t mean an album delay. He probably would have called it a delay if that was the case. I imagine her haters will push back against whatever she is doing (that isn’t to say it WONT be delayed, that could obvi still happen, it’s just not what he’s talking about I don’t think) my money is on poetry/songs hybrid album. I feel like it’d be easier for her to address her critics through spoken word.
  3. That post is so vague that a strong case could be made for pretty much anyone’s prediction. They way he literally said nothing at all and it’s freaked everyone out.
  4. Ngl that emoji reads to me more like he is cackling and slamming his hand down like “I can’t believe this bitch is actually doing this lol” more than praising whatever it is either way it certainly means we are in for something interesting maybe a poetry music hybrid??
  5. maybe it’s for a “live” moment like let me love you on Fallon!
  6. Anyways, shocker I think the snippet is lovely. I get why people want her to switch it up, I truly do, but I’m fine if she stays just making beautiful peaceful music too. Part of me would be ok if it felt like a more cohesive and consistent Lust for Life. Basically, lengthy with lots of variety.
  7. domandapiano

    Taylor Swift

    Soooooo.... it’s lookin’ like a no for tomorrow
  8. Why do we think this is coming real soon (I keep seeing tomorrow and today thrown around)
  9. I really don’t think she intended the pic to look like she had bruises in it. It looks like the filter reacted with the natural shadows tbh
  10. so it’s over imma need Taylor to surprise drop any minute now to rid my mind of this mess
  11. hopefully this confusion spurs some kind of clarification on someones part because this all very suspect
  12. We just wanted a simple update, was that so much to ask for? Something not messy? It would be a dream if polydor kept their posts up or just never posted at all. Echoing her announcement and then immediately deleting all traces of it just makes everything SO MUCH MORE CONFUSING. It felt real for a matter of 30 minutes and now it just feels like another date that will come and go with nothing. I hate that I think this, but the best thing for us to do is to just ignore everything for a while, there is no clarity to be found, and no plan we can uncover. I truly think that if lana wasn’t on a big label she would just drop music regularly with no fanfare or rollout, which I would LOVE, but clearly her label/management want her to have more typical structure in her releases so it just ends up a confusing mess every time.
  13. Whatever the fuck happens, I just hope she actually can release this when she wants and still feels connected to it. I can’t handle another Chemtrails situation where it’s out for one day and she’s over it. Lol
  14. Ok the fact that polydor took the shit down. This is getting annoying. Get it fucking together people.
  15. Also, in what way does she look at all bruised in that picture? Y’all are unhinged.
  16. I told my boyfriend moments ago that everyone was manifesting Mike Dean as a producer on this album and his response was “oh my god, he’s awful. He’s the worst sound engineer on Kanye’s albums”.
  17. It’s not a bad song, there is just nothing there sonically to latch onto. There isn’t a melody or some great turn of phrase that really drives it home.
  18. I’m getting tired of pretending to be patient. When are we allowed to start complaining that this is the most torturous prerelease? The theories that Taylor Swift is about to drop another meticulously planned and crafted surprise album is making whatever you call this lana era seem sadder
  19. domandapiano

    Taylor Swift

    If this ends up coming to fruition, I’ll only have the maddest of respect for her. I enjoyed both folklore and evermore equally, and I agree while folklore might feel more like a “full listen” album, evermore has more songs I go back to and listen to on their own. I’d be very intrigued to hear one more Taylor Swift album in this cottage core vein before she goes off and makes something totally different I might not connect with as much.
  20. domandapiano

    Little Simz

    Looked for a thread for her but didn’t find one. Her new track from her upcoming record is SOOOOO FIRE.
  21. I just tested positive for covid so if lana wants to drop some news about this at any time to cheer me up I’d be greatly appreciative.
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