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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. At my old age of 29, 9 o clock feels late as hell, but I’ll be watching it live as I play divinity 2.
  2. I don’t think she’ll perform summertime because that would involve her belting. I just don’t see her putting that much effort into that tbh. Lmlylaw is much more chill and easy to sing so I definitely think that’s the most likely thing she’ll perform.
  3. domandapiano


    As a huge dark souls stan I want the darq souls song badly
  4. Regardless of whether it comes or not she better at least say something this week regarding something
  5. I just don’t see what the point of showing a bunch of performances that we already have would be. I’m not saying it’s not a possibility, it just seems like it would be pointless and a dumb move. I figured it be a live twitch stream
  6. It’s not all home videos, though! I got worried for a sec. Brittney Howard and Bleachers are both taken from concerts/festival sets as well. I think they probably just picked a few random shots from recentish things.
  7. domandapiano

    Taylor Swift

    Yeah that ultimate edition is booty. Of course it has some of the better songs on it but the omission of epiphany, seven, ivy, the last great American dynasty, peace, long story short, tis the damn season, etc just why? Why isn’t the ultimate edition literally all of the tracks?
  8. Id say ps4 is preeeeetty rough. I’d wait until they patch it up some more. I’m sure when it gets to a good place we will hear about it. im intrigued what the devs have to say. I do hope they put effort into fixing things and not just dropping it and called it a failure.
  9. it’s being pulled from the Sony store indefinitely. It has less to do with how awfully it runs on PS4 and more to do with CDProjektRed telling people to get refunded if they wanted to without Sony’s permission or notification so Sony was not prepared to deal with all these refunds that people were suddenly demanding. Sony is rightfully pissed. if you have it and dont care to get a refund you can keep playing. It’s still gonna be sold in store as well I believe. It’s just the digital copy on PSN right now that’s unavailable. Unsure if the same will happen for digital versions on PC and XBOX consoles. I hope that they patch the game up and ALSO add more simulation content to the game for free over the next year. It’s not an awful game, I’m having fun, but it’s certainly not groundbreaking or particularly immersive (unless I’m very high)
  10. Agree. It’d be real jacked up to delay the thing your releasing because of the delay of the other thing you were supposed to have released 4 months ago. I have hope for March, though, regarding cocc.
  11. playing on ps5 isn't so bad, Ive found. it has only crashed once thus far for me. Of course there are still some visual whoopsies like floating food and some weirdness with animations and it is certainly buggy, but its not ruining my experience. I was also not particularly hyped for the game so I had less room to be disappointed. Im hoping with the patches they smooth out all of the visual discrepancies and I hope they add some quality of life features to the game as well. Ill probably end up doing the free upgrade to the ps5 version when that comes out next year overall, id say its fun, will certainly be worth playing when stuff is fixed, but it doesn't necessarily have the atmosphere I long for it to have. the city has lots of people traipsing around, but none of them feel that "present" like id say they do in red dead 2 or some other open world games.
  12. id say it being a thing involving jack does make it more likely that it'll be chemtrails related. or maybe it'll just be let me love you again, but perhaps a little more of an organic performance, which id be happy with.
  13. Yeah I’m buzzing with the energy again that we aren’t getting this this month. Christmas is a Friday I guess so it could happen but it’s getting sus that it’s not being mentioned. I get she’s into “surprises” and “minimal promo” these days but I’m not sure how much of that is actually intentional.
  14. To be fair if charts weren’t considered Chemtrails wouldn’t have been been delayed in the first place. The whole reason they gave was because vinyl has to be able to ship day of release to count towards the charts anywho this was nice
  15. I hate to be over critical but it was slightly disarming how much some parts did almost sound like the same vocal take from the original song, as if the original was melded with a new take. Regardless, it was in fact lovely, not really what I was looking for from this, but it’s a nice lil music video. I’d rather have it than not. More of a bummer is lack of Chemtrails mention at all. :/
  16. It wasn’t bad but it did feel more like an alternate studio take almost. She delayed the album so she could re-record with the choir didn’t she I wished it was more of an actual performance tho
  17. Gal Godot is absolutely stunning but you can’t convince me watching her drink egg nog is interesting in any way. This is mind numbing.
  18. @rightofjupiter @HoneymoonDaddy thanks angels!! this is the most inane shit I’ve seen, this show. Cannot wait for Lana to grace it with her presence <3
  19. I think I’ve got enough time to get a full stream of evermore in before this
  20. Can’t wait to hear her sing! Maybe she’ll say something enlightening about either record.
  21. I’m one of the few who is actually pleased with this it seems! The live version could be stunning!!
  22. I keep seeing commercials for tomorrow’s episode of Fallon and none of them mention Lana as a guest performer it’s king of annoying. They list everyone who is interviewing.
  23. A list of the possible songs she could sing in order from what I want most to what I want least: Chemtrails > lmlylaw > new cover > ynwa > summertime > Christmas tune coincidentally the exact same list in reverse is the ranking of the songs from most likely to be performed to least likely to be performed. im done being a negative Nancy regarding this, though. It’s cool she’s doing something at all, I suppose! I’ll tune in and if it’s something cool I’ll be glad, and if it’s a Christmas song I’ll watch once and smile and probably not come back to it.
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