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  1. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    So is this confirmation for her and Dan having rough sex?
  2. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Neptune-Avenue in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    i think shes been like playfully sarcastic... with a slight undertone of "only if it was that easy lol"  almost as if to say "the least i could have gotten was some musical exposure"     
  3. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by lostindarkparadise in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Behind the scenes http://www.complex.com/tv/music-videos/lana-del-rey-complex-magazine-cover-augustseptember-2014
  4. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by jungle art in jungle ART   
    " vhs "

  5. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Sam Gho in Lana’s Fib About Her Age-Some Thoughts   
    The possibility that Lana might be a year older than what was known widely, for some reason bothers me. The discrepancy is so small that I don’t see any advantage for Lana to unnecessarily lie about it. However as I think about it more, I think I have come up with a possible explanation.
    One of the most mysterious parts of Lana’s past to me has been the time she spent in Alabama. She has mentioned this consistently beginning with her early interviews and I think it is true. However nothing else in her background really makes sense to explain a sojourn to Alabama. Except that if viewed in a certain way, it probably does make a lot of sense.
    I think when Lana got into high school in Lake Placid she met a guy who was bad news all around (the mysterious K). I think this is the guy who got her into alcohol and probably drugs later. However her drinking freaked out her parents who sent her to boarding school, mainly to get her away from this guy. However I am sure she kept meeting him, despite her parents opposition, e.g. when she came back home for vacations etc. After she finished school, I think her parents really wanted her to break off this relationship, but instead I think she ran away with this guy to Alabama. Instead of going to college she spent a year with this guy down in Alabama, where this guy kept getting into more and more trouble. This scenario would explain many of her lyrics (being on the run, Officer Brown checking on them, kids living the dark side of the American dream etc., there are many, many references in many songs that fit such a scenario), until this guy finally got caught and sent to prison. Not sure he got the death sentence (it’s too melodramatic, but a long prison sentence is as good as dying), and maybe he is still in prison. She said in an interview that he was still around and she was in touch with his mother, with would also be consistent with him being in prison. Anyway, once he got sent away she woke up and came back home, and finally joined Fordham.
    However, this scenario means that there is a year missing in her life. So for her friends from high school, her years in Fordham would be a year off. I think she realized in early interviews that this was likely to raise more questions later, instead it was easier to just to pretend that she had come to Fordham straight from Lake Placid. She has always been very reticent to speak about her time before NY probably for this reason. This was probably evident in the Complex interview where the interviewer had picked up some discrepancies about her age. Like many things, once you lie about something, even something very small and inconsequential, it becomes difficult to backtrack later. Therefore, according to the scenario I have laid out, she graduated from high-school in 2003, spent about a year with K in Alabama, and joined Fordham in Fall 2004.
    I also think that most of her songs are about K, although she does not name him (she hints at that in her My Space interview, where she says her songs are always about the same guy). I think she developed a crush on Jimmy Gnecco once she met him in NYC clubs, but if anything it was a short fling (even though she wrote a few songs about it). Jimmy however exposed her to being attracted to older men, but I don’t think she had any significant relationship until she met Mike Mizrahi (early 2009). Some of the songs that refer to old guys probably are written to him, and songs like Afraid, Damn You are definitely in reference to her breakup with him. However, I think she still obsesses about K, and that might make her a difficult person to have a long-term relationship with (although I hope I am wrong, and I really wish she finds a great guy to be with).
    I spend way too much time thinking about such stuff, gotta stop!
  6. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Alice BrightSky releases album with "Lover's Fate" featuring Lizzy Grant   
    I wonder how it feels to have a super star in the making doing your "little things" and then realize it years later, I'm thinking about Madonna being a backup dancer to some singers or having Mariah Carey as your background vocals. And in that case having the now-so-popular/award-winning/million-ablum-selling/object-of-million-fans'-fantasies Lana Del Rey whispering on your chorus.
    I find it interesting, it makes you realize that they are just human like us after all, not only pop/super stars.
  7. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I think it's the job of a journalist to be adaptable to their subjects and not succumb to such press bait by willfully upsetting their subject. Like damn how edgy of him to specifically detail the pitfalls of this interview when he clearly saw how uncomfortable that very aspect of fame--i.e., interviewers presenting her in a way she's not okay with--made her. The pattern of behavior you're observing seems to be a chain reaction of her portrayal in the media upsetting her, leading to more questions about this uncomfortable topic and an all around distrust of interviewers, rather than her "throwing a hissy fit at interviewers." If you ask me, the solution is not to keep portraying her like someone excessively uncomfortable with media! It's a really snakey move, stepping outside of the actual profile and describing all the details that make her sound psychotic without any context. So yes I believe him very capable of pushing her over her limit.
  8. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I just bought the magazine today and wow, what an article. They did paint her as a drama queen, and the usual questioning of her authenticity dominated most of what was researched about her. 
    Things that I liked:

    - Called Francesco a "friend" 
    - Ultraviolence is a really personal album, and that she made it for her. "I'm not selling the record, I'm signed to a label who's selling the record. I don't need to make any money. I really could care less. But I do care about making music"
    - Lana showing the program that she uses to make the homemade vids on her computer with its cracked screen
  9. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by drugmoney in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Oh definitely. The questions are so invasive too like where do you get the right to ask her about some stupid theory that she was in a relationship with her teacher? I just don't get it. It's honestly disrespectful. People seem to think they're entitled to dig so deep into Lana's personal life and it's gross.
    I love the part she said here which is so fucking true:
    "I find the nature of the questions difficult. 'Cause it's not like I'm a rock band and you're asking how everything got made and what it's like touring in arenas and what are the girls like. It's about my father. It's about my mental health. It's fucking personal."
  10. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Scans (by https://twitter.com/TROPICOCUNT):





  11. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I so agree. And it's no wonder that she shut down.. it seems like she knew the angle the story was headed. Or maybe she didn't want to stick her foot in her mouth again. Either way, I like that she took the power in her hands and controlled the situation.. the interview portrayed her as very confused and unpredictable which I think is accurate.
    And God the ending reads like an excerpt from valley of the dolls lol
  12. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Because it isn't a matter of special treatment to me, it's human decency. Why is her reaction to these things a "tantrum" but there's no similar accountability for interviewers? My problem is that you just simply won't hear anything positive about her--maybe more accurately, anything negative about anyone who tries to put her in "her place." I think it's way less accurate to say I'm ever trying to absolve every crazy thing she does than it is to say you seem to relish picking at her personality. Your criticism of objectivity applies both ways.
  13. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Ultraviolence Audio Commentary   
    She said that Cruel World, Pretty When You Cry, and Old Money are her favorite tracks along with SOC being really meaningful to her.
    My hopes for an OM video were just multiplied by 1000
    "Old money is probably one of the tracks on the record that's the most idyllic of them all. It's more based in kind of, fantastical snapshots I have of being on the corner of Hollywood and vine , like I was channeling something. It's really my oldest track on the record cuz it's, it's a song that's been in the works for about 5 years. It was called Methamphetamines at first. And what's funny is, I had to talk to my publishing company, because, I didn't know that I was referencing a melody from the original score of Romeo and Juliet from I think, the sixties. And, it was so similar that, you know half of the publishing belongs to them as well now. (what?) But obviously I was channeling something really...nostalgic. For me it's also one of my favorite tracks."
  14. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Ultraviolence Audio Commentary   
    LMAO Florida Kilos is a bonus track for a reason... it doesn't fit with the rest of the album, so it wouldn't have been a wise choice for the standard tracklist. Besides, Sad Girl is fantastic what on Earth is people talking about
    "Sad Girl, cause I'm still sometimes a sad girl, still things beyond my control, sometimes I do things that I want above maybe what I should do, and, it also is in that key of blue. Reminds me a lot of SOC, and stays within the theme of the record in that way"
    I personally don't think she says it's a filler track, like she's not a brilliant mind when it comes to describing things or even talking properly
    I'm looking at you Cruel World
  15. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by lmdr in "Norman Fucking Rockwell" LMDR - Cover Arts   


    SUCH a hard work doing this. The car was the most difficult part, I had to re-create it and finding the correct shadows and correct tones which I could never get, was a pain in the ass. The outcome looks meh... but I hope you like it.


  16. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    I think this is the most anticipated part of all the lyrics in all her songs for me

    It's so perfect.

    He said, “Lana Ray, will you serve me lemonade”

    and I said, “Yes, Bill, I will, it’s the day of the parade

    And you look even more handsome than you did the day that I left you

    How do you spend your nights, honey, still watching TV

    I long to be in your arms honey, come back to me please”

  17. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by teethclick in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    When she sings "you said I’d never make it out of here alive, at the rate I was going, I’d be lucky to die" and "I said, he loves my heart-shaped sunglasses, he loves the heart shape my ass is" in Every Man Gets Him Wish.
  18. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Lana Del Rey in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    I don't know why, in Aviation 'Do you think I'm crazy, 'Cause I'm going to Pensacola'
    I love the way she sings it...
  19. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic in Ultraviolence Audio Commentary   
    I think you can really tell what songs she considers "fillers". Looking at you Sad Girl! That explanation...WOW so enlightening.
    Very interesting to hear that she reworked Melancholia into Ultraviolence, in order to have a title track. I really wouldn't be surprised if the demo was better than the final version, because to me the chorus seems really forced into the context. It's kinda random.
    Also the fact that she unintentinally sampled R+J...very weird, but cool indeed. I love that she basically confirmed that Old Money is the final version of Methamphetamines. I've been saying it all along! Anyway...I'm really interested in hearing the previous version of the song.
  20. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic in 'Ultraviolence' Songs Added to Setlist   
    Or she just performs the singles + UV. Because, you know that's how artists nowadays do it. Anyway, this is still NOT the "Ultraviolence Tour", so I can see why it's mainly BTD and Paradise songs being performed.
    Looking at her recent setlists I think a setlist for next year's "Ultraviolence Tour" should look something like this:
    1. Ultraviolence*
    2. Blue Jeans
    3. Shades of Cool*
    4. Black Beauty*
    5. Born to Die
    6. Pretty When You Cry* / Sad Girl* / Is This Happiness*
    7. Fucked My Way Up to the Top*
    8. Money Power Glory*
    9. National Anthem
    10. Young & Beautiful
    11. Old Money*
    12. Brooklyn Baby*
    13. Ride
    14. Summertime Sadness
    15. West Coast*
    16. Video Games
    17. Cruel World*
    18. Flipside* (with extended outro)
    / = or
  21. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Official 2nd Single - Ultraviolence (Release August 18th)   
    I think it's an abordable song for radio. Don't think it Will do much though.. Brooklyn Baby I feel has this immediate likeable quality, it's summery and I think it would be a wise choice. Same with Old Money, since it sounds like a Traditional ballad but with Lana's touch..
  22. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by hollywoodgirl in Official 2nd Single - Ultraviolence (Release August 18th)   
    @  I dunno, I think it may be deliberate. The album was out last month. Apparently touring doesn't start till next year. So if she releases new music videos from August to December they keep the album in the press.
  23. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by drewby in Salon: "Lana Is The Perfect Artist For An America In Decline"   
    Well that expanded on something I thought
    BTD was idealizing American ideals and crap
    UV is the deconstruction and realization there's evils out there
    so dark it's almost unlistenable ~
  24. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Lizzy Grant Lower East Side Jams 🎶   
    of course
    on a scale of Dope to Noir, how surf should it be?
    also these are the original pics

  25. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by TRASHBABY in Lana Del Rey Interviews With Triple J   
    carefully avoided talking about barrie  
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