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About Lily

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  • Birthday 03/04/1987

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    Dance, theatre, Shakespeare, philosophy, history, poetry and literature, writing, art, museums, noir, 1950s, sewing, acting, Lana (naturally) ... ;)

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  1. Lily


    I love this song so, so, so much! She has nice Italian pronunciation, too -- and while I love her Spanish additions to songs, I think I like the Italian better. So soft and dreamy. What a romantic song. This is the kind of moody, dreamlike song I'd love to play for a first-dance at my wedding. It's so gorgeous. I think this album is going to be above and beyond anything we've heard yet.
  2. Lily


    He said that, and it was a translated interview -- he said that with both of them being famous, they had to stay at home most of the time and not go to parties. But according to her previous interviews, home is where she wants to be. I remember one interview where she said she would never leave her house if she didn't have to.
  3. I'm wondering - and not to be snarky or mean, but genuinely wondering - if people who think this is boring or dull have ever really suffered a loss. Not just a breakup, but a true, tear-you-apart, knock-you-down, no light at the end of the tunnel kind of loss. Because I feel like anyone who has really experienced THAT kind of loss, or depression, will GET this song. It moves me so deeply, I can hardly bear it's beauty. Not boring at all. Slow does not equal boring, and I think that's something we tend to forget.
  4. It's perfect. sigh. Just beautiful perfection.
  5. Lily

    Terrence Loves You

    Oh ... god. Listening to this song makes me so sad and so happy at the same time. How does she always outdo herself? And I LOVE that I can relate to the feelings of loss in this song, but the lyrics are still obscure enough to belong to Lana. She always personalizes her songs so only she can truly understand them. This is a gorgeous song. Wow wow wow
  6. I'm surprised she's managed to keep so much of it so secret. Besides HBTB being leaked, there really are no spoilers for this one! Can't wait.
  7. Lily

    High By The Beach

    I love this song soooo much. Until the video I assumed it was to one of her bad boys, and I loved it then too, but I like it even better now. I don't know how I didn't catch the meaning sooner. What a perfect little "fuck you" to everyone who tore her apart for so long.
  8. Lana's music helped me through two major traumas - the death of my grandmother, and finding out my long-term boyfriend had a double life. I was able to identify with her lyrics in a way I have not with any other artist. She helped to "normalize" the shock and pain I was going through. Her lyrics have inspired me very much to take more chances in life, to be more free, to be more relaxed about dating, to open up. I can definitely say that Lana's music has helped make me into a stronger woman. She makes me think and feel things that I needed to think and feel, if that makes sense.
  9. Per usual, she makes something unexpected and totally gorgeous. Perfection! A mix of Paradise and Ultraviolence, but with that B&W movie vibe and edge of real creepiness. I LOVE IT! This is a great song to use to introduce people to Lana. The video, though ... will it be longer eventually?!
  10. Oh really?! Man. I can't say I love them. But the Queen can do whatever she wants. lol Thanks for updating me!
  11. I didn't realize it was old. She just came up with fake bangs again, and I figured this was a new post. Sorrrrryyyyyyy!
  12. I was so, so, SO happy when I found out these were fake. I'll support her no matter what, because she's the Queen, but ... no. The bangs weren't working for her, in my opinion. Hid too much of her gorgeous features.
  13. Lily

    Lana Questionnaire

    1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? Right before the Great Gatsby came out. I heard Young And Beautiful and was hooked. 2. First song(s)? Young And Beautiful, then I bought the BTD/P album. 3.what did you think? I fell in love with her music so fast it left me breathless! 4. Your favourite song(s)? I have SO many, but the one that I always come back to is Born To Die. Ultraviolence, Yayo, Tired Of Singing The Blues, and Young And Beautiful are close, though. 5. Least favourite song(s) Video Games is the one I always skip. 6. What song(s) "grew" on you? Gods and Monsters, Cola, Guns And Roses 7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? Lana Del Rey 8. Favourite Album(s)? Totally depends on my mood! 9. Least favourite(s) None 10. Favourite song preformed live? Born To Die (and Carmen at the Jazz Cafe) 11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? Bought Born To Die Paradise Edition 12. Favourite song quote/lyric? So many! One that I frequently turn to, though, is simply "sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why."
  14. Nice, thoughtful answer! Thank you. I didn't know she said her label was surprised. I definitely would love to see it as a bonus track, although I'm 99% sure that is wishful thinking. But we never know ... Yayo was so old, and recorded nicely before, and then it showed up on Paradise. Great points! Thanks!
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