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strange weather

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Everything posted by strange weather

  1. when the chorus kicked in, tears came to my eyes i am beyond ready for the album in HQ.
  2. hmm. idk. i think TLY is absolutely about barrie or inspired by him. even based on your second sentence: haven't we gathered that barrie was severely depressed? also it makes sense..."i still get trashed, baby, when i hear your tunes," since barrie was a songwriter. speaking of TLY, god, i love it. it took awhile to click with me but now the bridge always makes me tear up--trying to desperately (yet covertly...cosmically, even!) connect to someone who you can't outright contact anymore because you've broken up. (trying to transmit, can you hear me?) it's heartbreaking.
  3. bless you & your bf for doing this. i know ppl are going to hate but i neeeeed a HQ leak asap. i'm going to buy it anyway. edit: oh god i hope that person who has the vinyl knows how to upload it
  4. tbh i wasn't hyped for MTWBT at all, mostly cos i'm a lesbian & i don't relate to listening to music while i watch the boys... but this absolutely superseded my expectations. i love its atmosphere & the flute & just...yes. i'm officially excited for this album.
  5. i fucking love it this style really works for lana.
  6. i don't think lana's slow, minimal songs are boring. if i thought that why would i be a fan lol? but an entire album of them would be monotonous, sorry. lana is capable of more than that. i want some variety.
  7. the only sin to me in music (& movies, tv, etc) is being boring. i don't mind a new approach for lana at all--she changes with each album. i just don't want it to be a snoozefest. i think she has a few surprises in store for us, though. i'm ready for a song like "freak"
  8. oh, man. this song is so dreamy & perfect i could listen to a whole album of songs like this. really, really could. also: is it just me or is this song totally cat power inspired? like, cat power meets hawaii...
  9. i really like her hair/dress. but she looks very freshly botoxed.
  10. lbr, i'm gonna buy the fuck out of this. no doubt. but ugh, imaginary conversations?? you just gonna confuse us MORE, lana? oh well, hope it keeps lanalysis going
  11. hate her bangs separated like that, but ugh @ the comments about her weight. so what? idgaf. also, i wish there were threads for each of her pap sightings they don't always get posted to the misc thread.
  12. i'm not in love with it yet, which is disappointing. i think i'll enjoy it more in the context of the whole album instead of as the only song we have so far...
  13. all i know is that i hope we get some songs that bring back fun lana or something where she really belts it out in that ridiculous way she does
  14. totally. that's why i think casual fans who haven't heard lana's unreleased stuff only know half the story. a lot of those songs are upbeat & poppy in their lana-ish way. she does pop in a very unique way & i'd love to hear that again from her. & on the subject of unreleased songs: i wouldn't want any on the new album UNLESS she released it as a single and made a killer music video for it. that would be the only reason to re-release one.
  15. i don't listen to UV as often as i listen to lana's other stuff, but i came to this thread and then looked up the tracklist to decide and... UV is pretty damn solid. i pretty much enjoy every song, even if i have to be in a specific mood for some of them. ultimately, it's cohesive, which makes it difficult to pick & choose. best: florida kilos, shades of cool, west coast, MPG, FMWUTTP, flipside worst: the other woman, old money
  16. my girlfriend is a very jealous person but she said that of course i could kiss lana if we ever met her. meet me in the pale moonlight, lana
  17. wow! it's so rude to try to kiss her without asking first or while she's fucking singing. actually, it's kind of awkward in general and i could never see myself even asking but...since she has happily kissed other fans i would secretly hope she would want to kiss me too! what a gift that would be
  18. i LOVE my box set. it's so beautiful. i love the picture disks and the enclosed lithographs. i wish it came with lyrics, though. and i'm still not in love with the cover of UV. i almost wish it was the picture of her in the peyote shirt.
  19. i was really looking forward to seeing videos from every show
  20. it makes me think of an unknown, unfamous lana sitting in an apartment in brooklyn, strumming her acoustic guitar, wishing more people would take notice of her songs
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