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strange weather

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Everything posted by strange weather

  1. bless your taste!! i really want TBD to be in it, regardless. that song deserves SOMETHING.
  2. more pop oriented?? lmao. honeymoon makes UV feel upbeat!
  3. ultraviolence actually had a chance. honeymoon doesn't, imo.
  4. fucking AMAZING. if i had $50 to spare i would be all over that. now i'm sad.
  5. i asked the same thing in the minor questions thread because i'm so curious about it as well. from the little she's explained of writing this album, it seems like rick nowels sat at a piano playing chord progressions while lana made up lyrics & melodies over it.
  6. i don't have anything meaningful to add except that you said everything so perfectly that i am floored. this is exactly what every lana fan needs to realize, that i sympathize with, that i even relate to in myself. thank you.
  7. i know i'm in the minority, but i'm sooooo glad it wasn't all about muscle-y half-naked dudes! bless you, lana! one of her most visually stunning videos in a long time. sure, i would have preferred color too, but i loved it anyway. just gorgeous. how happy it made me to see lana smile like that...
  8. i keep hearing it as "you're not simple, it's trigonometry" rather than "i'm not simple"
  9. i get what it's trying to do. i still think it's lazy writing to say you can't describe something. it seems like a cop out to me. she does it again in the blackest day--which i love--but the whole song is so emotional overall that i can forgive it. also, it's not as blatant: "i don't even know what i'm saying" vs. "it's not easy for me to talk about / i have heavy heartstrings / you're not simple, it's trigonometry / it's hard to express, i can't explain" -- which is more effective? the latter is a better example of what you are talking about. american isn't.
  10. literally one of her worst lyrics/bridges EVER. takes me right out of the song. you don't know what you're saying? that is lazy ass writing. honeymoon could be perfect if it had more interesting lyrics, tbh. i've grown to love it a lot more but it's missing that. there's little emotional connection, except in songs like the blackest day, TLY, & swan song...
  11. she's definitely spiritual & maybe culturally catholic, but i don't think she's like this religious conservative or anything. at all.
  12. what a fucking angel. the fact that she gave that pap the time of day is just so generous & so like her. damn. i wish she would ask me for my email! i'd make you a happy girl, lanz
  13. it probably is, tbh. she keeps calling it a "personal" song & singles it out any time someone asks about things like that. there's obvious bowie references but she's using them to convey something specifically meaningful to her.
  14. heavy heartstrings, 100% my favorite song
  15. i mostly meant that the songs all have similar tempos. it's a slow album.
  16. yes! i definitely forgot to mention that i am psyched to hear what the songs will sound like live. will blake be on tour with her? the recorded songs aren't guitar-heavy but i wonder if there will be some variation on tour. that i'm excited to hear.
  17. i'm so conflicted. i love honeymoon, but what it suffers from is a lack of variety. the songs on their own are great, but the album is all so slow/barely mid-tempo that it becomes laborious to listen to the whole thing at once. all of the songs have a similar 'feel' to them. the thing is, i like that 'feel'! but those songs don't get to shine in an album that lacks variety. we can't appreciate the slow, sensual moments as much because the entire album is that way. let's think about ultraviolence. i've heard so many people say that was an album of sleepy songs. but we also had songs like west coast, MPG, FMWUTTP, & florida kilos to break up the monotony, you know? this is the first time i really feel like the lyrics are besides the point. they are more a vehicle for the melody than anything. she was right when she described HM as being more "surrealistic" and less personal. that said, i can appreciate pretty much anything lana puts out. i am here because of her voice & that has never disappointed me. on this album her vocals are even more self-assured & fluid & reach new heights. i'm glad she stopped trying to change her natural vocal range. the album highlights for me are the blackest day ( perfection), salvatore (get out of my head!), freak (hot), terrance loves you (watch me cry), & music to watch boys to ( )
  18. i can't get mine to be bigger than 100x100. really frustrating. edit: like magic it changed!
  19. can someone also send me salvatore or direct me to a tumblr link?? please and thank you <33333
  20. she should have called the album "blue moon" like damn everything about blueness
  21. when the chorus kicked in, tears came to my eyes i am beyond ready for the album in HQ.
  22. hmm. idk. i think TLY is absolutely about barrie or inspired by him. even based on your second sentence: haven't we gathered that barrie was severely depressed? also it makes sense..."i still get trashed, baby, when i hear your tunes," since barrie was a songwriter. speaking of TLY, god, i love it. it took awhile to click with me but now the bridge always makes me tear up--trying to desperately (yet covertly...cosmically, even!) connect to someone who you can't outright contact anymore because you've broken up. (trying to transmit, can you hear me?) it's heartbreaking.
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