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strange weather

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Everything posted by strange weather

  1. i like the theories about it being directed towards herself and i wish it was, but this makes more sense. a lust for fame was what drove this person to neglect their relationship and look what it got them--nothing! she's the famous one now. she's the one naming her album "best american record." she made it a reality while he only dreamed about it.
  2. i think it's more that she is still so scarred from SNL and the initial backlash during BTD (and even UV) that she refuses to take many creative risks. but maybe that's me holding out hope that this time around it will be different
  3. i actually like love, but i can't help but agree with some of this. it doesn't have the certain magic, the je ne sais quoi, that i expect from a lana song. i think it's mostly because the chorus is in the same vocal range as the verses. we know what lana can do with her voice but she plays it safe instead. it doesn't feel dynamic. there are definitely aspects i appreciate about it--its message, more global perspective, and the inspired video are a few--but i can't help but feel it's lacking. when she said that it's representative of the whole album, i felt disappointed.
  4. great post, but according to the Church of Satan's fundamental beliefs they don't worship Satan, nor do they make animal sacrifices. though people do whatever in the name of religion so who knows. either way, i don't get the big deal. lana didn't announce that she is now the devil's mistress and her music is dedicated to evil. i'm so curious to know what this is for. what if it's not for the album at all but a project that chuck is working on?
  5. people need to educate themselves on what "satanism" actually is. it has nothing to do with worshipping satan. (also, p.s., satan isn't real.) i don't think lana is even a satanist, though. i think she's deeply fascinated by the esoteric and mysticism and the so-called "dark" side of life.
  6. do you think lana is trying to appeal to some basic trump lovers and squares or something? maybe chill a bit because lana is not recruiting anyone into a cult. though tbh sign me up if she does! yeah, why is every other curse word censored but a racial slur isn't? weird.
  7. omg, the overreactions are killing me. i, for one, am glad she's taking a stance against trump even if it's an eccentric one. also i'm soooo here for witchy lana. haters can get hexed! how is it dangerous??
  8. my heart is bursting at the love between lana and marina! even if they don't collab, them acknowledging each other thrills me!! but pls collab
  9. omg, i am overwhelmed that we are seeing lana enter a whole new phase of her artistry. this is so different than anything she's ever done.
  10. i am psyched for a live performance with guitar. it would sound great acoustic too, with piano and guitar. do you think because ~this record is for the fans~ that means she'll do tv performances again?
  11. because she's speaking to a whole generation that is going through a difficult time and living through a turbulent era of politics. we have also witnessed her dipping her toes into politics and look at her insta bio--"you know where I've been, now let me show you where we're headed"--she's writing with more universal themes this time around instead of about her past. she's looking into the future, imagining it. i hope we see a lot more of that on the album.
  12. lol yes but what was the comment she is responding to specifically?
  13. ugh, can't buy it in the us but from the preview it seems like the gap btwn the verses and choruses is different? am i right?
  14. the production was a disappointment for me tbh (i wish there were more backing vocals or that it went...anywhere suprising), but i am SO HAPPY that lana is writing lyrics that are different than usual. when i first heard the title i was like oh no, not another love song!! but the melody and message of the song really move me. i feel like this song speaks to the current zeitgeist. it reminds me that even in these crazy, overwhelming, harsh times...even if your life isn't what you thought it would be...simplicity and love and living in the moment can carry us through.
  15. thank you. why should the entire fandom be punished because of a leak? i would be sincerely disappointed in lana if she refused to release the song. it's really unfortunate that the song leaked but there's still a video and an album that didn't. all is not lost.
  16. of course it was going to leak. i don't understand why they won't release it sooner now that it has?
  17. 100000% agreed, but this is lana we are talking about. it's hard for her to move past stuff.
  18. omg i am praying it doesn't leak but the snippet sounds so wonderful, totally shook lana forgive me
  19. me rn: every little thing she does is magic i love these tiny glimpses into her life. they are so perfectly lana, mysterious & beautiful. she looks like an angel. bless us all.
  20. i NEEEED those rich whores rehearsals--"me and my boyfriend" and whatever the other ones were. the fact that someone is hoarding them makes me die a little with jealousy. i'd love to hear an early version of OTTR. i hope we get more laptop demo leaks (well, i hope there are more to be leaked!), they are so mysterious and interesting.
  21. it's abnormal because it's presumably already finished and we haven't had any sort of official announcement. i mean, the music video was filmed LAST SUMMER. i agree that it's not a long time to wait between albums, but if it is on the verge of leaking then i don't get what the hold up is.
  22. every artist these days has some kind of leak. it's almost inevitable. as the queen of leaks, lana knows this. so why the hell isn't she releasing it? she can't even tell us WHEN to expect it? it's ridiculous. all of this drama could be avoided. i feel like people would be less likely to leak it if we knew when it was coming. right now everything is a big question mark.
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