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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. Absolutely agree with you. May it be about how stripped back the whole thing is, it helps to concentrate. Using it a lot to study too!
  2. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Hey, wanted to share an impression on L+F and I guess the place to do it is this thread. I've hated deeply that album since the day it came out. Not only was for me the worst Marina project with difference, but one of my most hated albums ever, actually. So it comes I've been thinking last days about Handmade Heaven and got to hear it. Ended up hearing the whole album again without expecting it. I guess it's the fact that I didn't listened to it as a Marina's album, but as an isolated project, and this time it came as a very calm album with interesting production details. A gentle soundscape to think above. A very wide, minimalistic, kinda generative sonic scenery with no pretentions but maybe to develop itself. As Marina described it -if I remember well-, an album done as a healing process. I think Im understanding the place where she came from while (co) writing the album. It's still a very controversial project in the context of her whole artistic output, as it is absolutely safe and predictable, computer-guided-sounding and that's the opposite to what Marina represented as an artist till L+F. But I'm glad I can listen to it and somehow understand what was going on regarding her personal and creative processes. L+F sounds as the safe ground she needed as a platform to overcome big personal and artistic issues and to train herself to become strong enough to go back to her signature rupturist way of doing things. By the sounds of Man's World, it seems like it worked
  3. sjatib

    Grammys 2021

    So Taylor Swift and Dua Lipa get nominated for AOTY but Fiona doesn't. The only good thing about this is that we wont have to see Taylor Swift or Dua Lipa winning over Fiona.
  4. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Was thinking exactly the same hahahaha
  5. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I don't think that the lyrics are unauthentic. She's clearly at a different emotional headspace and it isnt a bad thing, but the opposite. I agree with you, perhaps, on the song being mediocre. I take the concept as a honest one, but the production and the whole development of the song is just shallow and artificial -as all of L+F, even the listenable songs lack any kind of depth for the same reasons-. Anyway, what we've heard from Man's World sounds absolutely different, vibrant and rich. Truly excited about it!
  6. sjatib

    Twitter Updates

    I did not not use it*
  7. sjatib

    Twitter Updates

    I'm actually starting to think it has something to do with her label or contract terms. It wouldnt be crazy to think that UMG -and Interscope/Polydor specifically- may have put some restrictions on that level, maybe merely to keep commercial demographics safe. Just speculating, anyway.
  8. sjatib

    Twitter Updates

    Wasn't the poetry reading closed because she refused to wear a proper mask? If she had a filter sewn under hers, wouldnt it have been easier to just tell the police about it? She lies and does it very poorly. And everytime she says "Bro" a little cat dies somewhere, I'm sure.
  9. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Couldnt agree more. I usually find older woman more attractive precisely because of the sense of wisdom and maturity that the aging signs give them. This picture of Audrey is a perfect example of that: she absolutely slays on beauty, and wrinkles are a part of it. I would truly love to see Lana accepting that aging is just a natural process to go through and explore the new forms of beauty it brings. The botox and surgery she keeps doing dont make her look younger, either, but the opposite.
  10. What a nice thing to see a thread for this series. Maybe the most powerful, moving and inspirational thing I've got to watch to during this year.
  11. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Fully agree with all of this. The album itself is one of the worst albums I've listened to in years (except for maybe three songs which where listenable), and its a huge pity cause I've truly loved her earlier stuff. Hoping that her next album will be a good one, at least.
  12. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    She looks truly beautiful. Its unbelievable how much her image can change depending on who and how takes care of it. Right now she's looking the best she has in years, absolutely stunning. The song, by the way, sounds weak. The only enjoyable part of it for me are the few words Lana gets to sing. Anyway, her last prerelease collab was DCMA, so not going to complain too much about this one!
  13. It isnt her most critically acclaimed album and that's why I can't take the critics seriously. Happy birthday, Honeymoon. And thank you, Lana, for giving it to us.
  14. When I discovered Lana some years ago I used to cringe a lot about the lack of analytical perspective she always displayed, yet I couldnt help to deeply love and relate to the way she communicated, no matter the point from where she was doing it. Now, some years after listening to her chronically and getting to know her a bit broader, I've come to the conclusion that she has the intelectual/analytical tools that she has and chooses -not the ones me or many of us find the most accurate, for sure- and does what she can with them to face the conflicts and wonders her life brings to her, just as we do too. I've learnt not to expect from her to be an informed social commentator, but a weird, mostly uninformed yet brilliant and intuitive artist who always has the way to talk beautifully about the things she perceives, and sometimes gets some things right on a more objective way too. The lesson for me is not to expect her to be precise, but to be heartfelt in the most touching ways, and that's more than enough. There's always other people to look after for a more foot-on-earth approach to reality.
  15. "Blowing up her own ego" is exactly the main impression I got from this article. Even if I enjoyed the parts where she discusses music or some aspects regarding daily life, the fact that her and Jack act as if they were some kind of omniscent genius bugs me off. Lana talks as she's eaten all the stuff the critics said about her last year ("a laureate poet of a world on fire" or whatever), and Im happy that she acknowledges she is talented, but what made me feel close to her since I knew her was how foot-on-earth she was, and how self-aware of her ignorance on some topics she seemed to be too, as it seemed to push her to explore deeper from her artistic perspective. She's always had a quite intuitive way to approach to reality, even if not always educated, she's always been good intentioned and sharp in her own ways, and I've always appreciated that honesty a lot. Now reading her talking about how she thinks she knows about everything while dropping the comment on how people will look more on genetics to know about their psychological issues... She obviously isnt aware still, at her 35 years, that most people in the world arent ruminating at their LA mansions about the "culture", but facing huge structural problematics related to the possibility and struggle to materially survive, and that mental health may have a lot more to with that than with intuitive healers or whatever she thinks she knows and we dont. She's definetly eccentric and has a quite egotic and privileged way to look at the world, and I guess that may be part of her enchantment as weird and genial as she is. Not genial on the omniscently way she thinks she is, but in the confusing, sensitive and beautiful sense I think she gets to approach to the world. She's random, clumsy and very smart too. Truly wanting to listen to whatever she's been working on.
  16. Im glad that she's seemingly putting a lot of effort again on her projects. Can't avoid to say too that I'm kind of sad to see that she goes on and on with whatever she's doing to her cheeks, lips and chin, as she doesn't even look like herself. Anyway, longing to hear the album and to enjoy everything she's working on.
  17. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Is this fake? It seems like she deleted her account. I can't find her at least.
  18. This is awful even by Chuck's standards, and thats a lot to say. Looks like a cover for her 8th grade essay about "ViNtAgE sTyLe"
  19. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    The picture is from Lust for Life era if Im not wrong. She didnt look like that in the last two or three years.
  20. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    I just saw it and cant believe it. Like... So its happening?
  21. Do we know who's the guy she's with on the first picture?
  22. Was listening to this and couldnt help but to think about How to dissapear's production. What a beautiful connection.
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