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  1. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by CarcrashBandicoot in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I honestly don't think Guns & Roses is as bad as everyone seems to make it out to be... but Blue Velvet annoys me.
  2. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by thatsomason in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana has never and likely never will top Off to the Races' lyrics or production
  3. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Honeymoon's a nice song, but it certainly doesn't seem like a step forward or "huge evolution" for Lana. It seems like more of the same persona she's actively cultivated since BTD - slow songs, lyrics about a bad boy, "cinematic." Sometimes I wish VG weren't the song that made Lana famous because it really locked her into that image. Most of the BTD demos weren't slow - just compare the incredible DP demo to the toned down final version. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that that's all Lana's gonna do from now on. It's gotten to the point where fans hoping for more upbeat songs are told off because Lana's "a sad person" and her music is "always gonna be slow." Brite Lites? Raise Me Up? Smarty? Queen of the Gas Station? Most of the BTD demos? Lana excels at doing upbeat music. The original VG demo was faster than the final version - Robopop were the ones who slowed it down to "a dirge" (their words). Lana's slow songs aren't more "authentic" or "her" - they're just what've made her popular. She has great uptempo and midtempo songs too, and wanting more of those doesn't make you a bad fan.
    I also feel like a lot of people confuse the appearance of depth with the actual thing. Like Lana is a deeper artist because she writes slow songs and because she talks about metaphysics in her interviews. But if you listen to the lyrics... she's not writing about metaphysics. She's writing about love, bad boys, America, nostalgia, daddy, awkward drug references, sex, little red party dresses, the pale moonlight. That's not to say I think her lyrics are trash, because she manages to write about the same topic over and over and still make it pleasant to listen to. But I don't think she's more "intellectual" than her mainstream peers. She could go in that direction if she really wanted to, I think - Pawn Shop Blues is the song that really gives me that impression - but she seems pretty content where she is.
    Big Bad Wolf isn't that bad. I mean, it's bad, but it's not worse than Delicious.
    @ Her May Jailer stuff is so important because it's her before she tried to cultivate any sort of image, before she had any sort of fame, international or local. Lyrically and musically it's very distinct from the rest of her stuff. I think it's very honest stuff. She's not singing low to be "taken more seriously", she's not yet started writing about America and cocaine, and her production isn't overwhelming her. It's her and her guitar (and I think it is her playing on that record - she makes a mistake on one of the songs and she stops singing to catch up with it, which would be harder to do with a backup guitarist), without having to worry about being judged by the world.
  4. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by CriesMarmalade in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    There is an interview from the BTD era (which I can't for the life of me find right now) where Lana is asked what Radio is about and she says it's about a guy who rejected her until she became famous, and she didn't mind taking him in after that because it's not so important to her why people like her, as long as they like her.
    I think the most straightforward interpretation is usually the most accurate with Lana. Plus she's said herself that this whole Lizzy/Lana distinction is purely aesthetic and that she considers herself always having been one and the same person.
  5. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The little Cruel World intro she sang last year is honestly so, so overrated. Like, why would it make the song "100000 times better"? Lol
  6. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in New Song Registered: "Burnt Norton"   
    Time present and time past
    Are both perhaps present in time future
    And time future contained in time past.
  7. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in New Song Registered: "Burnt Norton"   
    A new Lana song has been registered on APRA AMCOS, titled "Burnt Norton". This is also the title of a poem by T. S. Eliot, which Lana recently quoted on her Instagram; making it likely that the Eliot poem will serve inspiration for the song in a parallel situation to Whitman's "I Sing The Body Electric" and the infamous Paradise track.

    thx to the ultrasexy @@naachoboy for alerting us to this
  8. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by futuretro in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    ummm, I'm really cheap and don't want to buy something I'll look at once... so who's gonna scan all the pages and put them online?   Yall know I can get 4+ pairs of earrings at F21 for that price...
  9. renaissance liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    Don't know if want 
    I'm gonna buy it of course, but.. Maybe the writing will be easier to take if I take a shot every time I see the word "Metaphysical" or a dead artist is name dropped
  10. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    Don't know if want 
    I'm gonna buy it of course, but.. Maybe the writing will be easier to take if I take a shot every time I see the word "Metaphysical" or a dead artist is name dropped
  11. larina liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    Don't know if want 
    I'm gonna buy it of course, but.. Maybe the writing will be easier to take if I take a shot every time I see the word "Metaphysical" or a dead artist is name dropped
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    Don't know if want 
    I'm gonna buy it of course, but.. Maybe the writing will be easier to take if I take a shot every time I see the word "Metaphysical" or a dead artist is name dropped
  13. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    No. Thank goodness because I don't like AFFA 
  14. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by evilentity in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    All my imaginary conversations with Lana involve me asking really invasive questions and her walking out.
    Also, I like how this project is named after a bonus track.
  15. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    I'm sure it will be filled with pretentious nonsense, but as a picture book it will be great! i'll get it.
  16. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    It's kinda messy that we are still speculating about everything even with a song x.x!!
  17. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I don't get why Lana keeps trying to invoke these jazz musicians. I'm not a Davis fan, but I've heard some of his stuff and I can't imagine Lana doing anything that sounds remotely like him. Then again, she did say inspired. She could say "I wrote a song inspired by Iron Maiden" and then release a slow UV-like ballad because "I really liked the juxtaposition of like, iron, which is hard, and maidens, which are soft, and like, maybe she's sad because her heart is iron, you know?"
  18. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by Bootynugget in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Inb4 Serial Killer is the only "muddy trap" bop on the record and the rest are "late-night Miles Davis drives" inspired songs.
  19. KillKillQueen liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    waiting for cedric to fix up dis track

  20. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    There really shouldn't be any reason for HM not to be for sale right now, or at least streaming somewhere. Mess. Is Cedric's remix not ready yet?
  21. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Me either. I don't really like him on his own but...He won't hurt as a feature tbh 
  22. GodBlessMe liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    There really shouldn't be any reason for HM not to be for sale right now, or at least streaming somewhere. Mess. Is Cedric's remix not ready yet?
  23. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    There really shouldn't be any reason for HM not to be for sale right now, or at least streaming somewhere. Mess. Is Cedric's remix not ready yet?
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