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boom like that

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Everything posted by boom like that

  1. boom like that


    Comparing the trash that is solar power to Honeymoon is wild to me, like frankly quite offensive but I won't go there. Solar Power did absolutely nothing for her discography and didn't push any boundaries whatsoever. The upbeat "standouts" like title track literally sounds like music for a prescription ad for painkillers or IBS or something, generic, uninspired, forgettable, DUD..I'll give it to Oceanic Feeling though, the only song that Jack was able to rub his two active braincells together for. Cuz otherwise that man was running on FUMES in 2020/21 like SP was the biggest victim to his assault on music that year
  2. I've wanted a christmas EP for YEARS... I would stream tf out of that I love christmas jams
  3. boom like that


    Omg yes please share when you finish it!!
  4. boom like that


    Seriously one of the best releases this year, no joke.
  5. Gonna act like Sleep Feelings is a bonus track on Hearts Aglow cause we were robbed of one
  6. I knew something was up when you said you were glad you forgot to pack your shoes for the show Amazing, you guys look so fucking good I hope I meet her one day too
  7. Also gonna need a studio The End of the World cover too !!
  8. For the covers album I'm sure shes referring to covers recorded for Pacific Blue and AS&C. Barrie also slipped that she wanted to use Summer Wine so probably even super old covers like that one are in consideration. Makes me wonder if she'll even include Where The Boys Are and the rumored LA Woman covers...Why Don't You Do Right studio manifestation pleek
  9. Her vocals on Descending sound so mature in contrast to NTMT, shes grown The production is so obviously Jorge, if she finished and wrote the rest of the album the two of them could honestly release a fucking classic. Its such a shame the wasted potential
  10. That was far better than I could've imagined, the music videos have been PHENOMENAL Gonna also need A Given Thing MV cause its one of my favorites on the album >>
  11. Happy birthday to Lana's best album. Has been and still is my favorite Lana album, no new release has been able to test that. The album has aged like the finest wine and took the top seat with ease. I used to say HM was at the same level as my other favorite albums but overtime it has risen even higher than the others (and thats crazy power cause I'm a indecisive mother fuck) Every track is essential and beautifully crafted, its one of those rare albums where not a thing is misplaced. She really channeled magic during its creation. Even every outtake is nearly flawless and if finished could've easily been as strong as the final cuts. The production is perfection, I'll always worship daddy Rick u'll always be famous The level of intricacy and details woven throughout the album is unmatched. Her heavy involvement in the production is very evident and makes me wish she could evoke that same fire again in her newer releases. But this was also her vanity album, she truly made this album for herself with no one else in mind and it resulted in some of her best work yet. And not to play favorites cause I don't pick favorites, I don't do that, I love all my children equally and its not a competition. But Religion is my favorite- I would list out my other favorites too but I could easily just list out the rest of the tracklist so it feels kinda redundant ?? Swan Song and Art Deco you'll always be famous, TLY Honeymoon and MTWBT as well !! And I'll be that bitch who says it but the standard cover art is BEAUTIFUL.. It is simplistic yet captures the energy in a effective way. The visuals in general are iconic too with that big ass red hat and those fuck ass bangs. Baby channeled 60s fashion david bowie signaling thru 18 giant satellite dishes in the san augustin plains calling from the other side, Terrence? hello?? Also this is an unpopular opinion but Art Deco-Burnt Norton-Religion is still my favorite 1-2-3 in Lana's discography, just so stunningly beautiful. I hope one day Lana can create something as ethereal as Honeymoon again. Anyways happy b-day babygirl♡
  12. I LOVE Tomb Raider !! Lara Croft is that og bad bitch Tomb Raider 2013 was my very first video game I ever played (I only watched yt playthroughs before) so it sits close to my heart<3 and it was so much fucking fun But the classics are definitely the best still. The second Tomb Raider reboot was really dull and boring. I still haven't played the third one, probably will eventually
  14. boom like that


    I completely agree about Champagne. Its so strange how songs can transform even though they're still exactly the same, or I guess its how we grow and change as people lmao And smashing it at karaoke yes!!! I wanna learn to rap too, it seems so fun and cathartic Solutions isn't even that bad in all honesty its just, like you said, def the least inspired. But songs like Nervous, Not in California, Only The Dark, and a couple others are on my playlist. DNA is a lovely track but I remember also hating it because I despise my father so it was difficult to connect with it. But playing it back now its actually quite beautiful isolating it from my own experiences. Also I'll make a note to those three off IV/OV Omg I don't think I've heard of those Do you know where to find any downloads? Agree with EWISW being a fav, still have my purchase off iTunes on my phone cause of its impact on me
  15. boom like that


    I 100% agree EWISW and LAAD are my favorites, playing Time For You as we speak I'm currently going through my old playlist for her, completely forgot about West Ghost, another golden album/mixtape in her discog. Her early stuff really is just so flawless Lowkey tho this is reminding me of my disappointment in 2019 listening to Solutions for the first time EEE- The double EP/album is the one I haven't listened to yet so I'll definitely check that out! Another thing, just recently Champagne started playing in my head so I went back and listened to it. When I was younger it was the one song I didn't like off EWISW but I love it now, it is so good I think its cause I've grown and my taste has expanded and its great to finally come around to it~
  16. boom like that


    Surprised I've never posted in this thread before. First discovered her in 2016 (same year as Lana ayyy) after hearing FML for the first time. Then I listened to Everywhere is Somewhere and was hesitant at first but then grew to love it. I also listened to Life as a Dog and her EPs and I loved it so I became a massive stan by that point dsjhkf But with Solutions she kinda lost me, maybe its cause it didn't have the same edge as her previous albums? Everything past then I haven't really clicked with or haven't listened to. Didn't know she was coming out with an album, maybe I'll tune in Hoping I enjoy it
  17. Someone forced me to listen to this jndvnjd Not really a Olivia stan, this album is no exception. I really loved lacy (an extremely clever track) and I absolutely love the chorus of ballad of a homeschool girl (that title ) but the album is covered with juvenile lyrics, which makes sense considering her age, and its not really for me. I don't really like her music now but maybe in the future (?) or its alright for me just not to click lol
  18. When whoever finds it posts it on tiktok and the feds come after their ass
  19. Obviously the delay is cause they're phoning in 2 more orders for the candy necklace 7" for me and @rosemead ramada !! working hard for us like, how generous of Lana and her team
  20. OMG!!!! I audibly screamed. Thank you, I feel extremely grateful And thank you again for your generosity KING
  21. Pretty much the entirety of what she has for the album so far oh lawd girly has a storm coming
  22. What obscure place are you guys finding this on
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