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Everything posted by BoardingSchool

  1. No, she did it so we fans could buy something by Lana for our Dads for Xmas. We're all with our parents for the holidays, and this is something we can agree on instead of fighting about politics. Thank you queen!
  2. I think blonde went really well with her "forever summer" California vibe, but dark hair seems more "her" somehow. (I actually liked her auburn hair best, don't @ me )
  3. It would be weird/outdated/offensive if Lana had written it herself. But the song is from Gershwin's all-Black jazz/opera "Porgy and Bess" from the 1930s, and that's how the characters spoke. So she's just singing it the way it was written. I love how HAPPY she looks! Beautiful and glowing and having fun with her friends.
  4. OMGGGGG, this is slap-your-granny good! Thanksgiving is a week early. We've been fed every course we could possibly want. That VOICE. The visuals. The production. The mood. Her Daddy's rich and our Mama's Lana's good-lookin'.
  5. This is SENDING me. It didn't even strike me as weird that she's releasing a summer song in winter, until you all pointed it out. I think Lana = endless summer in my brain.
  6. Lana: "You all got mad when I filmed myself driving so HERE IS AN ENTIRE MUSIC VIDEO OF THAT." I am DEAD.
  7. She's pretty; I think I'm just disappointed because I was expecting something really different and sexy and angry because of "Question for the Culture" and the title. Like, "let me love you like a woman you lil fucker, rarrrrrr!" Excuse me, I'll just go re-listen to the slutty mix of "God Knows I Tried."
  8. She is so glamorous this era that I wish she was with a dashing old-Hollywood type of man. I know that if Clay makes her happy, that's what matters, but... He just looks so basic, like she could've picked him up from the Generic Frat Bro aisle on her last Costco run. (sorry not sorry )
  9. She looks amazing! Of course with her retro/60s glamor vibe she would reference films from that era... Bodega Bae may not be the title of anything, just a little joke; realizing her hair/makeup looks like Tippi's in the film, so a pun on Bodega Bay. She probably think fans would either get that reference *or* be curious enough to go watch the film for the first time. It's a classic.
  10. Aww! Look at our girl staying sober even while others drink, and holding hands with a boy who isn't a cop. She looks healthy and happy. The way we won!
  11. 1. She looks hotter than fire. Gorgeous. 2. Cruisin' down the coast goin' bout 99 is a great lyric but a bad life strategy. These things are not mutually exclusive.
  12. Sunset Boulevard but make it sexy! I think it's very witty and this "character" is the vibe of COCC, the same way the "witchy" promo for LFL was...ok actually that didn't end up having much to do with the record, but I do think it was meant to set a vibe. So the character for COCC is a crazy cat lady, eccentric rich person, possibly mental patient (?), etc. but I think this could legit be Lana in 20 years
  13. I think of the other way round: she's a chameleon artist, yes, and she likes to try on a different persona (nothing wrong with that)...and then it makes sense she dates someone who vibes with whatever she's doing. She's dated some really different guys, and none of them are remotely as famous or successful as she is (except for whatever that Axl Rose moment was). I see them following her around, sometimes literally on tour, not the other way. She does her own thing. To put it kinda New Age-y, she attracts the kind of guy who responds to the energy she's putting out there.
  14. I'm trying to think of any unreleased songs where she "screams"... on True Love on the Side she sounds "rough"/upset, but not actually screamy. Usually she whispers when she's angry ("Get Drunk"). Very curious to hear her loud and proud!
  15. The way almost none of what she said made any sense whatsoever. The way I enjoyed it anyway.
  16. He posted it with the (same) Tulsa Jesus Freak clip; is it safe to assume the "new music" means TJF as a single? "Soon" though, um, we've been burned before on that.
  17. I wonder whether the hair appt today will be for "champagne blonde" (what the Tulsa hairdresser said she was taking "baby steps" towards) or light red (the box on the kitchen counter). Either would be beautiful, of course.
  18. She looks white hot (forever) like FIRE!!!! I hope she hasn't seen / doesn't care about the recent body-shaming nonsense online, but if she DID see it...this is the best revenge. Perfect image for the sexy new song
  19. I am DYING at these lyric readings, especially the canned ham!!! Charlie sounds like such a stoner California dude, it's so funny. It really sounds SO cinnamon girl, I love it.
  20. The "catching frogs in Tulsa OK" photos from Zella Day's IG are just like, what?? Lana looks like she's trying to kiss one. Maybe to find a prince and replace Sean?
  21. And while we're at it: "I will follow, I will follow for a little pizza heaven"
  22. I'm imagining her as a guest star on a new season of GLOW and it makes me so happy I can't even cope. I wonder what her character name would be??? "Route 66" is cute retro Americana, not MAGA stuff, so it's definitely on-brand for her. I think it was a demo version of Queen of the Gas Station where she mentions it in fact. Edit: this is what I meant: With Slurpee machines and organs playin' And preferably with smokin' inside, if you can swing it Maybe with a post office attached to it With chickens runnin' in and out of it I saw one like that in New Mexico on Route 66
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