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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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  1. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    I remember that someone in the NFR! Pre release thread wished that the title track will be a 6 minute psychedelic track with a lot of E-Guitars...well it turned out that the title track (NFR) is far away from this wish. But my wish is that the title track of WHF/LDR 7 will be turn out as a 6 minute psychedelic song with a lot of E-Guitars
  2. WaitForLife liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    If Lana and Sean really broke up I wonder how it will be influence this album. Last year she mentioned that she has already written parts of it. Back then it seems like that Lana was really happy and in love. And it looked like she was really happy and in love with Sean as well. Imagine the first half is full of more happy sounding songs and sweet love songs. Maybe with acoustic guitar or with strings and some 'soft' e-guitar now and then. Some surf rock influences would be amazing as well. Even Yosemite would fit in this part but my delusional ass should stop thinking about Yosemite. Then in the Middle part the album will took a turn. That is when the break up will be described. Imagine more sadder or angrier songs with drums and more E-guitar and maybe some Horns in the background. The second half is still about the break up and about Lanas current mindset and maybe a little bit of the end of the world feeling . But in the end she will get her more positive mindset back and has hope again. Maybe she is thankful for everything that happened because all the shit makes her stronger women who is fighting for her freedom and her art.
    The second half has a lot of E-Guitars and pschydelic influences.
    And Lana said that she wants to stay in the same realm as NFR!
    With this record I imagined she would discover at least sonically more of the 'rockish' part of NFR!. She would develope the MAC,Venice Bitch, FILLY, the greatest sound.
  3. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    Venice Bitch was close though but West Coast is still on the top. I can't tell how many eargasms I get while listening to West Coast... Imagine how good a song must be to finally top West Coast ... a hard job for Lana
  4. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Marius in Born to Die - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Uhm. Emile Haynie had a q&a on insta and someone’s asked him about his fav BTD song and Emile replied: „Without You is slept on. Unless you’re Taylor Swift.” We have to stan this man and wish he worked with Lana again. 
  5. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by wthebluemascara in Lil Peep   
    I get you, I watched it too and I cried. His grandpa seems really a wise person and I'm glad Lil Peep had a good relationship with him. It really touched me how he felt like he wanted to be "everybody's everything", how he wanted to share his things with everyone and besides all the aspects that made him act like this (psychological and not, that I obviously don't know of and I can only suppose) I think his behaviour is something I can learn from. He seemed such a pure person with a kind heart.
  6. Tammy liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Lil Peep   
    I watched "Everybody's Everything" yesterday and it was heartbreaking. At the end of the documentary, I had tears in my eyes... and his grandpa is so sweet....."beyond the blue"
  7. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Thank you for those words <3
    I hope you all doing well! I'm so glad that I'm on Lanaboards. This place gets sometimes wild but here are so many nice /iconic members and yeah love this place especially in mad times like now 
  8. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by urgirl in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Paradise outtakes... I bet there must be at least one outtake like body electric or gods and monsters, and that's my shit
  9. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    but imagine demos for mtwbt, the blackest day, terrence loves you, and honeymoon, the power...
  10. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    ALSO Yosemite and Queen of Hearts. I haven't forgotten ab them 
  11. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    I don't beg but Lionsgate needs to think about their decisions bout a particular masterpiece they're voiding our ears from. 
  12. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana and Annie out on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, CA - March 19th, 2020   
    Your wish is my command. Enjoy "scoff"
    edit: because I clearly have nothing better to do, here is also "yawn"
  13. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana and Annie out on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, CA - March 19th, 2020   
    So this is sort of old news, but I just stumbled upon a few more images from this day that feature Lana letting out the most adorkable yawn & other cute/silly facial expressions. They gave me a good giggle. I love her.
    15 more photos added to the OP:
  14. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana and Annie out on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, CA - March 19th, 2020   
    Exactly ... she owns what is essentially a small mountain. Go for a walk there ffs. 
    Tom Hanks almost certainly got it from taking a selfie with an infected fan and we all know Lanz wouldn't say no if someone asked. 
  15. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by maxthehitman in Lana and Annie out on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, CA - March 19th, 2020   
    Cool Post Elle, Thank you !  Where do you find these things !?     are you following them? 
    If Lana Del Rey is watching this post, I have a message for you sweetie.
    Stay there for awhile, write and sing a new record for everyone... to give everyone some new hope.
    Very soon the USA will be facing some hard times, people need some new hopes.
    Young people have NO IDEA that this new virus threat is also KILLING younger people. It does not know any age limit.
    It kills ALL. No one is immune. There is no cure for it yet.
    Stay safe - Stay Home.
  16. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in The Good Life (cover)   
    Oh, the good life, full of fun
    Seems to be the ideal
    Yes, the good life lets you hide
    All the sadness you feel
    You won’t really fall in love
    For you can’t take the chance
    So be honest with yourself
    Don’t try to fake romance
    It’s the good life, to be free
    And explore the unknown
    Like the heartaches when you learn
    You must face life alone
    Please remember, I still want you
    And in case you wonder why
    Well, just wake up
    Kiss the good life goodbye
  17. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Tammy in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    I am very happy to say my hotel finally closed today and I don't have to work for the next 2 weeks - I can stay at home, being safe...wish everyone was that lucky.
  18. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    In case y'all haven't heard, following a 21-year old girl from the UK earlier this week, today a 16 year-old girl died in France. Both are believed to have had no preexisting medical conditions. I'm feeling so sorry for them. This is scary as fuck! So much for "only the elderly need to be worried".
  19. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    heyo. So I don't really know a lot of ya guys on here. I'm currently watching the local news and maybe that's just affecting me stronger than it should but, aside from all the love that we can type away and express. Just wanted to remind everyone that we're strong. Every single one of us.

    For anyone needing to hear this especially.
    You're strong. You can get thru this. Self isolating might drive some w hard anxiety. We might miss loved ones. Even just going outside seems like a dream. 
    Some of us might have problems not being able to work, w life instability bc of what's happening. 
    Maybe some of us might even be outside doin who know what (be careful, for urselves, and for OTHERS).

    I hope everyone finds the best ways of distracting themselves when needed, and the resources, even if just mindset to really traverse thru this. 

    Granted, we all are probably thinking of the things, the people that really matter to us. Things that give our lives importance and meaning. Please don't stray and forget. 
    It's probably real difficult or maybe even easy to be thinking about the numbers on our screens. We can't really do much for them, maybe give them a moment of silence? or thoughts of self contemplating bout our own lives. It might not really directly affect us, but please don't let the constancy of these events take ur heart away . . 

    I hope we can really try to do the best we can, as individuals, as a group of people even, to just be the best we can, to be the caring, smart, and stand-up people I know we're all capable of being. Our fears are definitely warranted, for sure. We're being asked to just stay home, and not to invalidate how others might be feeling, thinking, but I hope we can be grateful for the rest we're societally being allowed. 

    Hope everyone has access to current events, not just of our areas, but from a worldwide scale as much as you can. Be aware of updates.
    Please know the protocols, and follow them as smartly as able. Check out some local relief programs and do what you're able to help their efforts if u safely can.

    Check on your parents. Check on your friends. Check on your relatives. 
    Your professors, your co-workers. 
    Friends ya might've not heard from in a while. 
    The extraverts that have a knack for keeping everyone happy.
    The ones that check on everyone. 
    Heck even the introverts that enjoy being alone. 
    If situationally able, tell em how much they mean to you. Let them know one way or another. 

    Wish we knew more about all this. Staying calm, being smart and being human is really all we can do atm. 

    Keep looking forward to tomorrow, k?
    We've still a lot to look forward to, but it might not mean much if something horrible happens. Take care of urselves, and what you can handle. 

    This might've been like, dramatic or whatever, but just take care ok? 

    I look forward to reading everyone creatively complain about the next record, the next Lana sighting. The next stan wars/beef dramas. Aside from the beautiful insights and pop/non-pop culture news this site, our site, lets us do. 

    We're funny af at times huh? Looool     
    Alright peace out, get some *corresponding meal time meal* 

    Cheers, here's to another another day of whatever we're all doin   

    tl;dr take fucking care. Stay calm, keep smart, be kind.   
  20. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    For now, the lockdown in Austria will be in effect until the 13th of April, but our chancellor already implied that we shouldn't expect things to be much different than they are now after that date, so an extension of the measures is more than likely. At this point, I doubt universities and schools will reopen at all this semester. 
    I guess the situation in other European countries will be similar.
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