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  1. Shades liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Let me get you a ladder to help you with that reaching before this gets any more pitiful.

  2. Shades liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Jack, I will buy your album until it goes platinum if it will make you stfu about it.
  3. Shades liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    Some people here apparently don't understand what jazz fusion and blues rock are.
  4. Shades liked a post in a topic by spookytanooki in Summertime Habits (Mashup)   
    Mostly just a concept, but I like how it sounds
  5. Shades liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Don't know how unpopular this is, but I wish she did more monologues for her videos. They're so interesting to listen to and I especially love it when she recites poetry in then (eg I Sing The Body Electric in Tropico). Her voice is really suited to it and I just enjoy the way she speaks in the Tropico & National Anthem monologues SO much.
    I'd also love another film for Ultraviolence a la Tropico, but that's another matter.
  6. Shades liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Delicious isn't Lana's worst song... I actually find it very catchy and fun
  7. Shades liked a post in a topic by Jazzmin in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Seeing all those posts about Lana not being "lyrically wise" (I mean not only the last few in this thread but also the criticism toward Y&B and lots of posts in other threads) I cannot tell whether it's actually an "unpopular Lana opinion" . Not like I don't entitle you to your own opinion cuz I entirely do (especially if I sometimes agree at least to a limited extend) but just wondering if it doesn't turn out that in fact there are more people disliking Lana lyrics (as textual works, not regarded in their context) than those really cherishing them.
    So if loving Lana as a songwriter is an unpopular one, here is mine:
    There countless Lana songs that I find lyrically exquisite. To list but very few examples:
    She's Not Me:
    "I'm the ghost in your mashine" - besides referring to philosophy (what itself makes the song more profound) Lana totally alters the whole concept. While orginally the term describes dualism in one person, Lana's use encompasses two of them. Translating this metaphore, it appears as "I'm [as a "ghost"] lingering inside your body ["mashine"] and no, I am not leaving". What it exactly means, we can surely argue but for sure she uses the philosophical concept to wrap with it the fact that her (ex-)boyfriend and she are binded.
    And this intended change of an already existing term smells kinda Gainsbourg-like to me... but I guess that's too far-fetched?
    I also love how she uses lots of slang expressions and idioms that literally are about death: "a ride or die bitch", the already mentioned "ghost", "dead and gone", "suicide blonde"... Crammed together, they add some thrill to those lyrics! Like there's something supernatural about it... I'm probably the only one to have such a weird association but the song matches some scenes of "Over Her Dead Body" where Kate, having died as Henry's fiancée, becomes a ghost and tries to hold back his new romance. The characters' aims are quite different in the romantic comedy film and in the song but I just want to point out that the concept of the ghost stalking her (ex?) partner fits quite well into the lyrics. Hopefully the movie helped me to illustrate it...
    I know it's ridiculous to interpet it literally but it's beyond me, I feel haunted by my stupid ideas.
    Off To the Races:
    The "Lolita" quote - "Light of my life, fire in my loins" is one of my favorite phrases ever, a pensive and good-sounding cluster of words (both because of the alliteration and its meaning).
    OTTR is full of other colorful epithets such as: "my red nail polish", "his cocaine heart", "your black Cristal", "your little scarlet starlet", "a soul as sweet as blood red jam", "my tar black soul"... All those color words colorize the song Actually, I perceive OTTR rather as an image than words. Some will say that's kitch-like but to me it is not - it would be if she constantly described characters in the story only by hair color (like in poorly-written fanfiction like "the tar-haired girl said this, the tar-haired girl said that") but referring colors to intangible notions sounds at least a bit fresher to be and doesn't make me cringe.
    And "scarlet, starlet" is alliteration again, if I'm not wrong? Another reason to love those lyrics!
    Talking of colors, may I just mention one lyrics from Hundred Dollar Bill? I agree that "I'm in my party dress, he says you're such a mess" isn't the cleverest lyrics under the sun but "you turn my mood from black to blue" is a really well-thought phrase. It uses two adjectives which literally both mean colors but also mean certain moods... Reminds me Emilie Autumn's "my ocean is bluer than the heart you had to break".
    I also think Lana can catch a lot of meaning in her similes: "life sweet like cinnamon, like a fucking dream I'm living in", "spinnin like a ballerina" (followed by "feelin gangsta" and that's why it's aww-some"), "like Jim Morisson", "when you talk, it's like a movie"... they tell more than non-poetic prose ever could tell!
    Or simple repeted sentences from some AKA songs "I'm in love with a dying man / I have done everything I can" is enough to describe her whole mischief/distress connected with the situation. Such songs really call for your imagination, telling you very little but at the same time kindling your curiosity.
    I know I'm an infinite bore to have posted my dull elaboration - but I just wanted to point out what indeed I see in Lana lyrics... Sorry if I'm too stupid to word my feelings... I am stupid :< .
    And that I worship so many Lana lyrics doesn't necessarily mean I'm a fan of "You're disgusting, I'm delicious" .
  8. Shades liked a post in a topic by Adrift in LB Karaoke Contest S3: Round 1 - "Put Your Favourite Record On!"   
    Chandelier is my favorite song of 2014 on the radio so far, I feel kinda offended by that cover.
  9. Shades liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    I agree - remember how negative people were about Brooklyn Baby based on the 'teaser'? I'm excited for anything she produces - that doesn't mean I'll always love it, but it's always fun to see what she's doing, especially when she's in control.
  10. Shades liked a post in a topic by Intriguing Penguin in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    Damn it's just a fucking teaser, and we're already shooting the video down. Fuck, at least wait for the actual video to give a full on opinion. For all we know it could switch in between HD & home video quality.. The negativity is appalling. 
  11. Shades liked a post in a topic by Sitar in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    That's enough
  12. Shades liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  13. Shades liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    these two statements kind of say it all, don't they? you had a certain idea of who you thought she was, and for you, i'm sure it fulfilled some kind of late-night masturbatory fantasy. now that she's gone and contradicted your [narrowly] wholesome perception of her, you're no longer a fan of her or her music? lmao k 
    guess that whole lolita thing really holds some power, eh??? *keeping that in mind* thx 
    edit: men are so fucking weird lmaooooooooooooooooooo
  14. Shades liked a post in a topic by essiductonto in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Not sure what someone who is uncomfortable with female sexuality was doing listening to LDR in the first place . . .
  15. Shades liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I think it's the job of a journalist to be adaptable to their subjects and not succumb to such press bait by willfully upsetting their subject. Like damn how edgy of him to specifically detail the pitfalls of this interview when he clearly saw how uncomfortable that very aspect of fame--i.e., interviewers presenting her in a way she's not okay with--made her. The pattern of behavior you're observing seems to be a chain reaction of her portrayal in the media upsetting her, leading to more questions about this uncomfortable topic and an all around distrust of interviewers, rather than her "throwing a hissy fit at interviewers." If you ask me, the solution is not to keep portraying her like someone excessively uncomfortable with media! It's a really snakey move, stepping outside of the actual profile and describing all the details that make her sound psychotic without any context. So yes I believe him very capable of pushing her over her limit.
  16. Shades liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Yes, of you assuming the worst about Lana.
  17. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    I don't think he was asking if she was recording the new album that very night, or that she actually had plans to. The beginning was cut off, but if I had to guess he meant something along the lines of "if you were to record a new album tonight, or right now, would you know what you'd record"
  18. Shades liked a post in a topic by Linethic in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    From a recent (currently) unknown radio interview.
    Interviewer: ... record something tonight, do you know what it is, or right now?
    Lana: I do, yeah I do. I have this idea for this record called "Music to Watch Boys To," so. Yeah, I'm just kind of thinking about that and what that would mean [laughs].
    Audio -
  19. Shades liked a post in a topic by GodsAndMonsters in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Getting hate for spitting in his neighbours face and threatening to kill him, spitting on fans, skipping many concerts/cutting them short for no valid reason, assaulting DJ Woods, vandalising in Rio, egging a neighbour, arrested for a DUI & driving with a suspended license, verbally abusing a flight attendant, making extremely racist remarks amongst a whole other slew of things including just being an annoying and self-entitled brat
    Being hated for having a fake stage name and being a ~manufactured~ popstar who's daddy payed fucked her way to the top
    yes, Justin is most definitely hated on for no reason 
  20. Shades liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It's my first post, and I'm happy it's in this thread. I've listened to UV 2-3 times a day every day since my CD arrived (about 9 days ago), and think it's an amazing record. I haven't been this excited about a record that has a chance of going to #1 worldwide since Kurt Cobain was still alive, 
    Here's my track by track rundown, with the disclaimer that I'm a crazy fan of Lana's voice, so I'm far from objective. It's long too. Hey - it's a long record.
    tl;dr - it's a great record, I'd give it 9/10 overall on the usual scale of rating records, but 10/10 as value for my money, because I've already spent more time enjoying it than other great records I've had for years.
  21. Shades liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Tell Me You're Joking   
    Tell me you're joking
  22. Shades liked a post in a topic by rdp in Ultraviolence Reviews: 74 Metascore (DISCUSS REVIEWS ONLY)   
    Lower 70s would still be amazing after BTD. Seems like it's gonna fall to high 60s though    
  23. Shades liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey to Dagbladet: "It makes me so mad." (15.06.2014)   
    Heeey, I thought these Norwegian interviews were pretty good, so I'll translate another one from Dagbladet. 
    On the performance in Bergen
    It was amazing. Totally amazing. 
    It's 2 AM at night and Lana Del Rey (27), is relaxed and elated at the same time. 
    Dagbladet talks to her an hour short after her performance in Bergen that held place night till sunday. She has already concluded that tonights concert was one of her most memorable performances ever.
    Lana: "I got this feeling that no matter if I sang jazz or one of my new singles, people would be there with me, and have a good understanding of who I am."
    The album
    Both VG and Dagbladet gave Lana a score of 5. Lana describes the album as a mix of the psychedelic 70's, West Coast fusion and underground jazz. 
    "I am not as formal anymore, I feel more spontaneous now. It is more about snapshots of what has influenced me, both the good and the bad."
    - "You sing about money, booze, power and sleeping your way to the top...?"
    Lana: "Everything I sing about on the record is a combination of things that have happened, and things that people think have happened. Money Power Glory, as an example, is about how people interpreted me and misunderstood me. It is sarcastic response to that. West Coast and Cruel World is connected to the excitement I feel when I'm at the west coast, where I live now after I moved from New York. Everything is about how others see me, and how it has affected me."
    - "In other words, you're taking a stand against the prejudice?" 
    Lana: "Yes, that is my answer. I felt very sarcastic when I wrote some of those songs," she says and laughs. (OMG I can almost hear her cute and loud laugh as I'm writing this  )
    Unfortunate circumstances
    For she can laugh, despite how mass media has painted her picture with sad and heavy paint strokes.
    The 27 year old, whose real name is Elizabeth Grant, has previously told a tale about how she got sent away at the age of 14 because she had drinking problems. Also about the cult she was part of, and got used by. And her many rock and roll boyfriends. 
    Not to mention that she sounds unmistakably sad in many of her songs. But is she?
    Lana: "It depends. I really don't know why everything has to sound so bittersweet. I have felt peaceful and calm while writing nowadays, reflecting on experiences I have had. I was sarcastic, upset about personal stuff in my life and how it has been. But in a more reflecting way than sad this time."
    - "Do you depend on a certain amount of sadness to make your music?"
    Lana: "No, I don't find it to be like that. I think I have been unfortunate with circumstances, and it has affected my writing. I am in a peaceful state of mind now, but I haven't exactly been very happy in a while either." 
    It makes me so mad
    It may seem like Lana Del Rey adds her fair share of fuel to the fire. Not long ago she said that she often felt sick, without knowing why. And then we have the quote that has gone global since it was published by the Guardian: "I wish I was dead already."
    - "What did you mean by that?"
    Lana: "This is another way of sensationalizing whatever I'm saying. It makes me so mad (or it pisses me off, Idk what the best option was). I talked to the writer for three hours, and he saw my show. When you're in a room with someone, it's not just about what you're saying, but it's also about your personality and how you are as a person. It's about reading between the lines. I don't understand why he felt the need to take it so literally," she says. 
    "To top it off he asked me very leading questions. He talked about Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse, asked me a lot about death and pumped me for answers and how I felt about dying young, because I was sad and had been through a lot (I can imagine her saying this with a very snarky undertone  )".
    "He wanted to know if I had thought about dying, and yes, sometimes I have. But not always. Only on those days when it all becomes too much. Then I have days where it affects me less. The way he wrote it made it all seem so much more shocking than it really was."
    Happy behind the wheel
    So Lana Del Rey is not sad all the time, in case someone was under that impression. She feels her best when cruising around in California, where she currently lives. 
    Lana: "I spend a lot of time by the sea, on the beach, with good friends. I love recording my music. And I love going to concerts, watch rock stars perform, like Courtney Love, The Who and Gun's and Roses."
    - "Do you feel like media gets too caught up in this one side of you, the sad one?"
    Lana: "A bit. It's also about being obsessed with one persons concept. It is why I have chosen some of the songs I have chosen on the tracklist on Ultraviolence. But I understand it too, the way it is. It makes a pretty good story, but it doesn't have to become fictionalized either."
    Sensitive and imaginative
    - "What is it like to be you?"
    Lana: "It is beautiful and confusing," answers Del Rey, after thinking it through in silence. The she elaborates: "I am an imaginative person, I like being caught by surprise in life. But I am sensitive too. I find it hard when things gets out of my control."
    "But I still manage to enjoy moments of true beauty, like being here tonight, while it's still bright outside and the skye is blue. I like to capture that in songs, and my biggest passion is still writing. It makes a good manifestation of all the unease, and all that confusion gives life to beautiful things. I am blessed to have that to hold on to."
    - "You seem grateful?"
    Lana: "I am. When it all comes down to it, it's all about the music. That's the one thing in my life I can't do wrong."
     I'm worried about Lana, she's not happy nowadays? What happened to "I'm happy"? Is she hitting another blue period?   
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