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  1. Stardust liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in COMPETITION - Born To Die - Paradise Edition GIVEAWAY   
    The competitions all done, and I'd like to congratulate @@Rhubarb on winning it. Thanks to everyone who entered, and helped me to celebrate a year of Lana obsession with a fun contest.

  2. Stardust liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    Well, we already have...
    ...an apple

    ....a strawberry

    ....and a really disgustingly eaten orange

    So, fingers crossed for a banana! 
  3. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Lana featured as Comic Character on a remix cover, and may become a character   
    L.A.-based DJ-Producer Chris White, a.k.a Whiite, has revealed a remix of Lana Del Rey's "Shades of Cool" with a bonus — he turned the brooding chanteuse into a comic book character for the cover art. Del Rey's caricature finds her with flaming red hair and wearing an American flag T-shirt tied at the front. It's rumored that White is working on a graphic novel series and our fingers are crossed that Del Rey is a developing character.
  4. Stardust liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Covers by PinUpCartoonBaby (taking requests)   
    Thanks @
    Holidays + no life = another cover
    Here it is. A little bit more abstract than my usual covers...Hope you like it anyway.

  5. Stardust liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana and Chuck With James Franco   
    You have not seen me in action 
  6. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Neptune-Avenue in Lanakai's Fan Videos and Covers   
    killen it you should make some more covers i just saw your one for black beauty and paradise.. there so perfect.!!
  7. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Lanakai's Fan Videos and Covers   
    Just a little something I made
    Sorry it's a link... The forums won't embed videos from Daily Motion I guess...?
  8. Stardust liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Is This Happiness   
    These lyrics are epically good at capturing both the love and hate involved in a mentally destructive relationship. I really appreciate the feelings of desperation here, that the only escape is through drugs and, ultimately, in one person simply killing himself. Tragic. Beautiful.
  9. Stardust liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in LB Karaoke Contest S3: Round 1 - "Put Your Favourite Record On!"   
    It now works for me, I just click on "Download", hope this helps  
    Erm, can we talk about the slayage that is "Take the Box"? Great job, girl !
  10. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Guitar Beat in Lana Considering a Re-Release of 'Ultraviolence'   
    Ultraviolence: Aftermath
  11. Stardust liked a post in a topic by MahaMaha in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    that mixture of awkwardness and hotness is killing me 
  12. Stardust liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in LB Karaoke Contest S3: Round 1 - "Put Your Favourite Record On!"   
    If you send me a banner I'll use it
    I can't wait to judge you basic bitches.
  13. Stardust liked a post in a topic by essiductonto in Dana Droppo from Complex Mag Describes Meeting Lana Del Rey (Video)   
  14. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in January 2013 photo of Lana's notebook shows "Guns and Roses" lyrics   
    I am my only god  
  15. Stardust liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    Don't know if this has been mentioned before but the 'I sing, I sing' and 'I'm free, I'm free' parts of Brooklyn Baby are divine, along with the last verse.
  16. Stardust liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana has an interesting past, makes her so good at what she does.   
    I've never heard about the short movie called Poolside, thank you for sharing. Just watched it. Didn't really like it. I don't know why, I'm not such a big fan of short movies. I find most of them pretty boring. Lana was good in it though.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one having a hard time properly gluing those little suckers on
  17. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Stardust in Listen: NYT Popcast "Lana Del Rey, Downcast Superstar" discusses LDR, Ultraviolence   
    I think @ pretty much summed it up. The reason 'we' are included in the 'game' is because we're as much a part of it as the celebrities are. We are the ones who judge the people in the public eye. It is definitely societal and we are creatures of society, but whether that is something innately human is up for debate, I guess.
  18. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Stardust in Listen: NYT Popcast "Lana Del Rey, Downcast Superstar" discusses LDR, Ultraviolence   
    I think @ pretty much summed it up. The reason 'we' are included in the 'game' is because we're as much a part of it as the celebrities are. We are the ones who judge the people in the public eye. It is definitely societal and we are creatures of society, but whether that is something innately human is up for debate, I guess.
  19. HEARTCORE liked a post in a topic by Stardust in Listen: NYT Popcast "Lana Del Rey, Downcast Superstar" discusses LDR, Ultraviolence   
    I think @ pretty much summed it up. The reason 'we' are included in the 'game' is because we're as much a part of it as the celebrities are. We are the ones who judge the people in the public eye. It is definitely societal and we are creatures of society, but whether that is something innately human is up for debate, I guess.
  20. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Richard L in Lana vs The XX - Crystalised Coast   
    hey guys,  i'm not sure if this is the right section for this thread, I hope it is.   This is my new mashup, which is Lana vs The XX,  and it's called Crystalised Coast.   I hope you all enjoy it! Made with much love. 

    mod note: moved to fan art section.
  21. Stardust liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    I think he killed her off metaphorically by leaving her. And he rues the day. And she knows it.
    (Well, at least that's the story.)
  22. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Madly   
    Florida Kilos

    I liked this one so much I thought of making it for the album but i'll do more 
  23. Stardust liked a post in a topic by Heaux in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    i hear people say stuff like this all the time and like idgi, videos dont have to follow a storyline, sometimes theyre just pretty visuals that bring the song to life
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