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Everything posted by rightofjupiter

  1. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Black Beauty vs. Is This Happiness
  2. the new snippets do sound good but they also sound like a lot of stuff marina has already done, particularly re her froot-era sound. i love classic marina so i'm not bummed about a return to form (esp bc like many ppl i find l+f generally terrible) but it would be cool to hear her really do something different.
  3. i feel like full elizabeth taylor-style glamorous chaos is the flavor of the era
  4. i'm sorry if that felt personal! it was not meant to. i feel differently but both (and other) views are obviously valid and no one's pain is for nothing. my comment re: lana and this quote is contextualized by the performance of lana del rey as a pop star.
  5. yeah i'm so curious about how all this will tie into the sound of the album– being that all the aesthetic/interview stuff is the only indicator we have so far for the sound apart from a like, 10 second snippet.
  6. this kind of rhetoric really bums me out and is so corny. i know what's she means but also this is not such a rosy idea for people who experience extreme traumas (some things do just happen by shitty, shitty chance and also state/institutional violence).
  7. we already sort of knew this but lana is in FULL lana drag for this era. highlighted here is the more theatrical archetype of lana as full poet-diva: criticizing discussions of her mental health and performing "crazy" at the same time. lol/i love.
  8. i honestly do not think NFR was a "compromise" of any sort. i think she does have to tow the line w her label sometimes (thinking particularly of them trying to turn LFL into a big pop single), but i think that generally this album was absolutely her own vision, vibe, and project and that she pursued the sounds that were inspiring to her. i know a lot of people here don't care for NFR (and blame jack for boring production etc) but lana seems to really call the shots about her records. i also thought it was great to see her branch out and continue to pursue new sonic landscapes, and i'm SO curious about how COCC will sound in terms of a departure from NFR.
  9. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Valley of the Dolls vs. Pin Up Galore
  10. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Shades of Cool vs FIILY
  11. i would loooove her to do a longer podcast interview, or even fresh air on npr or something (i sort of hate terry gross but still, just any longer audio interview would be cool, loved all the radio interviews for NFR)
  12. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Thunder vs. Stupid for Being So Happy
  13. she looks SO gorgeous! love the long beachy waves hair
  14. this made me lol, these things are...such normal, whatever activities and jack phrases this like "shocking!!!"
  15. really interested in her talking about working hard to her future, a future she's nervous about– she's vague about it (she does this a lot– drops some bit of info that is both somewhat precise and vague as hell) but does mention, for example, writing classes. i wonder if she wants to get an MFA, really lean into becoming an author? she does seem to imply that poetry has really been at the center of her life for the past few years.
  16. check the chemtrails pre-release thread, ppl are posting pics of interview there
  17. but who is that dude tho also the audacity of posting about football on this holy day of no-album
  18. DYING to read this interview– wonder when they'll post online? i see on the cover it mentions sway house and that article is already up on their website...
  19. this song isn't hitting me the way any of the CTRL tracks did but love the mv and always so glad to get new music from SZA...can't wait for the whole record (maybe this track will be a grower)
  20. rightofjupiter

    Charli XCX

    one of my all time fav charli tracks but i see it get hated on way too much! nice to see some love here
  21. a neil video!!! i LOVE her look here (esp the hair!!), feel v excited for the title track video now
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