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delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021
chemtrails over the country club sounds like the title of a poem, not an album.
Casamigos liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021
chemtrails over the country club sounds like the title of a poem, not an album.
mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021
chemtrails over the country club sounds like the title of a poem, not an album.
Terrence Loves Me liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates
it's kind of crazy... all i can think about nowadays is that st. vincent song, "digital witness" :
digital witnesses,
what's the point of even sleeping?
if i can't show it, you can't see me
what's the point in doing anything?
it's like people have become avatars, they don't even exist anymore if they're not outspoken online... it's horrifying actually
Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates
it's kind of crazy... all i can think about nowadays is that st. vincent song, "digital witness" :
digital witnesses,
what's the point of even sleeping?
if i can't show it, you can't see me
what's the point in doing anything?
it's like people have become avatars, they don't even exist anymore if they're not outspoken online... it's horrifying actually
bored liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates
It is so refreshing to see critical thinking in this thread instead of gag-reflex amygdala-hijacking emotional reactions.
I also want to add that I cannot believe NOBODY has mentioned the fact that she is likely in a facility of some sort... maybe she is refraining fro heavy media use to protect herself as it is CLEARLY extremely triggering for her.
necessary sacrifice liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates
it's kind of crazy... all i can think about nowadays is that st. vincent song, "digital witness" :
digital witnesses,
what's the point of even sleeping?
if i can't show it, you can't see me
what's the point in doing anything?
it's like people have become avatars, they don't even exist anymore if they're not outspoken online... it's horrifying actually
Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates
"but asking someone to validate your pain shouldnt really be surrendered to another person. It'd just bring more pain and be less centering"
this was exactly my point because I have spent my entire life trying to get everyone else to validate my pain (like in the book "Stop Walking on Eggshells" for people with BPD) and I had to learn through lots of therapy that actual healing starts and ends with me!!! Which is why this madness is so triggering
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates
There really are a lot of factors, but mm yeah basically social media brings a lot out of people, and sometimes sort of uploading parts of ur pysche onto the internet and reacting rather than responding's what elicits some kind of stronger sub for reach for human connection thru what they express. It's still sort of like a classroom. And it seems it's more important to people to get what's owed to them or what they think rather than have the patience to see things through. Silence is painted to everything else, like everything else, and while I get it, the involvement is a bit more put on a pedestal that ur then removed from. People dont usually take the time to look at the entire picture and get confused at the strokes, or choice of frames/ materials. As if opinion was king, and garnering numbers for support was the true sub for understanding. I really think a lot is rooted back to validation of realities, which I get, but I really think it starts more w the self, rather than finding it from/projecting it onto others. And u question, to what degree is it even valid, between what's being said, opinion and their mingling. It takes a lot to be prepared for being on the internet and I think a lot of people just forget that, and if intentional, well motives should be checked too. It can be construed as some kind of cry for help, but at the end of the day we should really just be looking out for each other and helping our own selves. It all just seems like the net's a collective brain w differing and paralleling thoughts that aim to find reason, but like. When does it begin to function as a whole?
Sorry I was getting a bit philosophical, but asking someone to validate your pain shouldnt really be surrendered to another person. It'd just bring more pain and be less centering. The trust has to be there for it to be properly shared to see things thru. But sometimes it's just not taken. Granted w certain issues it's a lot more complex than that but I really think deeper thinking, a more supporting, patient perspective, really fosters healing than spreading violence does.
Funnily enough, when talking about the self, and how events played out w Lana, people chose to still listen to her music thru their choice, when in a way that's what she was sort of doing. I think it's bc we were all so mystified by it, and the pain from it brought out some wisdom. Except, there really was no violence thru her singing, just what she went thru and what she owned from it. Communication's funny huh? Hahahaha
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates
I actually don't think she's in a facility because most facilities wouldn't allow patients on social media - and what happened with Lanz is a good example of why - but I understand your point. I think the whole facility thing is either ... she was in a facility (Bellevue, perhaps, which was mentioned in another poem), or she made it up and it's a metaphor for something else.
I think it's totally understandable if she's distancing herself from social media at this point. I, too, agree with @@bored in that I don't think she's racist, but she's definitely ignorant. She needs to educate herself. It isn't anyone else's job to do that for her (and especially not poc's); it's her job. She has time to read Women Running With Wolves or whatever the fuck, so how about also picking up some books by Black authors and educating herself? Florence had a good one on her story the other day, and also encouraged anyone who is benefiting from Black author's writing to contribute financially.
And like. it's really difficult to keep making excuses for an almost 35-year-old woman with ALL the resources and ALL the privilege. Wake up, Lanz.
Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates
So much this. Also, whatever happened to 2 wrongs don't make a right??? As someone with Complex PTSD I cannot imagine the world I would be living in if my reactions were excused, supported, and condoned by everyone else... it's narcissistic and abusive to ask people to be okay with your violence because of your trauma.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Chocolate Eyes in Instagram Updates
I'm completely convinced this outrage over her is nothing but the "social justice" internet crew trying to find anything they can turn into a race issue. I doubt they would've made such a big deal if she was black. I mean, Azalea Banks can say all the homophobic and racist things she wants and she'll still be a "QUEEN".
Her rant from 2 weeks ago was simply about western feminism's hypocrisy over sexuality. Her post was a mess, went on forever even though it could have been summed up better in a paragraph. But it wasn't about race. I bet if Lady Gaga was black they would still be pissed over "So Legit" to this day.
So many influencers and celebrities everywhere are posting uncensored footage of protests and riots. Why else would they single her out?
ANGELINA JOLIE liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates
it's kind of crazy... all i can think about nowadays is that st. vincent song, "digital witness" :
digital witnesses,
what's the point of even sleeping?
if i can't show it, you can't see me
what's the point in doing anything?
it's like people have become avatars, they don't even exist anymore if they're not outspoken online... it's horrifying actually
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates
The sad thing is a lot of these celebrities think they are doing something when they are pretty much all equally doing absolutley nothing. The protests in the end will most likely end up doing nothing.
The celebrities donating money should already have been doing stuff before and they should be doing things that make a real difference, charity has been proven over a long long time never to work.You will achieve nothing spreading $3,000 over hundreds or thousands of people even if 10,000 people donate $3,000 it doesn't change anything.
If these celebrities genuinely wanted to improve society and help people they need to provide poor people jobs on livable wages. Nothing is stopping Beyonce from taking over 50 McDonalds and paying the employees $25 per hour for example and by doing something like that she'd probably directly help like 1,000 poor people make enough money to live well and save enough money where they would no longer be stuck in poverty. Other than the initial outlay it wouldn't cost her anything as it would essentially become a non profit that exists solely to provide well paying jobs.
Thats the kind of stuff celebrities need to do. They probably have the power where for a small % of their wealth they could prove 1 million poor americans the chance to get out of poverty probably even more with long term stable jobs.
Generationally rich people and billionaires wouldn''t want this though as they need poor people to work for them, celebrities or rich people who grew up poor should be wanting to help "their own".
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Instagram Updates
I know it’s popular to dislike trump and i don’t particularly like him myself, for a multitude of reasons, but hating trump doesn’t get anything anywhere and doesn’t make the movement better. this along with the fact that BLM was made while Obama was still president and Obama didn’t care enough to do anything for 3 years. it actually took kim k to go see trump and talk to him to help try to fix a tiny portion of prison reform, which still isn’t fixed at all. but she did free a wrongfully charged woman with trump’s help.
i think his recent tweets are stupid and dangerous to society, but i also think hating him right now takes away from the point of BLM. it focuses on a while man in office whereas it should be focused on POC breaking the chains holding them back
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates
Lorde has social media accounts like twitter and instagram, but only updates it once a year. Fiona Apple has no social media accounts at all or even an official web site. It's mostly Fiona's friends and fans who promote her new music. I don't know if that would work with Lana. Maybe it would. Social media is a dumpster fire in general. It usually only works nicely if you keep them private for friends and family only but if you're a public figure, it's another story. Maybe Lana could shut down her Twitter, Instagram and FB and create a blog on her official website. Get a newsletter by email with updates like Lorde does. I think for her own peace of mind, deleting it all and creating a place for herself and fans would be nice. It's the way it use to be back in the late 90's all the way to 2008.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates
Mm. If anything, it really just warrants the age old perspective that the funding behind those forces are warranted to protect the people. There's a contract of peace between the government and people, in a way where we're paying taxes etc. for their protection. Control is implied, and clearly the trust isn't there.
Granted, we're all accountable bc we all live in our communities, so I really think that the movement does start with us as individuals at numerous varieties and methods and tones of expression. and that's it's our responsibility to look into ourselves and be smart enough to communicate the why's.
I don't think their actions are rooted in love, but for personal gain, selfishness, and if they think about it a lot more, they're just contributing to our downfall as a free people, or whatever's left of the concept. It's infuriating.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Barttender in Instagram Updates
Yes... I understand what you mean.
There are many protests in my country and the protesters themselves actively condemn looting and depredation, because they believe that these acts invalidate the cause of the movement.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates
It's real duplicitous bc rioters make the movement look real bad and prompt more police/corps action, while taking attention away from those peacefully protesting, but at the same time, it does bring faster media attention, widespread awareness. Not gonna condone violence, ever and personally do believe that peaceful protests are the way to go.
I get that the system needs a LOT of reform, but damaging it thru setting things on fire, hurting the mom n pops and even bringing innocent people, especially those who're trying to help, safely, just doesn't represent the message and the movement that others are trying so hard to get others into in a mature way, a more welcoming way.
How are others supposed to dive in when the fear is valid, on top of covid 19 around it, just doesn't do much long range. The reparation funds are gonna go back to the business and the system first. which is ironic, bc we're trying to get funding back to the PEOPLE. the damage deters that further.
it divides people because the people rampaging are rationalizing their actions and I get the rage, I do, but long range, it just fucks things up for everyone in the long run. it doesn't give peace a chance. and mocks those who truly believe in it, and the solidarity that those are doing their best already into giving them a fair say bc of their actions.
On the other side of the coin perspective regarding Lana posting, varying degrees of intent and its direction, she could've just been posting for awareness of the reality of this part of the current events bc it is happening. Clearly she cares of how her audience reacts, and decided to take it down. I do appreciate that she took it down to save the people in the video. There's a skepticism that's been rapidly just coming upfront bc of how fast social media operates, at the speed of clicks n buttons, but combine that w the lack of patience, and willingness to see the other side 'cept their own, potentially drags us into not thinking for ourselves, and blurs what acceptance is regarding our fellow human brothers and sisters. How do we frontier that if the methods don't aim to really connect? Emotions are a powerful driving force, but in my opinion, it shouldn't blind. I do think it should be taken into consideration for the sake of connecting values, but when the chemicals run out, be mindful of where that can take us.
We have to repetitively ask ourselves. Are we thinking for ourselves and the collective good in a worthwhile way? Are we playing into someone else's hand? We've a constant responsibility to renew our minds in a way that represent each and every one of us into consideration. bc if we don't. Those w more funding are just gonna watch us fight while nothing gets done.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Instagram Updates
people love to drag and cancel... hopefully people will actually worry about LEADERS who are screwing us all (Republicans & Democrats) instead of trying to keep up w a celebrity who has money to protect themselves.
also LA county is in a state of emergency (I live near where the big protest was) and the cops have to go guard the firetrucks attempting to put out fires, then they have to respond to people looting and LA county is VERY large, so idk why they think the LAPD would target the man on the car that was done burning (almost everyone took an insta for the feed in front of it) like I wish ppl would just STFU already
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Barttender in Instagram Updates
Just help me understand what's happening now...
The video that people asked her to delete has already been deleted. The photos of her stories do not explicitly show anyone's face and the video that remains in her IG is that of the man who is posing for photographers on top of the car (I believe she posted it because of the poster message he is holding). Her posts are similar to the ones I've seen on other celebrities' Instagram and on TV.
Is something still wrong?
Because, if there is not, now, it's purely "hate for hate" what continues to happen in her comments section.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by maxthehitman in Instagram Updates
I would not be surprised either Some people will start to Nit-Pick Everything they can and drag that dead horse around until the dead horse is just bones !
I can just imagine how in a few months from now, a few Congressmen-WIVEs from Washignton D.C. (with nothing better to do with their lives)
will demand Congress to have more "Special Labels" on records - stating that "some lyrics are Racist" !
Because the present label... ... is not enough for the fragile American public to understand !
I still remember a time when record covers used to look so beautiful and without warning labels.
When people bought the records , they understood what they were buying. If the lyrics were "provocative" we did not shut our ears in shock.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Lucas B. in Instagram Updates
People criticize the fact she was dating a cop...
News flash: you don't choose to fall in love, when you notice you're already in love with the person and that's it. Also she can date whoever she wants and no one has anything to do with this. Stop condemning her for who she dates or what she said.
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by LustForDelRey in Instagram Updates
the thing is literally everyone dragging did they even know who she was to begin with? Did they even listen to music? Yes it may seem like Lana is over but let’s not forgot she’s has a very dedicated fan base. People are making out her controversy and stretching it into everything she does wouldn’t be surprised if someone says one of her new lyrics is racist etc... Also many celebrities Stan Lana and will continue to listen to Lana lowkey I would post a list but I’m to lazy to think of all of them
bluebonnie liked a post in a topic by Lucas B. in Instagram Updates
It's just ridiculous how people are dragging her, insulting her, they really don't care about how she feels. And some say they're fans... I honestly don't even know what to say