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I had this discussion with my BF this morning, as what could be done, after the protests and donations.


The leadership in the US must make a stand, but what could they promise that would not only calm down the protesters, but also not seem like total BS to calm down the troops and do nothing afterwards? What would be the next step in repairing 400 years of injustice? What would be the first step towards change?? One step sure is to prosecute after having suspended shady cops, but what could be the next step after that? And with that dumb president in office, responding with force, not understanding anything about anything, representing the white establishment that can get away with anything, I surely don't know what will happen next. 

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i really would apreciate if she went from trump neck like taylor did. she needs  to show her dissapointement with him in the moments like this.

I know it’s popular to dislike trump and i don’t particularly like him myself, for a multitude of reasons, but hating trump doesn’t get anything anywhere and doesn’t make the movement better. this along with the fact that BLM was made while Obama was still president and Obama didn’t care enough to do anything for 3 years. it actually took kim k to go see trump and talk to him to help try to fix a tiny portion of prison reform, which still isn’t fixed at all. but she did free a wrongfully charged woman with trump’s help.


i think his recent tweets are stupid and dangerous to society, but i also think hating him right now takes away from the point of BLM. it focuses on a while man in office whereas it should be focused on POC breaking the chains holding them back


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Honestly, I feel like she took such a huge misstep and I don't know why. Throughout 2017 she was very vocal in terms of Trump and politics. It even impacted her music for the first time, in 2019 she was still present and aware, releasing Looking For America after the shootings and donating all the proceeds to charity. Even with the new poetry book, proceeds were being donated to a native American charity (I think)...


In an ideal world, last week's statement would never have happened! And then if an event like George Floyd were to occur, she would've released a statement showing love, empathy and support to people of colour. Honestly I think she could've even done something like a poem (more Lana). She would still attend a protest, just not post videos of rioters! Maybe she could've done another Looking For America situation, or donated some money etc.

Well, she is vocal when it comes to what matters to her (her version of feminism, mass shooting involving children). I'm not saying that the racial persecution doesn't touch her, but she is responding the way most white folks are: I didnt think it was that bad. Bobby, from Queer Eye, made a terrific post about what is White privilege (https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1dAI2pWgE/). It was enlightening for me, and the situation in the States these days must have been for her too, especially since the POC around her must be singers and persons that have succeeded and do not represent the vast majority of that community. As for the criticism she is receiving with her recent posts, this is down right BS and wanting to tear her down. The looting video first posted was probably to film how things are going down, that her city is shaken up. She removed it after thinking what message it was sending. The rest has the right tone. 

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I think if Lana resists the temptation to defend herself for now and the majority of her fans will stand their ground and look at it relatively rationally (which I think most in her fanbase are capable of) she’ll be ok. It’s important now for her to understand it’s not the right time to defend yourself as heated as everything is right now and also because a lot of the digs against her are unfair trolls only waiting for her to snap till they get tired of it and find someone new. Sadly those who want to be mean to her will most likely never let that go again but that will not sabotage her for life. Kim Petras is literally becoming bigger in spite of all the accusations against her.


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I don't think her Instagram story with George Floyd was directly related to the looting. Before I got on Twitter and saw the mess, I just assumed it was to shed George Floyd in a positive light. I've seen a lot of people repost that video (myself included), and no one is calling them out. The impression that I've gotten from it from the jump is that it's mostly saying "Aht, aht! Don't even try to paint him in a violent, 'criminal' light. He was clearly against it". 

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Honestly I think she could've even done something like a poem (more Lana).


The definition of "you are never happy".


I can only tell about my art process: I do art, and I do when I feel good and comfy.

I'm not Lana but srsly...................


I'm not attacking you, art process is something personal and we have to stop putting our expectations, this is for all over the forum


[EDIT: Also, imagine her making a poem and people saying that she is romanticizing the situation. It's dangerous]

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 [FINAL EDIT: Also, imagine her making a poem and people saying that she is romanticizing the situation. It's dangerous]


Yeah, that's a very good point actually, that I didn't consider. Obviously my original post was purely hypothetical and wasn't something I would want or expect from her now, just to be clear. It was purely thoughts about how she could have gone about this situation, if the racism incident hadn't of happened a week prior. 


Originally, I thought she'd be able to express her feelings and sentiment through a poem more clearly than a statement (as we've witnessed) and maybe that would have been better receieved, but you're right about it being misread as romanticizing. My bad.

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I had this discussion with my BF this morning, as what could be done, after the protests and donations.


The leadership in the US must make a stand, but what could they promise that would not only calm down the protesters, but also not seem like total BS to calm down the troops and do nothing afterwards? What would be the next step in repairing 400 years of injustice? What would be the first step towards change?? One step sure is to prosecute after having suspended shady cops, but what could be the next step after that? And with that dumb president in office, responding with force, not understanding anything about anything, representing the white establishment that can get away with anything, I surely don't know what will happen next.


I really think it starts w more transparency btwn the leaders and the people. I think information's got to be made more available and gradually integrated objectively into news media so the people can make informed decisions, at least a little easier. Not everyone's got lawyers that can dissect acts etc. Most people have busy lives to lead and I'm sure it'd help many.


Also, I'm thinking mental/emotional regulating of officers more. The cop who did the deed had multiple conduct complaints on his record and his superiors didn't seem to do anything about it prior and then, how everything started. More monitoring of the police force in general bc the power is there and it should be checked. I think counseling should be made mandatory for cops while they're employed. Dont quote me on this but cops usually get screened before the job, and of course their persepctives and behaviors can change, so its important to really regulate/ provide attention to it.


Last thing, I really think that community service should be more prominently introduced to inmates and finding better solutions for them once they're out or while in their stay bc chances of them getting back in are higher than not. Also, statisically, the system pays more money towards the average prisoner than they do their college students which says A LOT. I think I'll stop there, but yeah a lot needs to be done. It's just all connected and impacts us all heavily.


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I really think it starts w more transparency btwn the leaders and the people. I think information's got to be made more available and gradually integrated objectively into news media so the people can make informed decisions, at least a little easier. Not everyone's got lawyers that can dissect acts etc. Most people have busy lives to lead and I'm sure it'd help many.


Also, I'm thinking mental/emotional regulating of officers more. The cop who did the deed had multiple conduct complaints on his record and his superiors didn't seem to do anything about it prior and then, how everything started. More monitoring of the police force in general bc the power is there and it should be checked. I think counseling should be made mandatory for cops while they're employed. Dont quote me on this but cops usually get screened before the job, and of course their persepctives and behaviors can change, so its important to really regulate/ provide attention to it.


Last thing, I really think that community service should be more prominently introduced to inmates and finding better solutions for them once they're out or while in their stay bc chances of them getting back in are higher than not. Also, statisically, the system pays more money towards the average prisoner than they do their college students which says A LOT. I think I'll stop there, but yeah a lot needs to be done. It's just all connected and impacts us all heavily.

:wowcry: That is a very thought-out answer, thank you! 

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Seen a fan on twitter smashing all her CD’s Lana doesn’t care she has the $$$ ...so childish and over the top. Fake stans

all for a drop of the clout. selling the cds and donating the profits to blm-adjacent organisations would be a more productive effort that would actively help people. 


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D'angelo's video is actually really funny and i thoroughly enjoyed it


I thought his videos about Shallon Lester were pretty spot on, this however is a stretch. Regurgitating everything that has already been said about Lana in the past two weeks. Jumping on that bandwagon and attacking literally the easiest target in pop culture at the moment, yawn.

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