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  1. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Musicians are human beings too. Her songs are beautiful, inspiring and relatable. What I’m saying is that there is a sad place where sad and dark songs come from. It doesn’t just come out of thin air. But she takes that pain and makes it something beautiful and there is something to be learned from that.
  2. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass Reviews and Metacritic Thread   
    The part that’s untrue is that acclaim started with NFR. UV made dozens of year-end lists and became widely acclaimed. BTD started receiving its retrospective acclaim pre-NFR. LFL received great reviews despite being her worst album.
  3. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Mer in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I really didn't notice how beautiful "Never to Heaven" was until I properly read the lyrics. There's something very profound about the lyrics "at least i won't have spent my life waiting / looking for God in the clouds of the dawn"...it's very Christopher Hitchens almost--in that he believed that not only did theism do no good to society, but was a waste of time and held humanity back. 
    but maybe i'm just projecting my own feelings on to it (although, arguably, that's what poetry is for; to find yourself in side of it)

    omg i just looked at the poll and i cant believe how few votes "Never to Heaven" got! Personally I think "Violet Bent Backwards Over Grass" and "Never to Heaven" are the best poems...with "Sportcruiser" being a close 3rd 
  4. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by lamms in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I don't want to be rude and dismiss anyone's struggles, but you seem to be projecting a lot of your own feelings and problems onto Lana. I've tried to ignore it, but it happens so often. And more than often you make it sound like it's a fact, when in reality we barely know what really is going on. I mean otherwise there wouldn't be speculations surrounding her mother, Lanalysis etc
    Maybe read this interview from NME, where she talks about people making her "the sad girl".
    Seriously not trying to be mean here, just an observation. Offtopic as well but whatever
  5. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by MJA in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I have this weird feeling the album won't be released.
    She's not in a great place right now with the public, between getting body shamed and people still playing back her note from May.
    It may take some more time for things to settle a bit. 
    It's frustrating because she was in a very good place with the public, finally getting the accolades she deserved, and now this. It's even more annoying that snakes like Azealia Banks are reading her meanwhile she has said more horrible, and racist stuff about every female artist from Lizzo to Cardi to Nicki to Charli XCX. Disgusting.
  6. Venice liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    i hope she does officially release it some day. yes to heaven has done sooo well on youtube in a relatively small amount of time, especially considering it’s unreleased. lots of comments about it being people’s wedding song. i kno it’ll be mine too lol
  7. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by DeluluKing in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Right about 20m+ views for an unreleased track. This is ALOT. It shows how good is this song and speaks for itself.
  8. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice Bitch in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    still hoping she's gonna release an album of 25 unreleased tracks, at least by 2084...
  9. DeluluKing liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    i hope she does officially release it some day. yes to heaven has done sooo well on youtube in a relatively small amount of time, especially considering it’s unreleased. lots of comments about it being people’s wedding song. i kno it’ll be mine too lol
  10. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by DeluluKing in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    So the track nr 9 - Yosemite and Yes To Heaven on COCk and we will be all happy forever forever angels.
  11. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by DeluluKing in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Yes we do need this. YTH is about to be Lana's best song. This needs to be on an album.
    Btw. Could Yosemite be ace up Lana's sleeve that she saved for a very special album? I don't think she will never release this. She said that this is her favourite track from LFL and even later She mentioned that THIS COULD BE A SINGLE in the future stend-alone or from the future album. A SINGLE. So I think this track must be very special. I can even guess that this could be a lead from COCC.
  12. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in TW: Court releases docs. on G. Maxwell's dealings w/Jeffrey Epstein   
    If I were God, I would erase the whole universe before ever letting such sick crimes like this happen. I damn Epstein, Prince Andrews, Trump, Clinton, Maxwell, and every single person who let them get away with it. The fucking "justice system" and all the crooked organizations and people in the world. This story always makes me feel so helpless- the damage is done, the rich people are free, and they will stay free. I just want to be like a guardian angel or a mother and hold the survivors in my arms and give them all the love in the world and make them feel safe. I hope the rich come toppling down with this story, but of course we know they won't.
  13. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    she def came from money and is privileged from her family. but i'm assuming at some point she started being entirely financially independent. so i think the (true) accusation that she's privileged and the (false) accusation that her dad bought her success gets tied up in her brain so she talks about how poor she was every opportunity she gets and pretends to have crawled out from under a bridge 
  14. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in sugar venom's album artworks   
    ik, this is one of my fave pics of her i have no idea what the album sounds like so it was kinda weird making this lol, I hope it matches eventually
  15. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in sugar venom's album artworks   
    Love it! I hope she really nails the visuals. She looks so attractive and mysterious here. 
  16. Venice liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in sugar venom's album artworks   
    she looks so hot! i hope the real album cover is something like this. at least i can dream
  17. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in sugar venom's album artworks   
    she looks so hot! i hope the real album cover is something like this. at least i can dream
  18. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I visited there 3 summers in a row (except this one ofc, covid) - it's just so... different? That's the best way I can describe it anyway. Everyone and everything is just openly different and weird and nobody cares, in a really good and refreshing way. I feel so alive when I'm there. Then again, where I live in comparison, is dead. 
  19. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Hm I don't think so, because if someone's a real fan, then they know that while Lana can be very unknowledgeable about certain things, that she's most certainly not racist or hateful lmao. I'd be the first to go if so! And I don't think casual fans would greatly affect sales with this, especially when this wasn't a very 'loud' release to begin with if you know what I mean.
    Anyway, I think a big mistake was how her team uploaded the LAWAITLY poem on YT but made it only viewable to a select few countries before making it public 1-2 days later. That really affects how it trends and takes off. They should have made it public right upon release, especially with all the exposure it needed considering some current major releases by other artists.
  20. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in sugar venom's album artworks   
    i only know how to do one thing 


    it wont let me change the title again either lmfao 
  21. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Are they oranges or lemons?   
    Case closed!
  22. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Paris Hilton in Are they oranges or lemons?   
    I strongly disagree with everyone. They look like blueberries to me.
    If you apply a negative filter to it, you can clearly see how the alleged called
    "oranges" or "lemons" turn into their real color: blue. Which is Lana's favorite color.
    I will attach evidence of my previously presented argument:

    I think these "oranges" were meant to be on Lust for Life actually. You know... It's very witchy.
  23. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Are they oranges or lemons?   
    They don’t have the shape of a typical lemon nor the yellow color. I’d say they’re oranges.
  24. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by American Whore in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I’ve been saying this for the past year. Since she mentioned it and then the title, i’ve been thinking like... so why even mention it??? a surprise release? and it even more confirmed that imo when she announced the new title & supposed release date for sept 5. maybe her management is finally keeping her from sharing everything without releasing it, *finally*
  25. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I literally think she's just going to drop the album on September 4th. No pre-order or anything.
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