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About Starluxe

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  • Birthday August 24

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  • Interests
    Graphic Design, Music, Space, Poetry
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  1. Hi does anyone have an up to date tate McRae?
  2. Starluxe

    Kim Petras

    Does anyone know where I can see the full Unholy Grammy Performance in like good quality I can’t find it anywhere
  3. Lust for life! my baby! You’re a classic, so much so hints of you went on to be sprinkled into NFR and Chemtrails. Your rollout was sabotaged but you were iconic nonetheless, hoping your original tracks get justice #guccionmybody
  4. Hii, does anyone have a slayyyter masterpost?
  5. Black Swan, it’s perfect. I never get tired of watching it. The actors, the movie score, the costume design, everything so beautiful
  6. Black beauty, although the song is a bit on the sadder side. I just feel comfortable with the melancholy and nostalgia it makes me feel. Like a sad, hazy, black and white film
  7. Starluxe

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone know a master post or tracker that has updated Charli tracks? There’s an older one that stopped updating last year
  8. does anyone know who made or where I could find the original version of this edit in HQ?
  9. Starluxe

    Kim Petras

    The Kim Wiki says that another iteration of the tracklist was given by an "Insider" and it has a different order than the photo from Aaron, is this reliable?
  10. When A&W stands for Amy and Whitney and she samples get free cause now she's reworked Malibu cause she's ready to share the personal lyrics>>>>
  11. is this the syth from instagram? I swear I saw an account post the tracklist a while ago and idk if it was you, sorry if Im wrong
  12. Does anyone know if the final photo used for the lust for life album cover is an edit? As in lana was cut out from a different photo and edited into the car one?
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