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  1. Nahime liked a post in a topic by twinkletoes7 in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    i’d like to preface this with saying that october 7th is a tragedy and i am not pretending war crimes didn’t happen, but don’t pretend israel is innocent again. unspeakable crimes were committed by hamas, and that is undeniable. but unspeakable crimes are being carried out by israel and that too is undeniable.
    i am not even going to engage in the show me how israel rapes and butchers innocent people load of bollox you just said because that is common knowledge. you are mistaken! hope this helps 
    the Palestinian women, men and children who have been sexually assaulted and butchered cannot report it because they are dead, their friends are dead, their neighbours are dead and their families are dead
  2. Nahime liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    fuck anyone who supports israel and i hope y’all rot in hell
    how tf do people genuinely manage to explain the MURDERS of 25,000 people with a majority being children. idk why you are all shocked that hamas is actually fighting back when i can bet you that most of them are there because that bitch-ass country killed their mums, sisters, family and brothers and probably injured them. of course they’re gonna hate that country and of course they’re gonna fight back tf… it didn’t start on october 7th, israel has been murdering and ethnically cleansing them for 75 years.
    before y’all manage to twist the narrative that i support what hamas did on october 7th, i don’t and nobody innocent deserved to get injured. but i fully support them and every palestinian’s decision to fight back to that “country”
    can we just send them all to europe pls
  3. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    To your second point- No, I don’t think they do either. They just choose to starve, humiliate, and torture innocents and hold them for decades without a proper trial. That’s literally the definition of “we’ve investigated ourselves and found that we are innocent”. I wish  I had real data for you- but I can only relay you to the unlimited amount of personal accounts - that are out there!!! There are endless stories of even women who serve in the IDF being pimped out by their male colleagues. Sex trafficking is rampant in Israel.
  4. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    Let’s all remember the NUMEROUS clips that have now surfaced of innocent Palestinians being detained, stripped, kneeled in a single file line, beaten, forced to listen to Israeli Nursery Rhymes on loop for HOURS. It’s literal torture. If that’s not- then let us take a moment to remember the victims trapped in CHRISTIAN ORTHODOX CHURCHES in Gaza who are also being murdered. I will further add that while the United States in complicit in this genocide, they have provided coordinates to the Israeli government of every “protected” entity in Gaza. To which, in response, the Israeli government is SHELLING places like Orthodox Churches and Schools. They’re even killing their own escaped hostages….It’s so weird people are still clinging to this narrative of “singular victimhood” as if the issues that lead to October 7th were not incendiary themselves and have been that way for decades. 
    unrelated but I just wanna say Jeffery Epstein, the most PROLIFIC and demonic sex trafficker the world has ever known, is slowly but surely being investigated and found to have worked for the Israeli Intelligence Agency, the Mossad. So you go ahead and tell me that there’s no Sex Trafficking in Israel, lol!
    here’s ANOTHER REMINDER that Bb Netanyahu was being investigated for violating international law WELL BEFORE OCT 7. Which is now stalled due to the conflict. If you’re too daft to put some critical thinking skills to work about the real issue here, then there’s no point in digging up any more Lana info or anything , like literally anything for anyone, you are such a lost cause and I wish you nothing but regret and guilt. The world doesn’t need anything else from people like this but to rot in their silent hatred 
  5. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    the world's first ever "on-air Genocide"
    imagine reading/hearing something like this and then thinking ; "welp, they asked for it!" ... "well that's just war!"
    i'd be so ashamed to still white knuckle these arguments today. 
  6. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Mer in Donald Trump banned from Colorado ballot in historic ruling by state’s Supreme Court   
    You say this as if any Biden-alternative would be pro-Palestine?
  7. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    100%. the issue is, at this point, that everyone knows, yet nobody cares. Not even the muslim community. They're all in places like abu dhabi eating Big Macs and McDonalds in fast food joints adjacent to the Grand Mosque not even realizing that they've been enslaved by America and their allies
  8. Nahime liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    Someone I know has the hots for one of these disgusting IDF propaganda-machine thirst traps and it was the biggest ICK I've ever experienced. I cut him out of my life so fast. 
    He also said he wants to move to Israel and marry an Israeli woman. 
    Bear in mind this is an educated guy earning 6 figures (£) in his early twenties. And not a white person either. 
    Apparently there are millions (?) of people who get turned on by the idea of these women killing innocent civilians. I know there are plenty of people who have disturbing ideologues (with serious real life consequences), but finding sexual pleasure from it/commercialising it sexually is just on a whole other level. 
  9. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    wasn't implying that there should be a boycott of those brands - just the irony of it.
    and yes, it's arab/palestinian, you're right about that. But also, shouldn't the muslim people be more inclined to help out fellow muslim people?
    seems like they've all turned a blind eye. Because what's the alternative? Third world war with arabs against america?
    the main issue is the Us, and it's blatant unwavering support of the ethnic cleansing. American people need to wake up. But then, most would rather sit and reap the financial rewards
  10. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Honeytrails in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    Arabs have always stood with Palestinians, Muslims or Christians - But yes, this recent media coverage should be targeted towards americans, and they should all realize, although extremely late, about where their hard earned tax money is being spent
  11. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Mer in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    Whether you believe in a boycott or not (and I’m not saying I do or don’t), the least it does is bring to light how deeply entwined our everyday purchases are with the military-industrial-complex and the death and destruction of people abroad. 
  12. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Honeytrails in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    For Americans, exactly! like I said, this recent media coverage has given so much Americans awareness of where their tax money is being sent. My people have been at the receiving end of all of this for forever
  13. Nahime liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    Can someone explain how Jewish Zionists justify their "indigeneity" to Palestine? I've read the Bible in childhood and I remember that Israel conquered what would become Palestine/Israel. They did so under the banner of their "God". The original inhabitants of that land were wiped out by the ancient Hebrews (or, if you believe in Abrahamic religions, God). So how can they claim that the land is theirs and that they are native there?
  14. Nahime liked a post in a topic by 111 in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    imagine making your whole personality be a woman's reproductive organ... 
  15. Nahime liked a post in a topic by The Grants in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    gay men talking about vaginas will never not be funny 
  16. Nahime liked a post in a topic by 111 in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    the only pussy I'm going near is the mp3 in my hard drive, no one's touching yours sweaty! and you should get that checked out
  17. Nahime liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    It's pretty obvious to everyone they want to empty out the Gaza Strip to take it for themselves. As if they haven't already taken enough land, no, they need more.
    At this point I'm going to guess they wrongly assumed other countries, particularly Egypt, were going to welcome two million refugees with open arms, and when it became clear that wasn't going to happen, they decided to bomb the hell out of Gaza anyway. This isn't about "retaliation" for the Oct 7 Hamas attacks, Israel has viewed Gaza as a problem for a long time
    Had Egypt taken in the people of Gaza as refugees, Israel would never, ever, ever let them back in. They would have been permanently displaced to Egypt.

    How many times do Israelis need to show the world who they are? These are not isolated opinions and views. They are the Israeli norm.
  18. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    I mean, hardly a surprise. Anyone with half a brain could see this coming from day one. I'm surprised they haven't started building yet.
  19. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    A real estate company proposing beachfront houses to be built over the rubble of Gaza

    Not surprisingly this same company has built plenty of houses for illegal settlers in the West Bank.
    Remind me again how this isn't colonisation and ethnic cleansing?
  20. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    Short interlude here. Double standards against Arabs are just crazy. Jews have experienced shit that imo justifies feeling like people want them extinct. They're allowed to talk about it. So why can't someone like @14n4 talk about feeling targeted by Israel without being called clueless, when look what's actually happening to Arabs in the neighbouring countries!! How they feel is also justified.
  21. Nahime liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    What civilized country kills thousands of innocent civilians, thousands of children, just to kill the terrorists behind them?
    What beacon of democracy repeatedly violates the Geneva Convention and denies the rights of Palestinians to defend themselves, in land no country recognizes as Israeli but as under continuous, illegal occupation?
    What Jewish state, founded to be a safe haven and refuge for Jews, sacrifices their own Jewish hostages and instead chooses to continue a relentless bombing campaign?
    What country that claims self-defense against terrorists, use terrorist tactics themselves?
    Where is Israeli democracy when Israeli police harass Orthodox rabbis and other peaceful citizens protesting the bombing of Gaza and occupation of the West Bank? What Jewish democracy silences the voices of its own Jewish citizens who advocate for peace?
    What civilized state, claiming to be interested in keeping traditions and heritage alive, erases the the historical and cultural heritage of the very land it is located on? From bombing Palestinian churches and mosques, to chopping down their olive orchards?
    Why can't the most technologically advanced military in the Middle East afford more precise, surgical hits against targets but instead has leveled almost everything in Gaza?
  22. Nahime liked a post in a topic by twinkletoes7 in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    the extremists are in government and hold high military positions girl 
  23. Nahime liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Israel-Palestine conflict (Israel-Hamas war)   
    But the government has legalized these settlements, so it stands behind them. Maybe it's just the West Bank, but it still violates international law.
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