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  1. lili liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in Post Your Art   
    Silverscreen Bestiary:
  2. lili liked a post in a topic by BluebirdXO in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    It took me 48 hours, but I finally read everything.
    I think this is the right thread to bring this up:
    I was always fascinated about the interview that she says that she let the lyrics come to her
    "XL. It requires a lot of self-control, doesn't it?
    L.R. It's patience. Like letting the lyrics come to me. Sometimes is painful, but it's the only way. I feel that my path was revealed to me, but I needed to be an empty vessel for it to happen. Like an electrical conduit. Electricity does not go through you if you're blocked."
    Maybe she's describing some sort of psychography (spirit writing/automatic writing)?
    She have her sun, mercury and mars in the 8th house. Her moon is on the 9th and pluto in the 12th. Her rising sign is scorpio. Those placements suggests mediumship, attraction to themes related to death, the occult and rebirth.
    It also bugged me why someone like her would attend a church like Churchome. She seems so connect with God and the occult that believing in prosperity gospel would be a joke. But tonight it hit me. According to the reviews, Churchome encourages their participants to speak in tongues. Baptism by the fire is also commonly used in churches that follows the prosperity gospel. Maybe she's seeking a deeper spiritual connection? Not going only because of the church, but the things that she can experience at the church?
  3. lili liked a post in a topic by AnarKissed in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    The first time I heard Yes To Heaven, I interpreted it as Lana merely speaking to her loved one and exhorting him to, I suppose, reciprocate her love. Upon further listenings I instead interpreted the song as Lana being the voice of God, exhorting the listener to say yes to Heaven; exhorting us to say yes to God (the divine feminine, Shekinah, etc.). Yes, I realize this is just symbolic, not literal.
  4. lili liked a post in a topic by ivy in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Do you know at which point you hear that male voice? I've been trying to listen closely and the only male voice I can hear is this sampled piece (Mountain's Long Red). Is it the sample?
    Interesting to note is that the "goddamn"-sample was used in a demo version of BTD.
  5. lili liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    A male voice responds to her but I can't hear it clearly.
    I always thought she was talking to God, asking why she was chosen for carrying a burden or being in a situation.
  6. lili liked a post in a topic by ivy in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Why? Who? Me?
    I was casually listening to BTD today; and for the first time the beginning of the song really resonated with me. I started to wonder like "who is she talking to?" and "what is the significance?" 
    I'm curious to know if anyone here has also wondered about that? If so, how do you interpret it?
    Some of you might think of this as a silly question and would probably say that "it's not that deep," which is fine if you do. But I really enjoy thinking about this kind of stuff, especially because Lana herself had said that "they judge me like a picture book, by the colors like they forgot to read". And this is a LDR forum after all. Sorry if I seem like a Graham to you 
  7. lili liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    In hindsight I have come to view her first three major albums loosely as a trilogy: Born to Die seemed to emphasize the beginning, the paradise, and the tragic fall that followed. Ultraviolence was deep in the fallen state, especially dark and manic-depressive. And in Honeymoon she seemed to find some peace again, with re-integration of complementary polarities.
    After this personal analytic-synthetic journey, she emerged reinvigorated from her inner world into the outer world with a more socially/politically conscious Lust for Life. I never know what she will do next, but it seems that her future moves will be influenced by what is going on in the world.
  8. lili liked a post in a topic by ivy in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I've read every single post on this thread and damn, am I impressed with all of your perspectives and analyses. Thanks to you guys, especially @@DeadAgainst and @litewave, I've come to appreciate Lana's artistry even more. Thank you so much!
    Which album do you guys think is the "richest" in terms of meanings?
    And what do you think she'll bring to the table for future albums? Like, what else do you expect her to write about? 
  9. lili liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
  10. lili liked a post in a topic by ImTragic in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I can finally acces this place again and im blessed
  11. lili liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Eye of God



  12. lili liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Gone is the burden
    Of the Crowley way of bein' That comes from energies combined Like my part was I Was not discernin' And you, as we found out Were not in your right mind   She directly namedrops Aleister Crowley in this song, which, somehow, nobody seems to have noticed!! Just gonna gloat about this for a while. 
  13. lili liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I think when Lana sings about drugs (whether it is heroin, cocaine or meth) she doesn't necessarily mean literal drugs but rather intense stimulations, passions and addictions. On the esoteric view these would be the stimulations, passions and addictions that the soul derives from its incarnation in the material world. Basically, sensory or carnal pleasures. During incarnation, as in the activity of the soul in general, there is a temporary and cyclical separation between the ego, which is basically the focus of the soul's consciousness, and the soul as a whole: the ego is sent forth while the soul recedes into the background of the mind. After the ego has analyzed the situation/problem/environment, gained knowledge or created something, it is integrated back into the consciousness of the soul as a whole: the soul and the ego reunite. And again and again - thus the soul evolves. The problem arises when the ego becomes overly fixated, in its narrow focus, on the world or on the material body and forgets about the soul; the consciousness of the soul thus becomes trapped in a part of reality and this is the spiritual fall. The word "heroin" also suggests "hero", which fits with the sense of individuality that the soul experiences in its ego and with the dangers that it must overcome in its exploration of the world.  
    In the chorus to Heroin the ego travels to the material world (foreign land); this is the initial separation between the soul and the ego during incarnation. The soul hopes for an eventual reunion but the ego falls on the trip; the "heroin" takes its life away. After the death of the ego (spiritual or physical) the soul withdraws into the spiritual world (to the moon). Topanga is used as a symbol of decadent lifestyle, which eventually results in insanity and violence, as shown in the reference to Charles Manson, who lived in Topanga with his followers. His followers committed some grisly murders back in 1969, which involved writing words in their victims' blood on the walls. This was around the end of 1950s-1960s "paradise" era. The hotness of Topanga refers to the insane and violent atmosphere.
    At the end of the song the soul becomes sick of the crazy lifestyle and desires change.
  14. lili liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    In recent days I've been having 13 Beaches, White Mustang and Heroin on a loop and I forgot about the gem called Get Free. Indeed, the verses read like from a mystical book about spiritual awakening. She feels that she and the world are undergoing a big change that may unleash the creative potential of mankind and restore the lost paradise in a modern form. Her songs about her romantic relationships, struggles and transformations have always had a wide social aspect but now she's making this social aspect more explicit in songs like Love, Coachella, God Bless America or When the World Was at War.
    Maybe I missed it? I also didn't know about the French interview you just quoted.
  15. lili liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Finally, I'm crossing the threshold From the ordinary world To the reveal of my heart Undoubtedly, that will for certain Take the dead out of the sea And the darkness from the arts   Some of her most revealing lyrics; cross-reference with everything said before: Crossing from the ordinary world below the Abyss to the heart's noetic world, the raising of the dead in the esoteric sense  
    I can't remember which interview she said that the Love video represented space as ascending to a higher plane of being ... anyone know?
    Je suis mystique dans l'âme. L'histoire de l'ésotérisme et de la magie me parle. J'aime l'idée d'être sur la Lune pour Love ou dans une ambiance futuriste pour le clip de White Mustang, qui va bientôt sortir. C'était important de marquer symboliquement que je vais de l'avant. J'ai consciemment voulu orienter ma vie vers le futur. Ce renouveau devait aussi être allégorique. C'est amusant comme de nouvelles images vous apparaissent quand votre vision des choses évolue. Je me rends compte que j'étais bloquée dans le passé. Je n'aurais jamais pensé à ces univers il y a quelques années.
      "I am mystical at my core. The story of esotericism and magic speaks to me. I love the idea of being on the Moon for Love or in a futuristic atmosphere for the clip of White Mustang, which will soon be released. It was important to mark symbolically that I am moving forward. I consciously wanted to direct my life towards the future. This renewal must also have been allegorical. It's fun as new images appear to you when your vision of things evolves. I realize that I was stuck in the past. I would never have thought of these universes a few years ago. "
  16. lili liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Jack Antonoff has revealed that him and Lana have recorded a new song at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA.   
    Maybe this time around she goes for more fiery production...given her current look at the gucci thing and the energy she's exuding..
  17. lili liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Jack Antonoff has revealed that him and Lana have recorded a new song at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA.   
    no hate, he’s talented, but grammys don’t mean shit 
    really nothing more than a popularity contest 
  18. lili liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Jack Antonoff has revealed that him and Lana have recorded a new song at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA.   
    i know the jack stans love to bring up dance fever, masseduction & melodrama
    they would be miles better if they were either self-produced or in lorde's case produced by someone that actually understands how to mix properly
    i'm not saying they're not good as they are right now but they would be better
  19. lili liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in Jack Antonoff has revealed that him and Lana have recorded a new song at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA.   
    We need TENSION in the studio… Jack is too nice and his music is very “nice” like no lines are ever crossed that’s why maybe it sounds pretty and cute but it feels empty or hollow… she needs to be paired with someone where there’s a little more friction so things turn out more intense … theory 
  20. lili liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in Jack Antonoff has revealed that him and Lana have recorded a new song at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA.   
    honestly i think rob del rey is releasing his own album at this point
  21. lili liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Jack Antonoff has revealed that him and Lana have recorded a new song at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA.   
    Hopefully he saves it for a project of his own,  does he do stuff like that? 
  22. lili liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Jack Antonoff has revealed that him and Lana have recorded a new song at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA.   
    He is talented, and he might very well
    be a prolific and popular producer, but I think he's overrated and I'm entitled to dislike/be critical of his work.
    I personally find his approach to making music with Lana tired, predictable and at times unimpressive and I can say that if I want. It's no different than people hating Dan's production/music, or Emile's, Rick's or Drew's input. However redundant this may appear to some.
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