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  1. Billie liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    like Boz didnt unveils shit during this drought, and no one is asking for his feeling about this song lmaooo who tf he thinks he is?
    his role here shouldve been spill the date, and keep being an attention whore by leaking shit, but here he is: being a joykiller that no one asks for  
    ...or he can just shut the fuck up and let artists do their thing before they put him in the cell again, he better learn that it has never was, never been and never will be about him.
  2. Billie liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    she obviously isn't making two records..
  3. Billie liked a post in a topic by lmdr in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    nothing in my life would change if she had filmed and released a high-budget Blue Banisters video... 
  4. Billie liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    so like she has for nearly all of her albums... lord please rid us of twitter engagement bait accounts 
  5. Billie liked a post in a topic by mio in Ethel Cain   
    i want romeos daddy extended studio full so bad… it sounds so good but the quality is soo shitty
  6. Billie liked a post in a topic by mio in Ethel Cain   
    see this is why i’m like 90% sure traleon is her lurking 😭😭
  7. Billie liked a post in a topic by Lindsay Lohan in Ethel Cain   
    This thread is so funny to assume people were actively looking for "chibi/kawaii character torture" maybe you're just a freak idk
  8. Billie liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in Ethel Cain   
    i just wish this thread was normal 
  9. Billie liked a post in a topic by Elle in Explanation & Temporary Solution for those having problems liking posts, inserting images, following members, etc.   
    So for the recent issues some of you may be experiencing with auto-embedding pictures & links, liking posts, using the @ feature, etc -
    The reason why this might not be working is because your browser is blocking “insecure content” aka things encoded with http rather than https.
    While LanaBoards as a site has a SSL script, these certain features are encoded with http rather than https, which marks the site as partially insecure.
    There was a recent update with Chrome that automatically blocked “insecure content” aka http features, which has prevented many users from using the site features encoded with http.
    To fix this, I recommend following the instructions in this post.
    About a year ago, I actually tried to re-encode these features with https rather than http after users voiced concern about seeing the partially insecure warning, but it ended up breaking the features for everyone, so I reverted it. At the time I reached out to both Invision Power (forum software) and my host company (SSL script provider) but unfortunately this was fruitless in solving the problem. Invision Power was helpless (their support team is the worst rip) and while my host company put in a lot of effort to help me, it still didn’t solve the issue as it does seem the issue is more on IP’s side since they provide the forum features that are then encoded.
    I reached out to Invision Power again recently after everyone voiced issues about liking posts, but they haven’t been very communicative with me. Hopefully I can provide a permanent solution for everyone soon, but for now the best fix is to make sure your browser isn’t blocking “insecure content” aka http encoded features for LanaBoards. That, or using another browser that does not block this sort of content such as Firefox or Safari x
  10. Billie liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Life Is Beautiful (Concept Drum Mix)   
    Added some drum into the second and last chorus of life is beautiful also shortened the Outro https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P0i4LUfAYSA2ffLy7wRaCthnBXRYhm4m/view?usp=drivesdk
  11. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Billie in Ethel Cain   
    well she’s a bit silly isn’t she 
  12. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by Billie in Ethel Cain   
    well she’s a bit silly isn’t she 
  13. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Billie in Ethel Cain   
    well she’s a bit silly isn’t she 
  14. Billie liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Ethel Cain has her own label that allows her to be a flop
  15. Billie liked a post in a topic by Embach in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    It wouldn't be a normal pre-release thread if it wasn't for the retirement speculations, wouldn't it? 
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