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  1. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by taco truck in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Omg it’s coming sooner than we think???
  2. mermaidsparkle liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  3. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by Raise Me Up in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i want lfl mixed with aka 2.0 , i want americana and i want hip pop PLEASE
  4. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Super interesting videos on this channel to help understand perspectives from people who actually live there
  5. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by grandpas glass in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The problem is that people always blame the other side for everything (whether they are right or not). Everyone should first solve the problems on their own doorstep, the Palestinians should ask themselves if they are trivializing the terror of Hamas too much or distancing themselves from it too little, and the Israelis should actually realize that they are constantly increasing the terror and hatred against them with their military actions, violations of international law, and illegal settler activities.
  6. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Seeing a lot of privileged Europeans and Americans talking s*** and judging my country (and Jews), thinking that they know every single thing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is WILD.
    While a lot of you read their news straight from influencers' instagram stories or from TikTok, yet I'm the one living here, in this situation, for 20+ years.
    Let's clear some misconceptions/ignorant things I've read here:
    Most Jews in Israel aren't white - a lot of us are Middle Eastern (including myself), so we literally got nowhere to go (my ancestors' countries ethnically cleansed all the Jewish people living there). Most Israelis want PEACE and believed in the two states solution (unfortunately some stopped believing in it since October 7th), and don't agree with our goverment's actions (I personally protested against the government several times the past year) Israel don't have any official responsibility for giving aid to Palestine (yet we've been doing that) Some of you seem to forget/ignore - HAMAS IS A TERRORIST GROUP, WHO MURDER THEIR OWN PEOPLE! on October 7th, they k*lled Muslim Bedouins as well! about the quote "Cease fire in Gaza" - every single time that there is a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, Hamas is the one that breaks it, exactly like they did with the terrible massacre on October 7th The quote "From the river to the sea" = the erasure of Israel & the Jewish people living here (again, most of us don't have second citizenships, we literally got nowhere else to live in) Palestine got free in 2005 "In 2005, Israelis of the Gush Katif Israeli settlements were evacuated as part of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan, and all Israeli restrictions on internal movements ceased". Unfortunately Hamas got elected in 2007... About some comments of IDF soldiers on videos - as a former IDF soldier myself, I'd NEVER support hurting of innocent civilians! Most Israelis don't! (except crazy right-winged people) The Palestinians that are in Israelis prisons right now - are terrorists who tried to commit murders/bombings. Israel don't imprison innocent civilians, just like any other country don't. One last thing - the word "Zionist" is being used as a slur in the past month, and it's 
    Zionism = the belief that Jews needs a country. after the rise of antisemitism we're seeing going on in the world, proofs why we need a country.
    I want to thank you if you took the time to read my comment. I still have hope we'll be able to live alongside Palestine peacefully.
    May Palestine be free from Hamas, and we'll be free from Netanyahu.
  7. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I interpreted you quoting my post about Hamas taking hostages with the fact that Israel has false prisoners as justification for Hamas taking the hostages - mb if that wasn't the intention  
  8. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    There are unfortunately many (1000+) cases of illegitimate imprisonment in Israel and I agree that they need to stop ASAP. Administrative detention should be reserved for rare and real security threats and the way Israel uses it for mere speech that they deem inciteful and the like is incomprehensible. It's also unfair that Israelis get sent to civil court and Palestinians get sent to military court (much higher conviction % and little leniency) for the same crimes
    That being said, it doesn't excuse Hamas taking innocent Israeli hostages on October 7th
  9. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Hamas's actions on October 7th cannot be justified in the name of retaliation
    It's not like Hamas orchestrated a tactical attack on Israeli military targets. They orchestrated a massive and brutal assault on innocent civilians (both Jewish and Muslim; contrary to popular belief, Israel is not some white Jewish monolithic state) and took hundreds of hostages in the process
  10. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by Noam in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    If you’re gonna keep talking like that I’m not gonna respond, and you are the one who will be banned for language, not me. So please grow up and let’s speak about the matter maturely. 
    These are women and minors (14 and up, teenagers) that engaged in terrorist actions such as stabbing, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails towards innocent civilians and soldiers. They are not innocent. The women and children (babies, 10 months and up) that Israel wants to bring back home are innocent people that were taken from their beds on Oct. 7. So there’s not really an equivalence here, especially with the numbers - every single hostage will get HamasISIS the release of 3 criminals. 1:3. 
    You listed a lot of things but provided link to only 1 incident, that wasn’t done purposefully. Don’t just throw words into the air. 
    and for the guy/girl that joined to call me “*uckface”, where did you see me supporting genocide? Quote please, because I obviously don’t. 
  11. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Instagram Updates   
    It's the vooodoo Mississippi south  🔮
  12. robertenglandgrant liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    There is no massive malevolent "Jewish power" secretly pulling the strings in America. Stop with the antisemitic nonsense
  13. maysparkle liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  14. matildadelrey liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  15. Guest123 liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  16. Blossom liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  17. Blood Red liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  18. White Dress liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  19. china doll liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  20. West Coast liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  21. Let the Light In liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
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