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  1. inanna liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Ethel Cain   
    Ma’am I’m gonna need a single to deal with this 5 month rollout. 
  2. inanna liked a post in a topic by Rico25 in Ethel Cain   
    Listen to The Right Person Will Stay 
  3. inanna liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Alexandra Savior   
    Live version of Unforgivable out now!
    She looks flawless 
  4. inanna liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    1. Yeah, imagine if NTMT was her third album and the most successful/acclaimed. There are so many unreleased gems in Cry Baby and Wild at Heart.
    2. Yeah it's crazy to look back to her early years when her fanbase would feel suicidal everytime she scrapped one of her albums to something different in name, sound, style.... and now it's been 10 years with the same fucking name, sound and style: MASOCHISM... and it's not real and it won't get released. WHAT A CRAZY ALBUM EXPERIENCE little masochistics.
    3. It is chaotic and it suits the song so well, she wants blood.
  5. inanna liked a post in a topic by imbennett in Sky Ferreira   
    right it's also so funny looking back at like 2017 when people were already pissed masochism wasn't out. i would KILL for a four year wait between sky albums. i love her but i truly never would've imagined back in 2015 when i first started listening that we'd be waiting another 10 years
  6. inanna liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Sky Ferreira   
    Ughhh NTMT is a powerful debut, but I also wish we got Cry Baby and Wild At Heart—essentially full-length album versions of As If! and Ghost. She was recording and finishing so many songs back then, but has so little officially out. 

    It's so funny (as a fan, more sad, but still funny) to look back at how people thought the 3-year wait for her ~debut album~ was bad, meanwhile Masochism was announced nearly 11 years ago. And also, her debut album having multiple direction and title changes within that short (for her standards) time period, meanwhile Masochism still has the same title
    Free Sky Ferreira from her failed promises and questionable work ethic pls. Sidebar: This song is chaotic but I luv it.
  7. inanna liked a post in a topic by champainproblms in Sky Ferreira   
    i wish sky would be just like a fiona apple, just release music whenever she feels like even if its 15 years apart, and stay silent otherwise, cuz what is the point of keeping teasing something that is never coming out
  8. inanna liked a post in a topic by Greta Bowie in Sky Ferreira   
    i think it’s so funny how freeskyferreira keeps trying so hard to cover up sky’s mistakes. I just saw one of their stories where they defended her over the fake announcements from earlier this year with: “I know, but she’s human” (???). girl, you are not sky ferreira—you don’t need to explain her mistakes on this account. this whole thing of trying to protect her no matter what is so annoying. if she doesn’t take responsibility for what she says, you don’t have to either!
  9. inanna liked a post in a topic by Blue Rev in Ethel Cain   
    then why post about it? 
  10. inanna liked a post in a topic by Waimea Bay in Ethel Cain   
    Some pages from a Preachers Daughter Digital Lyric Book I Created awhile back
    I made a full book and I'll share more if people are interested Cover

    Table of Contents

    Preacher's Daughter Page
  11. inanna liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I think you’re misunderstanding the situation. The problem people have has never been that Marina’s new music’s not deep, it’s that it’s not good. People like fun silly songs. People don’t like bad songs.
  12. inanna liked a post in a topic by Charlottexseax in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    no i actually agree it would have just been a flop to rehash it in 2021. especially considering it would have probably been a completely different aesthetic so what’s even the point to tarnish the legacy of EH?

    I have nothing nice to say cause in the last 8-9 years she hasn’t done a single nice thing and I’m clearly not alone considering she has probably of the MOST negative fandoms I’ve seen. Like it’s not normal that so many of your fans have issues with you lol.
    and “I’m just grateful she at least did something” makes no sense to me, especially considering how she barely did anything. She added INHA, picked a god awful color and… that’s it. Like it’s not much to
  13. inanna liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    okay i just saw the Froot tenth anni and MARINA girl- ten years and only INHA???
    Where is Saviour?
    Where is True Colors?
  14. inanna liked a post in a topic by brandon in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    meanwhile her being a little TFJ-y and performing INHA are two of the things i’ve enjoyed from her…
    yall people loveeee to generalize and it’s like.. the people who don’t like what she’s putting out now are not the same people who drag her for what you mentioned….. like what…
    but then again you just used Purge the Poison (maybe her worst song ever) as an example of “TFJ elements”…. so idk why i’m taking you seriously omg..
  15. inanna liked a post in a topic by 111 in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    now we just making shit up...  the song viral af it deserved a cute lil visual moment
  16. inanna liked a post in a topic by 111 in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    there was no streaming/tiktok then like no sane record label was gonna push bubblegum BITCH on radio  oh merna...
    look @vrtvie atlantic is a shit ass label we are not defending ha but what's annoying and upsetting about this situation is that she refused to give her fans a nice music video when the song was blowing up just because she wanted to give the finger to them, that's just whack. EH is her most popular and loved era literally all of her fans would have been living and gagging over a music video no matter how many years later
    but we all know she don't really care about building a better relationship with her fans and doesn't gaf. it took her 10 years to give us INHA and i pray it's going on streaming otherwise it will just prove my point even more...
  17. inanna liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    brought out my froot 7" boxset today to celebrate and it made me realise the decline of artist creativity over the past few years. artists used to put sooo much love into their physicals. this was a whole mini boxset full of different coloured 7" vinyls to correspond with the fruits with scratch and sniff stickers on each... like HELLO that is so fun and creative
    now we get as many random variants as the label can pump out with no thought toward the consumer experience
    love u sm froot xx
  18. inanna liked a post in a topic by brandon in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    i mean…? from anyone’s POV it would’ve been stupid to make a MV when it wasn’t guaranteed to be a hit back in 2012??? the music industry was vastly different, and radio/tv was the most important thing. bubblegum bitch is not a song they could have promoted on either of those platforms.
    so yeah, the music industry changed a lot in a decade, songs are able to be less censored as they find a life on other platforms like tiktok, makes 10000% more sense for them to invest in a MV now 
  19. inanna liked a post in a topic by vrtvie in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Well at least she releases anniversary editions of her albums UNLIKE SOME... 
  20. inanna liked a post in a topic by 111 in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    cheaper to produce as she is indie and broke now, should have stayed a label girl if she wanted to remain a millionairess
    going independent is exactly the nonsense i expected her to do even though her relationship with atlantic has been near perfection considering how difficult they can be in terms of allowing creative freedom & album releases without hits, yet they would just let marina do anything and release whatever she wants whenever she wants
    but she was like "nope! big bad industry will NOT prevent me from being a cheap khia! i'm going independent woman in a mans world!"
    so now we have cheap vinyls with outrageous prices, no global stores, low qualité control and no budget 
    https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0F18YTCJ4 @ultrablvd
  21. inanna liked a post in a topic by 111 in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    the website font... the ugly red color... the shipping prices... and when I'm Not Talented Anymore is just a vinyl exclusive with no digital drop... someone re-sign her to atlantic and take away her creative control i've had enough
  22. inanna liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    It's not the first time she does this.
    Love in Stereo was shot but "lost".
    Downhill Lullaby was "shot" but nothing happened.
    There are at least another NTMT album track music video that was either planned or shot but not released.
  23. inanna liked a post in a topic by childofneptune in Sky Ferreira   
    I can't believe (well.... I actually can) that she would use a picture in the studio from 2012. who is she trying to fool? rooting for her is so fucking hard LMAO https://www.facebook.com/share/19yDbnZTS2/
  24. inanna liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Alexandra Savior   
    Unforgivable is releasing at midnight!! I already listened to it and OH MY GAAAAAAWH OUR QUEEN IS BACK IT SOUNDS SOOOO GOOOOD  
  25. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by inanna in Alexandra Savior   
    I'm SO tempted to listen but I'll try to wait till the 14th <3
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