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  1. Kristine liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Sky Ferreira   
    I knew Descending was the other song she submitted to the label! Capitol get your shit together, the world’s ready for the new version of “Pray for Rain”
  2. Kristine liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    Her stories suggest they kinda just ghost her instead of giving her a release date even though we know it’s been submitted so I guess that answers how they “block” the release? She complained about the same thing around this time last year about getting no date for Don’t Forget. Her vagueness over the years implied hostility/sensationalized the issue but now that we know it’s indifference from their behalf this isn’t hard to believe tbh? 
  3. Kristine liked a post in a topic by rancidgirl in Sky Ferreira   
    wait i kinda moved for these... is she coming
  4. Kristine liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Sky Ferreira   
    She needs her own chapter in the DSM-5
  5. Kristine liked a post in a topic by AOK in Sky Ferreira   
    I'm dying to hear these in full...
  6. Kristine liked a post in a topic by blameitonme in Sky Ferreira   
    yeah she’s coming 
  7. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Air in Sky Ferreira   
    Oh wow Ferrari Christmas 
  8. Kristine liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  9. Kristine liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  10. Kristine liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    Ya mad, rancid girl?
    I have absolutely NO CLUE of why some of you get TRIGGERED when discussing someone with 1 (one) album and that has been just one giant example of label fuckery and mismanagement. An easy-and-quick Google can show you how some mammoths from the Music Industry were trapped in label hell for YEARS, including Sky Ferreira's own Fairy Godmother Michael Jackson; Then we have much more recent cases like JoJo, Kesha, Tinashe, Charli XCX and many other girls who signed contracts when they were underage and were put through HELL for no other reason than... you know, "because we can. You should have read the lines!"
    It's pretty clear that any initial plan to sell Sky as a major pop artist backfired and, by that point (and I'm talking about 2011. 11 Years Ago) they already invested some great Million$$ on her. They literally had a full album ready for release, 3 music videos, she wasn't working with your next door Soundcloud producer but Dallas Austin and Bloodshy & Avant. It wasn't some sort of "She's cute, we're gonna give this bedroompop girl a chance!", No, it's a fact that SKY FERREIRA was a project that Capitol failed to manage and sell. Once the singles didn't stick, the debut album was shelved, she was put on the refrigerator and no one knew what to do anymore. I guess if you're soooooo entitled about label politics, you know that Major Labels are almost like Loans and artists are obligated to refund every penny invested on the process + have to make sure there's PROFIT. Sky Ferreira wasn't profitable, and then she started to take control and make sure that her music was aligned to her own taste, which meant a left turn over the sound instead of bright-shiny-electropop.
    We heard from the horse's mouth that she had to foot the bill over Night Time My Time, and the lack of investment from Label resulted in no singles being promoted apart from You're Not the One and I Blame Myself (which, shocking, weren't pushed over Radio). The album was released without physical copies ready on the release date, and most of the material was released in batches mostly done over demand (so, yes, you can't buy a "Night Time My Time" Vinyl without giving your mortgage away because they were limited pressing in 2014 and then nothing else). She also said that the album being critically acclaimed and adored wasn't something that impressed them, or made them bown down and say "Ok, you were right", but more likely made them resentful that 21yo. Girl managed to put an album out without their hands. If that's not lowkey personal....
    And of course, as my original post stated, there's no way she is a saint and shouldn't be blamed. Her "endless perfectionism" is still aggravating the process. But after all this time, she's been the one who actually put stuff on her soundcloud and performed unreleased content. She can be the one editing the music video just because they actually said "You know what? We are not paying anyone anymore to edit this just because you don't like it, lol" and that still doesn't mean she'll be able to release it without propper approval. She also said the music video has been done for 3 (over 4 now) months, so maybe you should send Capitol a DM on twitter asking where is it, since you're besties.
    I swear it's fucking psychotic how some of you really want to undermine what it is like to be under a corporation and try to bash artists, mostly women, without giving it a second thought. 

    In other news, Happy Birthday Night Time My Time!! Few artists have such a bulletproof Debut album. Maybe because it was like the third album or so in the making, but you get it.
  11. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Sky Ferreira   
    I love how you were so self-righteous at the Taylor Swift thread, refusing to let criticism slide and yet here you are, shading Sky and assuming she’s a drug addict. Not very consistent of you.
    I also hope to god we are not drug-shaming her. Addiction is a serious issue.
  12. Kristine liked a post in a topic by DownhillLullaby in Sky Ferreira   
    me waiting on Masochism

  13. Kristine liked a post in a topic by stillrun in Sky Ferreira   
    i don’t blame her and it’s her life so she can do what she wants. all i want is for her to own up to her constant lies and be transparent and tell the truth for once in her sad life. stop promising shit when you know damn well ain’t shit coming.
  14. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Inferno Euphoria in Sky Ferreira   
    The way she could easily get some attention and money if she decided to be a grunge-y influencer kinda like Internet Girl and be able to record in her spare time but she's too lazy to do it 
  15. Kristine liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  16. Kristine liked a post in a topic by AOK in Sky Ferreira   
    I wanna be free from the guardian
  17. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Sky Ferreira   
    But it's coming¡
  18. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Sky Ferreira   
    Y'all shouldn't be so negative. Sky said the album is really coming so I think the album is really coming ://
  19. Kristine liked a post in a topic by EmptyPromises in Sky Ferreira   
    Sky dm'ed me and the album really is coming you guys  it sounds so good
  20. Kristine liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Sky Ferreira   
    It’s funny how her singles seem to mirror what’s actually happening with her…
    everything is embarrassing - definitely true an understatement if anything
    Downhill Lullaby - because it’s definitely been all downhill with her for the most part
    Don’t Forget -  because most have actually forgotten about her except for a deluded few
  21. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Sky Ferreira   
    help I'm once again obsessed with don't forget and that song SLAPS
  22. Kristine liked a post in a topic by samsclubPRESENTSavamax in Sky Ferreira   
    I always get the feeling that she had a little fun as a teenager dropping music on Myspace and being behind her own whisper campaign on Livejournal. Then she actually did get famous/signed to a label/expected to rehearse and be on time, deal with psycho fans 👀🙄...It was no longer a fun hobby.
  23. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Sky Ferreira   
    Don't Forget is such a cute summer bop i disagree 
  24. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
    They miss the tortured little girl 
  25. Kristine liked a post in a topic by AOK in Sky Ferreira   
    I've got this ache inside my heart
    I know that it's you
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