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lake placid

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Everything posted by lake placid

  1. this is how the average post from THAT user reads
  2. dk how true this is or if we already knew this but i saw this
  4. the excuse i see a lot for not liking AKA is "lana was unhappy then" which is actually so dumb, i also have seen some people refusing to listen to AKA in general
  5. a fan in this thread is clearly suffering from post lobotomy syndrome
  6. just stop arguing with facts. malibu was never an outtake like pink champagne which was scrapped off uv and released 3 albums later. malibu was a early demo for a song released on the album it was recorded for
  7. also that was ricky. no one rlly likes him and he didn’t try speaking to her. he cornered her and was very invasive. no one here is doing that and these are two very different things
  8. u rlly came to the wrong thread to speak the “don’t listen to leaks there bad 🥺🥺” dialogue. save it for the LDRX pre release 2 weeks before it drops
  9. “dior” ur on lanaboards. everyone here is obsessive and mentally disturbed in some way
  10. thankss do u have an account on tiktok i can @ so i can give u creds for helping when i post the video
  11. anyone got a list of songs considered for BTD and tropico? i feel like ldr wikis lists are to broad lmao
  12. im always asleep when they drop so what time in AEST should i wake up?
  13. thinking the red honeymoon might have been a scam so im getting extra pissed about the UV vinyl..
  14. was pissed about missing this vinyl 3 times so ive just bought a red honeymoon vinyl
  15. i have missed 3 opportunities to get it, if there isnt a restock i will be so mad and buy the original from 2014 just to spite her team. some random seller on discogs deserves my money more then them thanks a lot ben and ed thanks a lot (of coarse this is my fault but im sad today and i just need someone to be angry at)
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