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average BB enjoyer

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About average BB enjoyer

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  • Location
    latakia, syria
  • Interests
    abba, that's it for now (also not supporting genocide)
  • Fan Since
    2018 (rebirth in 2021, death in 2023)

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    hojiteaversion (tell me ur from LB so i can block u)

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  1. no i think it will be along with hits different but the new vault track is what's gonna be physical only
  2. https://songstats.com/artist/1z7lo53g/lana-del-rey?source=spotify this goes back to late 2018 when she had <10mil. her peak was late october 2022 with 47mil
  3. bruv i thought my cousin was clowning me cause he knew this was a sensitive topic for me i wouldn't be as happy as if they sang together. i want "nothing new" not "woman"
  4. *silently liking the others who also found the bts scenes annoying*
  5. going thru satellites and cruising
  6. banned for not playing the game properly
  7. When they said prolific, they weren’t kidding you thought that I was just a calendar kitten vs. californ-i-a, homeland of the gods once i found my way, but now i am lost
  8. 1. blue banisters 2. nfr 3. ocean blvd 4. lust for life 5. ultraviolence 6. honeymoon 7. chemtrails 8. paradise 9. born to die 10. aka this was pretty easy to do
  9. i don't hate this song but it's really gonna need quite a few listens. the intro shouldn't've been as long as it was (shoulda stopped after "one, two, ready"). and generally i don't like album openers and closers being singles. i wanna experience the start of an album when i'll get context after the first song (if you know what i meaned). gonna try to fall in love with it by march 24th :/
  10. can't believe no one's done arabic yet. i can do this either with standard arabic or my own accent (saudi) (imma do the latter). انذار Sirens (Inthar) لانا دل ري او ليزي قرانت Aka (Lana Del Ray uw Lizzy Grant) مولوده عشان اموت Born To DIe (Muwluda Aashan Amut) جنة Paradise (Jannah) عنف قوي Ultraviolence (Aanf Guwy) شهر العسل Honeymoon (Shahar Alaasal) حب الحياة Lust For Life (Hub Alhayat) نورمان كسمه روكويل Norman Fucking Rockwell! (Norman Kusumuh Rockwell, there's no word I can think of for fuck in Arabic so I used the closest thing which means "his mom's pussy") كيمتريل فوق النادي Chemtrails Over The Country Club (Kemtreel Fawg Alnadi) درابزين زرقة Blue Banisters (Darabzeen Zarga) تدري انه فيه نفق تحت جادة المحيط Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Tidri Inu Feih Nafaq Taht Jadat Almuheet)
  11. jack had no role in blue banisters don't taint that masterpiece with applesauce's name >:(
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