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  1. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by The Siren in "Tropico" (Scrapped) Album Recording/Writing Timeline and Creative Process Discussion   
    Madly would probably have been for ultraviolence since you said that it's likely that the Tropico albumwas scrapped July 2013 if madly was recorded later that October
  2. viv liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in "Tropico" (Scrapped) Album Recording/Writing Timeline and Creative Process Discussion   
    Hi! I wanted to make a thread where people could discuss and maybe share info about the Tropico album, because it really interests me and I'm sure some of you feel the same way! 
    What we know:
    - It was recorded during late 2012-2013 but was eventually scrapped and turned into "Ultraviolence".
    - Lana announced that the short film would use three tracks from "Paradise" instead of songs from her then scrapped album in July of 2013.
    - "Elvis", the laptop demo from 2008 was possibly considered for inclusion on the album, but was probably never re-recorded.
    - The concept "Ultraviolence" was born and "Tropico" was scrapped sometime after October 23, 2013, since Pink Champagne is confirmed to be on Tropico's tracklist, and it is the latest known recording date we know of for any of the songs on Tropico.
    "Tropico" track list (that we know of):
    1. Old Money (Drums Demo)
    2. Black Beauty (Demo)
    3. Guns n Roses (Demo)
    4. Lake Placid
    5. Summertime (Janis Joplin cover)
    6. Melancholia ("Ultraviolence" Demo)
    7. Jesus (I Talk To Jesus)
    8. Pink Champagne ("Let Me Love You Like A Woman" Demo)
    9. Elvis
    10. Earthquakes (Final Version)
    11. Illegible
    12. Illegible (Money & Power?, Fake Rolex?, Axl Rose?)
    13. Illegible (Preacher?)
    Picture of Lana's notebook with the alleged track list during January of 2013:
    Other songs (and their recording dates) that were recorded during the Tropico sessions, in other words: songs that were recorded after "Paradise" but before the concept of "Ultraviolence" existed
    (* = unsure)
    - 80s Baby (Nov 15, 2012)
    - Sweetheart (Nov 15, 2012)
    - The Devil (Dec 7, 2012)
    - He Hits Me Because He Loves Me (Dec 7, 2012)
    - Nectar Of The Gods (May 5, 2013)
    - Cherry Blossom (May 5, 2013)
    - Angels Forever, Forever Angels (June, 2013)
    - Unidentified Flying Bill (June, 2013)
    - Madly (Oct 1, 2013)
    - Ave Maria
    - Cult Leader*
    Lmk what I should add!
  3. fathercain liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Ethel Cain   
  4. l4keplacid liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Ethel Cain   
    "pretty boy
    alone in the dark
    i'll always be there
    wherever you are
    i'm not like you are
    but i wish i could be
    you say listen to me
    just be me" 
  5. sheepie liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Ethel Cain   
    "pretty boy
    alone in the dark
    i'll always be there
    wherever you are
    i'm not like you are
    but i wish i could be
    you say listen to me
    just be me" 
  6. l4keplacid liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Ethel Cain   
    Literally could not tell what she was singing during I Keep the Angel 
    Did anyone record dust bowl?? that's the only one i missed and im so bummed
  7. Lanaparadiserey liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Ethel Cain   
    Literally could not tell what she was singing during I Keep the Angel 
    Did anyone record dust bowl?? that's the only one i missed and im so bummed
  8. dotwestcoast liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Ethel Cain   
  9. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by Disx in Ethel Cain   
    hope everyone who sees her at primavera has fun <3 oomfs there just said she played dust bowl final version n told ppl to be quiet cuz she's doing i keep the angel... iconic
  10. Nahime liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    and innocent children (thousands of them) shouldn’t be killed for existing (they’re not homophobic btw) but whats new! 
  11. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by Disney Slut in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To anwser your questions

    1) People are angry at the UN, ICC and NATO, fuck them all, they're all a bunch of spineless puppet figures who only exist to benefit the US and it's allies and if they genuinely were useful this would've been over months ago or maybe even never started in the first place. Idk where anybody said that the NATO or whatever were right or why you assumed that but no, as a matter of fact, if you read more about this you'd learn that people have been calling for the ICC for months to put a stop to this and sanction Israel but basically nothing happened. Not to mention the fact that the US and other NATO countries keep sending billions and billions in arms to Israel to continue its genocide.

    2) anti-zionism =/ anti-semitism, anyone who's calling to gas the jews is part of the problem and should be arrested.
    But it's also important to note that the majority of pro palestinian protests were organized by jewish people (most notably jewish voice for peace) and a ton of jews participated in them and said that they felt perfectly safe. As a matter of fact, i honestly don't understand why you linked the specific article that you did, when that article itself admits and says that there is no evidence that "gas the jews" was said and that it was probably misheard.
    But yeah, from the thousands of protests were there some people who said some anti-semitic things? i mean yes most likely. Does that make it ok or good? Obviously not and they should be prosecuted it for it.
    But do you know who also need to be prosecuted? the zionists who keep crashing Pro Palestine protests and encampments calling for the death and rape of Pro Palestine protestors and beating the shit out of them, the zionists who SHOT palestinian students in the US for wearing a keffiyeh, the zionist who STABBED AND KILLED a 6 year old in chicago
    And I'm not even talking about Israelis, because the shit those people are saying/doing about Palastinians is so disgusting this is nothing compared to it.

    3) I thought we moved on from the pink washing since November but oh well. You should probably read this as it has good information:
    https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/pinkwashing/#:~:text=“Pinkwashing refers to when a,— Decolonizing Palestine%2C Pinkwashing
    But to briefly give my opinion, no matter how awful individuals of a society are to the LGBTQ+ community or any other minority, that doesn't justify commiting a genocide against them, that doesn't justify bombing them and that sure as hell doesn't justify them "finding out" ESPECIALLY when 47% are literal CHILDREN, not to mention:

    A) Commiting a genocide won't suddenly make that society more LGBT friendly lol, quite the opposite actually, because now, as opposed of the lgbt community focusing on making their voices heard, they have to focus on staying alive, after all bombs surely don't descriminate, and as far as i know, they haven't made bombs that specifically kill straight people yet.
    A society can only progress and assure the rights of it's minorites if everybody else has basic rights and aren't fighting for their lives in the first place.

    B) Israel isn't this "safe haven" for queer people in the first place, and especially not palestinian queers. Do you think no gay person was killed in Israel by an israeli for being gay?
    Not to mention threatning palestinian queers if they don't spy for them as well as harassing and brutalising them
    https://www.thenation.com/article/world/gaza-queering-the-map/#:~:text=In fact%2C Israeli security forces,of transphobic and homophobic scapegoating.

    C) Homophobia doesn't just exist in Palestine, what about all the red states in the US? do we bomb those too for passing homophobic legistlations? do those people too deserve death and torture?

    Anyways, I genuinely hope all this comes from pure ignorance, which in that case, please open a book, read a couple articles, watch some documentaries, listen to some palestinians and quit watching and repeating all the propaganda the BBC, CNN, fox news and the biden administration keeps spewing cause you sound pretty dumb.
  12. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    just weighing in on what i've read here so far... of course, 252 should not be kidnapped and taken as hostages, that is awful and terrible, but that does NOT mean that 36,000 people, especially when majority of them are innocent CHILDREN, SHOULD NOT be collateral damage for that, there's no way around that, you can acknowledge that 252 people taken as hostages is bad while also recognizing that killing thousands and thousands of innocent people, burning down their homes and towns, and destroying their land, their neighborhoods, and their livelihoods is also incredibly, indescribably awful and should never, ever happen
  13. Disney Slut liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    and innocent children (thousands of them) shouldn’t be killed for existing (they’re not homophobic btw) but whats new! 
  14. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I wish people realized a ton of the demonstrations and protests are led by Jewish voice for peace. An ANTI-ZIONIST Jewish establishment.
    Half a year later and some of us still can’t understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
  15. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  16. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Idk if you're genuinely evil or just very fucking dumb but some of you really need to learn to shut up
  17. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by audreysdance in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I do agree with the fact that it's kind of fair to be disappointed by lana's behaviour since she already got involved with the letter and in the past she took political positions multiple times - and i agree that we shouldn't expect from EVERY celebrity to talk about this, everyone do what they want - but it just feels weird in my opinion that Lana doesn't say anything, not even a word for all the people that are dying, when literally everyone is talking about this war. 
    Also I think it's pretty likely that she might have been warned not to take positions since a lot of people in the industry are Jewish - BUT so many celebrities spoke up so idk, we never know what relationship between these people really are 
  18. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by LifeOnMars in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I don’t think this argument works for Lana since she already decided to get involved by signing political letters. It’s fair for fans to be disappointed in her behavior. 
    Back on topic. I hope there is a clear confirmation about whether Tough is a Lana or Quavo song once it is released. 
  19. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Charli XCX   
    everyone pretend like you dont care about the remix album so that it actually becomes existent and comes quick 
  20. rollwithme liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Charli XCX   
    well actually i’d prefer both 
  21. Cherry Blossom liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Charli XCX   
    everyone pretend like you dont care about the remix album so that it actually becomes existent and comes quick 
  22. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Charli XCX   
    everyone pretend like you dont care about the remix album so that it actually becomes existent and comes quick 
  23. TrashMagiq liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Vyva Melinkolya   
    Vyva Melinkolya is a solo music project by Angel Diaz, a transgender artist, musician, and photographer living out of Pittsburgh, PA. She is originally from Louisville, KY.
    In 2023, she released the record Orbweaving, made in collaboration with Ambient / Slowcore artist Midwife, out of indie label The Flenser, showcasing her influence and personal, almost 'blurry' melancholy. 
    Later that year, Diaz released a second album, Unbecoming, a darker, more personal project dedicated to victims of intimate partner violence.
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