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About angelphoenix

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    daddy's home

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    rosemead exclusive honey, over and over honey
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  1. grandfather: [link removed] fingertips: [link removed] taco truck:[link removed] the grants: [link removed] sweet: [link removed] mod note: user has been banned for this post
  2. grandfather: [link removed] fingertips: [link removed] taco truck:[link removed] the grants: [link removed] sweet: [link removed] mod note: user has been banned for this post
  3. grandfather: [link removed] fingertips: [link removed] taco truck:[link removed] the grants: [link removed] sweet: [link removed] mod note: user has been banned for this post
  4. grandfather: [link removed] fingertips: [link removed] taco truck:[link removed] the grants: [link removed] sweet: [link removed] mod note: user has been banned for this post
  5. LOL maybe not daily but they do love talking about lb its just catty shit tbh nothing to take to heart especially from That site
  6. not trying to like attack any of you but we’re allowed to criticize her lol. its a picture SHE posted of her own accord while knowing what the computer background was AND knowing all the flack she’s gotten for this in the past… regardless of it’s hers or chucks, obviously there’s nothing she can do if it’s not hers but come on lol. things are allowed to be pointed out and i say this as an Indigenous person (canadian, but nonetheless) edit to add more: its not like anyone posting it on here “wants her to be cancelled” i feel like we all know by now that she is capable of making mistakes like these and i think ignoring them is far far worse than pointing them out
  7. it’s probably chucks but if it WAS lana’s there would honestly be absolutely no excusing it atp lol
  8. a white cowboy with a lasso tied around a native american woman….
  9. oh god no not at all LMAO it’s definitely a good thing for them and i’d rather see this thread go up in flames a million times than to see the genuinely good members on here suffer bc of this shit
  10. im not trying to call you out lmao but how on earth have you made almost 300 posts since march 3rd
  11. its been like 10 days i would honestly consider that almost two weeks as well so dw that’s valid LOL
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