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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. no but who is actually listening to DCMA didn't everyone agree that the movie lowkey sucked or was that just the never-let-it-go gamergate ppl
  2. "Come When You Call Me A.M.E.R.I.C.A." i also think Axl Rose Husband is extremely iconic
  3. yesssssss these pre-fame leaks are EVERYTHING oh my god TYP is the slutty bop i KNEW it was going to be
  4. oh my god same this is the exact type of obvious wordplay that's going to just soar over all the locals' heads tho lmao
  5. bruh the TITTIES on MY computer screen? thank you!!!!!
  6. the october 14, 2012 leaks were the first ones i listened to where i guess i became aware that most of lana's music was unreleased (at the time/still is lol), but back whenever i heard video games for the first time, i do remember youtube recommending me tracks off AKA and No Kung Fu i didn't really differentiate between released and unreleased songs until then, anyway prior to becoming a lifetime reycist i was a full-time gaga stan though, so the idea that an artist could have unreleased material that would leak, wasn't new to me - but the sheer magnitude of songs we've gotten over the years will never not shock me lmao
  7. i think we've collectively given up on HSB because we've literally got everything else that's been thirsted over for as long as that track (e.g. roses, because of you, resistance)
  8. songs that i wish were produced differently? there's a few lmao 1. lucky ones - the final version makes NO sense with the rest of btd's soundscape, i GREATLY prefer the demo 2. the other woman - i honestly don't like lana's delivery here, and it clashes with the instrumental for me 3. coachella - same thing here, her delivery is all kinds of strange and the instrumental overpowers it 4. how to disappear - i get what they tried to do with the bells but they're SO distracting lmao 5. tulsa jesus freak - i feel like her vocals are overfiltered and the instrumental underproduced, idk 6. cherry blossom - underproduced, i wish there was something besides piano going on for the atmosphere
  9. you'd think the resident betty boop boop stan would, but alas it's just never clicked for me, idk what it is, because believe me i have tried
  10. oh god okay this is the EP of my nightmares alright 1. dreamgirl 2. hangin' around 3. the other woman 4. coachella - woodstock in my mind 5. for free 6. cherry blossom I'M REALLY ASHAMED OF THE FACT I DON'T ENJOY CHERRY BLOSSOM UGHHHHHHH LMAO lowkey dlmbm could be a bonus track as well but it's the least of these evils
  11. wayamaya leaking on my 20th birthday is a personal favorite ngl
  12. s a m e i was deadass walking around at work today just whispering this to myself under my breath
  13. i'm getting paid on monday and buying the FUCK out of this masterpiece
  14. someone got paid to write this let's all sit with that for a while
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