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Everything posted by jimmyjimmycocoapuff

  1. I wish more was happening in Taylor World She has to stop paying these eras dust, like what did we get, a music video and a few clips of her with a typewriter? She needs to have a flop era- at least the music is good enough to make up for it
  2. ICFH sounds nothing like rep- although I wouldn’t be mad getting more songs in that vain, the western vibe kinda suits her. Pretending I did not hear the HDIE slander, I do not need that negative energy in my life
  3. NYT flopping once again... how did that critic put evermore in their "ranking" for those interested:
  4. Image is so fkn hot- song of the summer
  5. kinda hate the new ttpd dress- the one with the Who's Afraid lyrics... fingers crossed behind my back I hope she doesn't wear it at my November show
  6. jimmyjimmycocoapuff


    this album is definitely a grower. i liked it on first listen, but as i re-listen a lot of tracks are standing out to me. I really like Second Nature, Slow Dance, Thank You, Echo and Pier 4, as well as the singles. The productional elements really make the album, it's definitely the best produced album to come out this year imo.
  7. it should've replaced the manuscript- i feel like it matches the cover more and honestly the manuscript is a snooze and a skip.
  8. omg this thread is back? i'm so late lmao. after taking a lil break from ttpd to focus on other releases (mainly Brat), i've rediscovered it and it's just so good Guilty As Sin hasn't aged one day since I heard it- it's just so fresh
  9. jimmyjimmycocoapuff


    "Charm" is out Friday local time!!!! I'm so excited, been loving both singles, this album might heal me Critics are receiving it well, P4K gave it 7.5, Paste 81
  10. Mulder x Scully (X-Files) Cooper x Sheriff Truman (Twin Peaks)
  11. in 40 weeks, on an insta story w a picture of her grandmother or smth
  12. Move over, espresso, the REAL song of the summer has arrived (jk، no need to compare 2 great songs)
  13. not that bald bitch giving a 10? suddenly my respect for him has returned
  14. i think he forgot to mention that she's beautiful?
  15. If you want Lana to have a structured album cycle and official singles with dates… tough!
  16. just as I was abt to go on my desktop to download the spring breakers mp3 and put it on my Google drive- thank you for saving me 5 minutes Charli
  17. someone asked me who i was yesterday and it took EVERYTHING in me not to say "i'm a brat when i'm bumpin that"
  18. this album is so cunty i can't stop thinking abt it
  19. This thread is pretty tame compared to the reactions I’ve seen on Reddit and a certain four letter pop music forum
  20. this album is really special to me. i can't stop listening to i might say something stupid- the introverted gay in me is healed i'll post a review and track ranking later xx
  21. ohhhh i just listened- why doesn't she make more songs like THIS i get bored of the ballad-y whisper singing but this is anthemic, youthful and fun! i will be spinning this
  22. the new song is produced by Jack? And it's not that bad- very laid back, summery production. On second listen, it's alr growing on me
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