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About ifalltopieces

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  1. UGHH tulsa is really a must Sweet really would be amazing <3 its one of my faves from oceal blvd
  2. I think 25-30 songs its ideal to her! Her concert is not a big performance - if you compare with artists like Beyonce - , its more about her being delicate and comfortable and honest Id rather have her just singing with beautiful visuals on tje backscreen, lots of light effects for the drama aspect but im ok with her, the band and only two dancer and no outfit changes lol
  3. I would gladly listen to a 8 hour show where she sings everything LOL COLA AS AN OPENER IS SUCH A BANGER YOU ARE RIGHT!! glastonbury 2014 is one of her best concerts forreaaaaaaaaaal
  4. Cruel World and Noman Fucking Rockell
  5. This is my dream setlist <3 25 songs, in no particular order, that if i only could, i would pick for her to sing at her concert. I would just die to see her pick up the guitar and sing Yayo like she used to very Lizzy Grantesque. I'm luck i got to see her perform some of these in Rio earlier this year. Id love to see her do a less BTD focused concert in the future and give more space to her other albums. 1. Blue jeans 2. Million dollar man - screaming her lungs out kinda way 3. Video games - i love the song i love the swing its iconic i hope she peforms it forever and ever 4. Young and Beautiful 5. Yayo 6. Cruel world 7. West coast 8. Pretty when you cry 9. Shades of cool 10. Honeymoon 11. High by the beach 12. Freak - we would be thrown into a new dimension and never comeback 13. Cherry - i love how she loves to perform cherry and its honestly sucha banger i never get tired of it 14. Mariners apartment complex 15. Venice bitch - NFR 16. Happiness is a butterfly 17. The greatest 18. Wild at heart 19. Dark but just a game 20. Arcadia 21. Wildflower wildfire 22. Living legend - just imagine she goes WHYWHWYWHYWHWYWHY 23. A&W 24. Candy necklaces 25. Paris, Texas BONUS: Flipside - she has been perfoming Flipside in this tour and its so beautiful, the guitars give us chills Dragonslayer - if i could pick ANY unrealeased to see live it would be this AGAIN its a DREAM SETLIST. Just for fun. What would yours be???
  6. The first time I heard Ocean Blvd in order I was a bit underwhelmed. I liked the songs separatedly but didnt quite get why something was off, until a fellow friend on a facebook group (i dont remember his name ) suggested the following order and IT BLEW MY MIND to listen to the album like that. Also made me think what was Lanas process in chosing the order of the songs. I have since made my own alterations but still thats basically it: 1. Grandfather 2. Did you know... 3. Sweet 4. Fishtail 5. A&W 6. Peppers 7. John Baptiste Interlude 8. Candy Necklace 9. Paris, Texas 10. Fingertips 11. Kintsugi 12. Taco Truck 13. Let the light in 14. The Grants (i know i left Margaret and Juda Smith interlude out, i just always skip them anyway so thats it) GIVE IT A TRY and if you have any suggestions yaaaaah drop it!!
  7. The Grants - 11 Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - 14 Sweet - 11 (+1) A&W - 14 Candy Necklace - 11 Kintsugi - 9 Fingertips - 11 Paris, Texas - 10 Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing - 13 Let The Light In - 18 (-1) Margaret - 3 Fishtail - 11 Peppers - 11 Taco Truck x VB - 13
  8. been thinking A LOT about this forthcoming poetry book i hope some day we get it
  9. LOL i like the music but i tot agree with you on the cover gooooooooood
  10. i never liked "lolita" and more recently i just cant with "breaking uo slowly" lol sorry
  11. I did get carried away! If she played a 8 hour concert I would eat ir up
  12. Made a playlist of what I think Lana will be playing in her upcoming tour! As of now, the first show will be Rio de Janeiro and yas I’m going <3 first time seeing her live I couldn’t be happier! What do you think of the set list I created? I’d love to hear your thoughts!! 1. Sweet 2. A&W 3.Candy necklace 4. Let the light in 5. Peppers 6.Taco truck 7. NFR 8.Venice bitch 9.fuck it I love you 10.the greatest 11.happiness is a butterfly 12.Brooklyn baby 13.west coast 14.pretty when you cry 15. Blue jeans 16.video games 17.high by the beach 18.cherry 19. chemtrails over the country club 20.Tulsa Jesus freak 21.wild at heart 22. Arcadia 23.wildflower wildfire 23. Living legend bonus: I think she will bless us singing an unreleased and I think it will be yes to heaven this sums up to approximately 2 hours. I can only hope we get 120 minutes of pure heaven <3 lots of love
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